A Sharper Focus

It's Coming - Signs of the Christ Soon Return Pt 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: ASHF

Program Code: ASHF000192A

00:20 Hello, friends, welcome to our 3ABN Worship Center.
00:23 Welcome to A Sharper Focus.
00:26 It's time to get in your Bibles
00:27 and we're gonna thank you for tuning in
00:30 and taking the time to spend with us
00:33 on a very important topic,
00:36 it is entitled "It's Coming."
00:37 We're talking about the forecast
00:39 of the end of the world, a Second Coming of Jesus.
00:42 And in just a moment I'll tell you
00:44 where to get a copy of the lesson,
00:45 but all you need really is your Bible,
00:47 some time to sit down, and just ask for the Lord
00:49 to guide and speak to your heart
00:51 and so take the time and join us.
00:54 It's gonna be a very informative
00:56 but I also pray, transformative Bible study.
01:00 We'd like to welcome you with a hearty amen.
01:01 Can we all say amen? Amen.
01:03 And we have joined you,
01:05 where ever you're joining us from,
01:07 in just a moment we'll ask you and let you know
01:09 where you can find a copy of the lesson
01:11 but right now,
01:13 I'd like you to bow your heads with me
01:14 before we give you any more information.
01:17 Loving Father, thank You so much
01:20 for this opportunity to open Your Word
01:22 and find in Your Word,
01:24 not only instruction, but power.
01:28 We pray that You will speak to our hearts
01:30 and we pray that Your Holy Spirit
01:32 will be our teacher this evening.
01:34 In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
01:37 Now, if you'd like to get a copy of our lesson,
01:40 go to the following website asf.3abn.org
01:46 and download lesson number 44.
01:48 What number did I say?
01:49 Number 44.
01:51 Download that lesson and you can follow along.
01:54 And just starting on the next study,
01:57 for those of you who have joined us
01:59 in our series that we did here locally,
02:04 what we're gonna do is upload to the website,
02:06 a special lesson that goes along with this.
02:09 And that lesson is entitled "It's Coming."
02:12 And it is a fold out style, color,
02:16 and it has some wonderful information
02:19 that I think you'll be blessed by,
02:20 so don't look for it right now,
02:23 but we'll let you know that after this broadcast,
02:26 we will upload that lesson and you will have access to it.
02:30 But before we go any further, we're gonna sing our theme song
02:32 and our theme song is, "Victory in Jesus."
02:35 Let's sing that song together.
02:45 I heard an old, old story
02:48 How the Savior came from glory
02:52 How He gave His life on Calvary
02:56 To save a wretch like me
03:00 I heard about His groaning
03:04 Of His precious blood's atoning
03:07 Then I repented of my sin
03:11 And won the victory
03:15 O victory in Jesus
03:19 My Savior forever
03:22 He sought me and bought me
03:26 With His redeeming blood
03:30 He loved me ere I knew Him
03:34 And all my love is due Him
03:38 He plunged me to victory
03:41 Beneath the cleansing flood
03:45 I heard about a mansion
03:49 He has built for me in glory
03:53 And I heard about the streets of gold
03:56 Beyond the crystal sea
04:00 About the angels singing
04:04 And the old redemption story
04:08 And some sweet day I'll sing up there
04:12 The song of victory
04:14 Key change.
04:15 O victory in Jesus
04:19 My Savior forever
04:23 He sought me and bought me
04:27 With His redeeming blood
04:31 He loved me ere I knew Him
04:34 And all my love is due Him
04:38 He plunged me to victory
04:42 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:46 He plunged me to victory
04:49 Beneath the cleansing flood
04:56 Amen?
04:57 Amen.
04:58 Now just for the benefit of those that are tuning in
05:01 and we're starting this new lesson
05:02 for our audience that's viewing.
05:04 And if you're listening then you also knew,
05:07 but we have not,
05:08 for many years covered the topic
05:10 on the Second Coming of Jesus.
05:12 So bear with me as I tell a story to those
05:15 who are watching the program.
05:17 This is a story about a man named Hesitant Harry,
05:20 remember him?
05:21 And his name was Harry Truman, not our 33rd president.
05:25 But a man that lived in the shadow of Spirit Lake
05:29 in the shadow of Mount St. Helen
05:31 there in Spirit Lake in Washington State.
05:34 Well, Hesitant Harry,
05:36 reason why they call him hesitant
05:37 is because he had received a number of warnings
05:39 from the US Geological Survey,
05:42 that there was an earthquake possible
05:44 and a volcanic eruption.
05:46 But Harry loved Spirit Lake so much he said,
05:48 "I'm one with Spirit Lake.
05:50 Spirit Lake is one with me.
05:52 This is my home. I'm not going anywhere.
05:54 I've survived all of the warnings in the past,
05:57 and this is not gonna be any different."
05:58 Well, when 1980 came
06:03 and the eruption of Mount St. Helen
06:04 caught the attention of the world,
06:06 Hesitant Harry was one of the first victims
06:08 of that tragic day.
06:11 And what was the incident?
06:12 The incident was the eruption of Mount St. Helens.
06:16 But the tragedy could have been averted
06:18 if he had simply paid attention to the signs.
06:22 The signs were there.
06:23 If he had only paid attention to the signs,
06:26 Hesitant Harry may have been still alive today,
06:30 even though he was up there in years.
06:33 Well, tonight, friends,
06:34 you don't have to have the same ending to your story.
06:36 Tonight, we're gonna walk through a topic entitled,
06:40 The Truth About It's Coming and it's on what topic?
06:43 Jesus' return, the return of Jesus.
06:47 Doesn't really make sense
06:50 to miss out on the most glorious event
06:52 of all of human history.
06:54 And so tonight we're gonna walk through
06:55 some wonderful questions.
06:57 And for those of you that downloaded the lesson,
07:00 you have the benefit of just responding,
07:02 putting the answers in the way
07:03 that you see them,
07:04 but if any of you have your lesson
07:07 from when we did it live,
07:10 then you'll be able to fill in the missing words.
07:13 But still, we're gonna be looking
07:14 at the very same scriptures
07:15 so that everybody will be on the same page.
07:17 So tonight, let's dive into the very first question.
07:20 And the very first question is,
07:22 what promise did Jesus make concerning His return?
07:26 Let's turn to John Chapter 14
07:28 and let us look at that together.
07:31 John 14:1-3.
07:37 Let's look at that together.
07:39 John 14:1-3.
07:43 And for the benefit of those of you here it is,
07:45 let's read this first one together,
07:47 it's on the screen, together,
07:48 "Let not your heart be troubled,
07:51 you believe in God, believe also," where?
07:54 "In Me.
07:55 In my Father's house are many mansions,
07:58 if it were not so, I would have told you,
08:01 I go to prepare a place for you.
08:05 And if I go and prepare a place for you,
08:08 I will," what?
08:09 "Come again and receive you to Myself
08:11 that where I am, there you may be also."
08:16 So what is the promise that Jesus made?
08:19 Summarize it, say it again.
08:21 I will come again.
08:24 And when He makes a promise, one thing about God's word is,
08:27 let me ask you,
08:28 can we rely on the promises of God?
08:31 Of course, we can.
08:32 When He makes a promise, He will fulfill that promise.
08:35 And so when He says, I will come again,
08:38 one of the things that we have to also pay attention to,
08:41 is He's not coming to be where we are,
08:43 He's coming back
08:44 so that we could be where He is.
08:47 He went to do what?
08:49 Prepare a place.
08:51 And somebody once asked me,
08:53 they said, Oh, well, what's gonna be there?
08:55 You know what?
08:57 You know what's gonna be there?
08:58 I'm gonna be there.
09:01 If there's, if it's a beautiful field
09:03 of just green trees and flowers
09:07 and no sin, I'll be happy.
09:09 What about you?
09:10 So don't worry about what's going to be there,
09:12 the beautiful thing about salvation is,
09:16 it's not just where the Lord is,
09:18 but what is going to actually happen.
09:20 And in order for us to be able to benefit from that,
09:23 there are some promises the Lord makes.
09:25 Go with me to Hebrews Chapter 10.
09:28 A lot of people sometimes think,
09:30 well, seems like for centuries,
09:34 people have been saying that Jesus is coming again,
09:38 but, I'm not sure.
09:44 And we've had some great famous evangelist pastors
09:46 of varying walks of life.
09:50 Hebrews Chapter 10,
09:52 and let us look at verse 37.
09:57 All right, Hebrews 10:37.
10:02 Okay, the Bible says, I'm gonna read,
10:08 actually verse 30, yeah, verse 37.
10:11 Very short, it says, "For yet a," what?
10:15 "Little while, and He who is coming,"
10:19 what's the next two words?
10:20 "Will come and will not tarry."
10:24 What's another word for the word tarry?
10:25 Somebody tell me.
10:27 Delay.
10:28 So what we think is a delay is really not a delay
10:31 because one of the statements that Jesus made,
10:33 He said, when people asked, well, when are You gonna come?
10:38 He said to those in His day,
10:39 "No man knows the day nor the hour."
10:43 No one knows.
10:44 But we can know like in every other case,
10:47 we can know when it is near.
10:49 But is He delaying, yes or no?
10:51 There's not a delay.
10:53 It appears to be a delay,
10:54 because we are not the ones in charge of the timetable.
10:57 But the timetable is clear.
10:59 And if you look at the Bible in a beautiful light,
11:00 the Bible has a number of examples.
11:03 For example, you have a...
11:05 You have a period, that if you look
11:07 at the broad picture of the Bible,
11:09 there seems to be a tapestry
11:10 of a period of thousand year increments.
11:14 And then how long, how long?
11:17 This is a rhetorical question.
11:18 How long is the millennium?
11:22 Say it again.
11:23 Okay, millennium, thousand years.
11:26 So you had these increments in the Bible
11:29 where there are pictures being drawn continuously.
11:33 And if you follow the cadence of Scripture,
11:35 you'll begin to see that those things
11:38 that may be hidden are really gems
11:41 that need to be searched for, they're really not hidden.
11:43 But the thing that we can rely on
11:45 is the promise He made is,
11:47 I will, say it together, I will come again.
11:52 Go to question number two, I will come again.
11:58 Let's see question number two.
12:02 And by the way, go to Matthew Chapter 24
12:03 if you have your Bibles on, go to Matthew.
12:05 How can we know
12:06 that the return of Jesus is near?
12:10 How can we know that the return of Jesus is near?
12:14 Number of examples when my wife and I
12:16 were driving to California years ago,
12:18 before GPS, anybody remember that?
12:22 Before the GPS, before the cell phone,
12:25 we had to actually look for a phone booth.
12:30 Hannah doesn't even know what that means.
12:33 She was born in the digital age.
12:35 I forgot who it was, one day was saying,
12:36 we were watching a news broadcast
12:38 or show on television.
12:39 They said, "This generation was born with,
12:44 when they look at television,
12:45 three or four things are happening
12:47 at the same time.
12:48 You're watching the program.
12:50 They're advertising the upcoming program,
12:51 there's a ticker tape telling you about the,
12:52 you know, the incidents that happened.
12:54 When you watch the news, you have to have
12:55 like four different sets of eyes,
12:57 the ticker tape going across, the upcoming news,
13:00 the news that they are telling you,
13:01 it's just, we're living in that kind of generation.
13:04 And some young people don't know
13:06 what it's like to be in a non digital generation.
13:10 If you know what it's like, say amen.
13:12 Amen.
13:13 Yeah, digital, you guys are blessed.
13:15 But there's an upside and a downside to that.
13:19 That's right.
13:20 Some kids, I took a picture of a phone booth one day
13:22 and put it on Facebook
13:23 and I titled it, I found a dinosaur.
13:27 Kids say, what is that?
13:29 It has holes in a round circle.
13:32 What do you do with that?
13:33 You dial it.
13:35 But the Lord is not delaying.
13:38 Let me show you why.
13:40 Let's go to Daniel.
13:41 I like to add other components.
13:45 Yeah when we were gonna California,
13:46 you turn to Daniel 12 by the way.
13:48 When we were going to California
13:50 and we have that before GPS...
13:58 before the GPS existed.
14:02 We had a Rand McNally map and we photocopied 13 pages.
14:06 So when we left Orlando
14:09 and got through Southern Georgia,
14:11 we threw that page in the backseat,
14:13 got through Southern Georgia and Alabama,
14:16 threw that page in the backseat.
14:17 We had 11 pages left.
14:19 We had two pages for Texas
14:20 'cause we didn't know how big it was.
14:22 When we got through that we had,
14:25 you following me?
14:26 Nine pages left, 10 pages left.
14:29 And every page that we completed
14:32 in our journey,
14:33 we had that many more pages left.
14:35 When you use that same example and you talk about the Bible
14:38 and Bible prophecy, we're on the last page.
14:43 Did you hear what I said?
14:44 We're on the last page.
14:47 There are four nations we talked about.
14:49 We're gonna do this on one of our upcoming lessons.
14:50 There are four great nations the Bible talks about.
14:53 We're living under the fourth great empire,
14:55 the Bible talks about,
14:56 the last great empire before Jesus comes.
14:59 There are seven churches talked about
15:00 in the Book of Revelation, seven of them.
15:03 We're living under the seventh one.
15:05 And the signs that were talked about in Scripture
15:07 are all being fulfilled around us.
15:09 So we're living down there.
15:10 If you could use Daniel 2 as an example,
15:12 we're living down in the toes of the image,
15:16 and we know that the coming of the Lord is near.
15:19 So let's look at Daniel Chapter.
15:21 Did I say Daniel Chapter 12?
15:23 Yes.
15:24 Okay, Daniel Chapter 12.
15:27 And let's see which one.
15:35 I'll just go and look at verse 13,
15:41 yeah verse 13.
15:43 Here's the first I want to bring out,
15:46 "But you go your way, till the," what?
15:51 "End, for you shall rest and will arise
15:55 to your inheritance at the end of the days."
15:59 What the Lord was saying to Daniel,
16:01 He was saying that the vision I've given to you,
16:04 it's gonna happen and when that does happen,
16:06 you will arise to see it.
16:08 But look at verse 4.
16:10 Look at verse 4,
16:14 "But you Daniel, shut up the," what?
16:17 "The words and sealed the book until the time of the end.
16:23 Many shall run to and fro," and what's gonna happen?
16:27 "Knowledge is going to increase."
16:29 Has knowledge increased?
16:31 Yeah, my wife just got the brand new iPhone,
16:34 and I have an android.
16:36 And for the first time I felt threatened.
16:40 Okay, you don't know about phones,
16:41 you don't understand what that means.
16:43 Honey, you know what I'm talking about?
16:44 Yeah, she has an iPhone, and for the first time,
16:46 my android felt kind of little shy.
16:49 What I'm saying is,
16:50 if you have anything that's electronic
16:52 in about a year and a half or less than that, it's out.
16:55 Right?
16:57 Knowledge is increasing rapidly.
16:58 Things are being made,
17:00 so you wait for vehicle
17:01 and then it finally comes out and you say,
17:03 "Well, does it have that feature?
17:04 Does it have that feature?"
17:05 And it doesn't.
17:07 And then you say,
17:08 "What's coming out of the next one?"
17:10 In 11 more months,
17:11 that next one is out what doesn't have that?
17:13 It's coming out of the next one.
17:15 Knowledge is increasing at such a rapid pace.
17:17 But it's not just technological knowledge.
17:21 But the knowledge that we need
17:24 pertaining to the coming of the Lord
17:26 is best understood and revealed,
17:29 the closer we get to the end.
17:32 So what we didn't understand
17:35 what was not understood 100 years ago,
17:36 or 300 years ago,
17:38 is understood today,
17:39 because in the end, what will increase?
17:42 Knowledge will increase.
17:45 But what else do you need if you have knowledge?
17:47 What else do you need?
17:48 Say it again, Pastor. Wisdom.
17:50 You need wisdom to know what to do with the knowledge,
17:53 because many people have the knowledge,
17:56 but they're not wise enough to know what to do with it.
17:59 As a matter of fact,
18:02 in the Book of Daniel,
18:07 let's look at a...
18:10 There's a passage here
18:12 that he talks about in Daniel...
18:15 Daniel...
18:18 12:9?
18:19 No, not Daniel 12:9.
18:23 It comes to me at the appointed time.
18:27 Let's look at Daniel Chapter 11.
18:41 Okay, and this is why it's important to have wisdom.
18:46 And it says, "And those of the people,"
18:48 Daniel 11:33,
18:50 "And those of the people who," do what?
18:54 "Who understand," shall do what?
18:57 "Instruct many."
18:58 So when you understand what's the responsibility?
19:02 To instruct.
19:03 When God gives you knowledge, and you understand it,
19:07 it's your responsibility now to do what?
19:09 Instruct, tell somebody about it.
19:12 And we find clearly
19:14 that everything that the Lord points out
19:17 is for a particular time.
19:18 At that time, it's gonna speak, it will not lie.
19:21 Let's go to question number three.
19:24 Question number three.
19:27 Did we answer number two? No.
19:29 Okay, let's read it. Here it is.
19:31 Matthew 24:32-33, here it is,
19:36 "Now learn the parable from the," what kind of tree?
19:39 "Fig tree: When its branch has already become tender
19:45 and put forth leaves, you know that," what is near?
19:49 "Summer is near.
19:50 So you also,
19:52 when you see all these things, know that," it is what?
19:56 "Near at the doors."
20:01 The seasons change, seasons are loud.
20:07 When autumn comes,
20:09 how do we know that autumn comes?
20:15 All kinds of signs, leaves change,
20:18 what else happens?
20:20 It gets cooler.
20:22 What else happens?
20:23 Gets darker earlier.
20:25 All these signs if somebody visited from Australia
20:29 like our pastors here,
20:30 and it's becoming summer in Australia
20:34 right about now, right?
20:35 We're looking forward to that.
20:37 Yeah, it's like,
20:38 it's becoming summer in Australia.
20:39 It's like in the 80s and 90s already in Australia.
20:42 That's where Hannah wants to go.
20:44 I can see it on her face.
20:45 But in America, we live there
20:48 on the other side of the planet.
20:51 So when it's getting cool here, it's getting warm there.
20:52 When it's getting warm here, it's getting cool there.
20:56 For him to come to America
20:58 and see the leaves falling he'll say,
20:59 this is the definitely not summer.
21:01 And how does he know it?
21:03 By the signs, by all the signs.
21:08 So Lord says, "Pay attention to the signs."
21:11 That's really what these two verses are,
21:12 pay attention to the signs,
21:14 and you'll know when it is near.
21:17 All right. Let's look at this one.
21:20 Question number three. Question number three.
21:22 What was the first sign connected to Jesus' return?
21:27 We're gonna spend a lot of time in Matthew Chapter 24.
21:30 We're actually in the Book of Matthew.
21:34 Matthew gets preference,
21:36 Mark and Luke says some of the similar things,
21:39 but Matthew gets a lot of preference,
21:41 because it's the first of the gospels.
21:44 Okay.
21:47 The question is,
21:48 what was the first sign connected to Jesus' return?
21:52 And we're gonna go to Matthew Chapter 24,
21:55 and we are going to look at verse 4 and 5 together.
21:59 Matthew 24:4-5,
22:01 I'm gonna lead into it by reading verse 3
22:02 and then we'll bring up verse 4 and 5 on the screen.
22:06 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives,
22:09 that is, as Jesus did, the disciples came to him how?
22:13 Privately.
22:15 Now I want to get, I want to make a point here.
22:17 Did he tell the crowd the specific signs
22:22 or did he just tell them to the disciples?
22:25 He just told the disciples.
22:27 They came to him how?
22:29 Privately.
22:31 He was talking about the coming,
22:33 the end of the world, but He,
22:34 but He didn't tell everybody else the signs,
22:36 He told it to the disciples.
22:38 Now there's a reason I asked that question
22:40 because we read in Daniel 11:33,
22:42 that those who understand, what should they do?
22:47 They should instruct others.
22:48 So He was equipping His disciples
22:50 with the information that they needed
22:52 to let the rest of the world know.
22:53 He was about to send them out,
22:55 commission them to go to the world
22:56 and teach what they learned to the rest of the world.
22:59 He told them privately.
23:01 And look at what happened when they came to Him saying,
23:05 "Tell us, when will these things be?
23:09 And what will be the sign of Your coming
23:13 and of the end of the age."
23:15 So now let's look at the screen.
23:17 Matthew 24:4-5, "And Jesus answered and said to them,"
23:22 what's the two words?
23:23 "Take heed," that means beware, watch out.
23:27 "Take heed that no one deceive you.
23:30 For many will come in My name, saying I am," what?
23:35 "The Christ and will deceive many."
23:38 It's sad but today,
23:39 we're living in that generation.
23:41 We're not just living in the generation
23:43 where many people have come in the name of the Lord.
23:46 I was listening to a statistic just yesterday.
23:50 They said in the world,
23:52 a new cult is born every day.
23:57 Isn't that's sick?
23:59 In the world, a new cult...
24:00 Somebody comes up with some new idea every day
24:05 and starts a new movement.
24:09 So will deception be rampant?
24:12 It'll be rampant for a number of reasons.
24:14 Go with me to the Book of Thessalonians.
24:17 Actually, actually, yeah, 2 Thessalonians.
24:22 So you want to put that down?
24:23 What was one of the first signs connected to Jesus' return?
24:28 Don't let anyone deceive you. Don't let anyone deceive you.
24:31 Let's go now to 2 Thessalonians.
24:36 Okay.
24:40 Okay.
24:42 And...
24:47 Oh, I'm in 1 Thessalonians.
24:48 No wonder I didn't see what I was looking for.
24:51 Okay.
24:52 Let's go to 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2,
24:56 and then we're gonna look at verse 3.
24:57 Now I want to...
24:59 There's a reason I'm bringing this out
25:00 is because did Jesus tell the multitude
25:03 about the signs, who did He tell?
25:07 He told the disciples,
25:09 and what were they supposed to do?
25:12 Tell everybody else.
25:14 So as the disciples now commissioned
25:17 to become apostles,
25:19 they carry the epistles,
25:21 they're telling the gospel, they're sharing it everywhere.
25:24 Now, Jesus said, one of the very first signs is,
25:25 don't let anyone deceive you.
25:27 Now we're gonna go to the Book of 2 Thessalonians,
25:30 and we're gonna read similar language
25:34 by the Apostle Paul after his conversion.
25:37 Look at what he says in verse 3.
25:40 Well, actually, let me start with verse 1.
25:42 "Now, brethren, concerning the," what?
25:46 "Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
25:49 and our gathering together to him,
25:51 we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind,
25:57 or troubled either by spirit or by word, or by letter,
26:02 as if from us as though the day of Christ had come."
26:05 And the reason why he's saying that
26:06 is because those are the methods
26:07 that were being used to lead people astray.
26:10 He said, "Be careful,
26:11 if any one approaches you in these manners.
26:14 It didn't come from us."
26:15 And the very next thing he says
26:17 fits into what Christ said earlier.
26:20 Look at verse 3.
26:24 "Let no one deceive you by any means.
26:27 For that day will not come unless,"
26:29 what happens?
26:31 "The falling away comes first."
26:33 So I'm gonna ask you to chime in on this.
26:36 "And the man of sin is revealed,
26:38 the son of perdition."
26:40 We'll go down in a few moments here,
26:42 but what are some of the ways
26:44 you see the falling away happening?
26:46 Let's pull the world. Let's pull the world.
26:48 Let's zoom out on the world in a collective sense.
26:51 What are some of the ways you see the world,
26:53 the falling away coming?
26:55 What some of the ways.
26:58 Okay, people spending more time on their devices,
27:00 on their phones, okay.
27:04 Rampant immorality, okay.
27:07 Okay, fixation with video games,
27:10 all right, what else?
27:14 Turning away from the truth of the Scripture
27:16 because there was a time
27:18 when the Bible was highly prized,
27:19 but nowadays,
27:20 religion is popular and truth is not.
27:24 Because remember, one of the...
27:26 I forgot who it was,
27:28 the question was asked, what is truth?
27:30 And today that question is being asked to do,
27:32 what is truth?
27:33 When you say to somebody,
27:34 well, let's search out the truth.
27:36 I don't want to talk about, that guy got a phone call yet,
27:38 but when you say what is truth,
27:40 people often tend to not really be concerned.
27:44 They say, well, this is my way of doing things.
27:47 That's your way of doing things,
27:49 and as long as it works for you,
27:52 mine works for me.
27:53 What are some of the other ways
27:55 you see the falling away coming?
28:00 Right, entertainment taking the place of spirituality,
28:03 entertainment taking the place of spirituality,
28:06 and there's something that I copy the other day.
28:09 I don't think I have it on here.
28:11 But, yeah, I copied it on my wife's iPad.
28:16 Give me your iPad for a moment, Honey.
28:18 I'll find it real quickly. I'm gonna share this.
28:20 Just pass it to me.
28:21 Thank you, Honey.
28:23 That's what's so nice about television.
28:25 Have all the resources at my hand right here.
28:27 My wife has a lot of stuff.
28:30 Okay, 2019,
28:33 yeah, this was interesting. I saw this article
28:35 that I'm gonna bring out in a moment here,
28:37 all photos, okay, great, there it is.
28:39 It is going down
28:40 as the most recent is going down, right?
28:44 Going up, okay, well, great.
28:46 I'm only going through 12,645 photos.
28:50 Oh, no, it's going down this, okay.
28:53 I am in 2015.
28:54 I'm almost there. Don't worry about it.
28:56 You'll still be here when I arrive.
28:58 Okay, here we are. This is amazing.
29:01 I'm dedicated to do a message on this
29:03 because I thought this was so insightful.
29:06 One of the other way that the world is falling away
29:08 is there is a false teaching about Jesus gripping the world.
29:15 And right now,
29:17 there is this push that people are claiming to be converted
29:24 and because they claim to be converted
29:26 and they're in a realm of popularity,
29:29 they gain an immediate following
29:32 and people are more concerned,
29:33 people are more led astray by their enthusiasm
29:37 in what they do,
29:39 because they already have a platform.
29:41 So we were reading this article, actually,
29:43 Angie, led me to it.
29:45 And the article was entitled, "Which Jesus Do You Follow?"
29:49 Which Jesus Do You Follow?
29:50 And, Iris, I'm working on a sermon to do this.
29:53 And we're gonna go through this in specifics
29:54 and one was the biblical Jesus and the modern Jesus.
29:59 Because this is false Christ centeredness
30:02 happening nowadays.
30:04 And the modern Jesus, let me,
30:06 I'll just go through it very quickly
30:07 and we'll deal with the issues.
30:09 We will let you know when I'm gonna preach a sermon.
30:10 But listen to this.
30:12 This is the biblical Jesus,
30:14 born as God Almighty in the flesh,
30:17 loves us enough to speak the truth,
30:19 points us toward eternal treasures,
30:22 warns of sin, judgment and hell,
30:25 commands repentance of sin,
30:27 gives you salvation, hope, peace and joy,
30:30 hatred and despised by the world.
30:33 That was the real Jesus,
30:35 hates sin and exposes the truth about sin,
30:40 commands with divine authority,
30:42 says to expect persecution in his name,
30:46 brings division when necessary,
30:49 exalts God and the Father's will,
30:53 warns of false signs and wonders,
30:55 but magnifies His Word,
30:58 demands that emotion, experience,
31:00 and opinion conform to sound teaching.
31:03 I love that.
31:04 And the last one, commands us to deny ourselves
31:08 and be willing to lay down our lives for God.
31:12 That's the scriptural Jesus, but look at the modern Jesus.
31:16 This is the modern Jesus.
31:18 The teaching is,
31:19 he was a good teacher and a man.
31:21 Waters down words to avoid offense.
31:24 Promises us earthly riches, sends all to heaven,
31:28 dismisses hell,
31:30 minimizes the need for repentance of sins,
31:33 gives you health, wealth, and happiness.
31:36 This modern Jesus loves and accepts the world as it is.
31:41 Overlooks sin and never corrects us.
31:44 Gives suggestions, not commandments,
31:47 promises you the best life now,
31:51 promotes unity and tolerance at all costs,
31:54 doesn't matter what you believe,
31:56 serves your will above God's will,
32:00 exalt signs, wonders
32:02 and mysticism above God's word.
32:04 Exalts emotion, experience,
32:07 and opinion above sound teaching
32:09 and lastly, encourages you to love yourself first,
32:13 and gratify all your fleshy desires.
32:16 That's the modern Jesus.
32:18 So not only is the falling away first coming,
32:22 but this is false Christ centeredness being taught,
32:25 that doesn't reflect who Jesus really is.
32:27 So when Jesus says,
32:29 "Don't let anybody deceive you."
32:30 We have to make sure that
32:32 we are following the right Jesus,
32:35 not just the Jesus that's comfortable to us.
32:38 Because didn't Jesus say,
32:39 if anyone would desire to be My disciple,
32:41 let him do what to himself, deny himself,
32:45 but nowadays, there is no denial.
32:48 Everybody dies and goes to heaven.
32:50 That's what the world teaches.
32:51 Live however you want,
32:53 at the end we'll pray you into heaven,
32:55 that's what the world teaches.
32:56 But it doesn't really matter how you live,
32:58 but it does matter.
33:00 So let no one deceive you.
33:01 And let's continue in 2 Thessalonians.
33:03 I want you to see this.
33:06 I want you to see this.
33:08 And I'm gonna start with...
33:10 We read verse 3. There's a lot of reading here.
33:12 I'll let you read it on your own,
33:14 but I want you to see something in verse 10.
33:18 And it says, "And with all unrighteous,"
33:21 what's the next word?
33:22 "Deception among those who perish,"
33:25 And here's the reason why people will be lost,
33:28 "Because they did not receive the love of the truth,
33:35 that they might be," what?
33:36 "Saved."
33:37 So is it enough to have the truth?
33:40 What is it, what is necessary?
33:43 Say it again.
33:45 You have to love the truth,
33:47 not just know the truth,
33:49 love the truth and also what else?
33:52 And follow the truth.
33:57 What happens when they don't love the truth?
34:00 And it makes verse 11
34:01 sound like God is into deception,
34:02 but we will make it very clear, I'll tell you in a moment.
34:05 And for this reason God will send them what?
34:07 Strong delusion that they should believe the lie.
34:12 We will talk about that lie at a different time,
34:14 that they all may be condemned,
34:16 who did not believe the truth,
34:19 but had pleasure in what?
34:21 Unrighteousness.
34:22 And there's a lie that had continually been told.
34:25 The very first lie told on earth was,
34:29 the very first lie told by the adversary was,
34:31 "You shall not what?
34:32 Surely die."
34:34 And that's the lie
34:36 that revealed in the beginning the man of sin,
34:39 and that lie is still being told today.
34:40 People die, but they don't really die.
34:43 But we're gonna go on.
34:45 So be careful.
34:46 Make sure that what you believe is grounded in God's Word.
34:49 Amen?
34:50 Let's find out some of those things.
34:52 Question number four.
34:54 How does the Bible portray the manner
34:57 and method of the return of Jesus?
35:01 Revelation 1:7.
35:03 Revelation 1:7.
35:09 Okay.
35:18 And this is such a short passage,
35:20 we can read this together.
35:23 "Behold, he is coming with," what?
35:25 "Clouds and every eye will see Him,
35:29 even those who," did what?
35:31 "Pierced him," and then what else?
35:35 "And all the tribes of the earth will mourn
35:38 because of Him.
35:39 Even so, Amen."
35:42 Now when the Bible says,
35:44 "Behold, He is coming with clouds,
35:46 and every eye will see him, even those that pierced Him."
35:50 What is being talked about is when Jesus was being crucified,
35:54 actually when Jesus was being tried,
35:56 the chief priest,
35:59 the rabbis, the leaders.
36:02 They said to Him,
36:05 "Tell us are you the Christ?
36:07 And He wouldn't answer.
36:08 And they said, "We adjure You.
36:10 They pulled authority that we adjure you,
36:13 are you the Christ?"
36:15 And he said, "I am
36:17 and you'll see Me coming in the clouds of heaven
36:19 with power and great glory."
36:22 So that's why it says even those who pierced him,
36:25 there's gonna be, when Jesus comes back,
36:26 there's gonna be as the Bible refers to,
36:29 a special resurrection for those who pierced Him.
36:33 But many people don't see that.
36:36 Even they who pierced Him
36:39 because generally the wicked
36:40 don't come out on the first resurrection.
36:42 But those who denied his divinity
36:44 will be raised to see Jesus triumph,
36:48 even those who pierced Him.
36:51 And, so, when He comes back,
36:54 how many eyes are gonna see Him?
36:56 Every eye is going to see Him.
36:59 Every eye is going to see Him.
37:07 That was quite an event,
37:08 we could talk quite a bit more about that event,
37:10 every eye will see Him.
37:12 It was after the crucifixion of Jesus
37:14 that even some of those
37:15 that were participators in His crucifixion.
37:18 They proclaimed truly, He is the Son of God.
37:22 So there was, it was not a hopeless situation
37:24 but for those who persecuted Him,
37:26 and refused to acknowledge Him.
37:29 He said, "You'll see Me coming
37:31 in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory."
37:34 Okay, question number which?
37:36 Number five? Okay, number five.
37:38 What details does the Bible associate to Jesus' return?
37:45 We're going to now, Matthew 16.
37:49 Okay, Matthew 16.
37:55 And okay,
38:03 Matthew 16:27.
38:07 What details?
38:09 Okay, there you go, here it is,
38:15 "For the Son of Man will come
38:18 in the glory of His father with His,"
38:22 together, "angels,
38:24 and then He will reward
38:27 each according to his," what?
38:31 So what detail does the Bible associate to Jesus' return?
38:39 Say it again, reward.
38:42 Now why is that important?
38:43 Because we are not rewarded at death.
38:46 We are rewarded when Jesus return.
38:49 We're not rewarded when we die.
38:52 He says, "I'm coming back,
38:54 and everybody's gonna receive their reward.
38:57 And let's reiterate that,
38:58 let's go to Revelation Chapter 22.
39:13 It's important to let the Bible confirm itself
39:17 and when you compare scripture with scripture,
39:19 you'll find that that point
39:21 that was made is often strengthened
39:23 or reiterated somewhere else.
39:26 Revelation 22:12,
39:30 "And behold, I am coming quickly
39:32 and my reward is with Me to give to how,
39:36 everyone according to his work."
39:40 It's almost paralleled in a very significant way
39:44 outside of talking about the angels,
39:46 and then He will reward each according to his works.
39:50 Matter of fact,
39:51 go with me now to the Book of Ecclesiastes.
39:57 Okay.
40:05 Okay, here it is.
40:07 Ecclesiastes.
40:12 Okay.
40:14 And He's gonna reward everyone according to what?
40:18 According to his works, all right?
40:20 Look at Ecclesiastes 12:13-14.
40:31 It says, "Let us hear the conclusion
40:33 of the whole matter,
40:35 fear God and keep His commandments,
40:38 for this is the whole duty of man."
40:41 And look at this,
40:43 Ecclesiastes 12:14,
40:46 "For God will bring every work
40:52 into judgment,
40:54 including every secret thing,
40:57 whether it is," what?
40:58 "Good or whether it is," what? "Evil."
41:01 So the things that are not repented of
41:04 are gonna come out.
41:09 Somebody said to me once, one of the reasons
41:11 I want to be saved,
41:13 is I don't want anybody to know what I did.
41:16 I won't tell you who said that.
41:18 But isn't that beautiful?
41:20 Because if we're not saved, everything you've ever done,
41:23 as the Bible says, what's hidden in the dark
41:26 shall be brought to light.
41:28 What's done in secret shall be shouted from the mountaintop.
41:31 And here He is saying,
41:33 "He will bring every work into judgment
41:37 including every secret thing,
41:39 whether it is good or whether it is evil."
41:42 I need to give you some encouragement after that one.
41:44 Let's go to 1 John Chapter 1.
41:47 Let's go to 1 John Chapter 1.
41:56 Okay.
42:03 And I think you all know where I'm going.
42:06 Right?
42:10 Okay, here it is.
42:12 Verse 9,
42:14 "If we," together, "confess our sins,
42:18 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
42:22 and to cleanse us from," what?
42:25 "All unrighteousness."
42:28 So if the car goes through the car wash
42:33 and comes out on the other side pristine.
42:37 You won't remember what it looked like
42:39 when it went in.
42:40 Said, man, you washed your car,
42:44 and they're trying to figure out
42:45 what it looked like before,
42:47 and you say, I bet you can't find that spot.
42:51 Isn't it good news that when the Lord cleanses us,
42:54 we don't have to be fearful of the judgment.
42:56 Amen?
42:58 That we could have boldness in the Day of Judgment.
43:01 Oh, man, I tell you, I wish I had time
43:02 to just go off on that topic right away.
43:05 That's right. He cleanses us from how much?
43:08 All unrighteousness.
43:10 But verse 10 is a caution, because look at verse 10.
43:12 So for those who don't think they need verse 9,
43:14 He says, "If we say that we have not sinned,
43:16 we make him a liar, and His word is not in us."
43:19 In other words, He says, "I see you,"
43:21 and by the way, okay,
43:23 Revelation, let's go to Revelation.
43:26 This is interesting. Look at this, Revelation.
43:29 This is interesting.
43:31 I thought, this is very interesting,
43:33 start at Revelation Chapter 2.
43:39 And I want you to see something,
43:40 can we be saved by our works?
43:42 Tell me, yes or no.
43:44 We cannot be saved by our works.
43:45 But it's amazing how over and over and over,
43:49 you know where I'm going, Honey?
43:51 My wife knows where I'm going.
43:54 But look at now, Revelation 2.
43:56 Let's start with verse 2.
43:59 I'm just gonna take the beginning of these verses
44:01 'cause I want to reiterate a point.
44:02 Revelation 2:2,
44:04 what's the first four words that we see?
44:08 "I know your," what?
44:10 "Works." Okay. Did you get it?
44:12 Okay. Revelation 2:9.
44:17 Look at it again.
44:19 What did He say?
44:20 "I know your works."
44:22 Verse 13.
44:23 What did He say again?
44:26 "I know your works."
44:28 Look at verse 19.
44:30 What does he say?
44:31 "I know your works."
44:34 Isn't that amazing, the repetition of that.
44:37 Look at 3:1,
44:41 in the middle of the verse, what does he say,
44:43 look for it, "I know your works."
44:46 2:8, what does he say?
44:49 "I know your works."
44:52 And then verse 15, what does he say?
44:57 "I know your," what? "Works."
44:59 So we got to put this in context now.
45:01 Because works, works, works, works, works continually.
45:04 Now go to James, go to James.
45:06 Go to James.
45:08 All of you saved by grace people.
45:11 Go with me to James.
45:13 Okay.
45:15 Okay.
45:18 James Chapter 2,
45:20 and by the way, you may not think
45:23 this is on the topic of the Second Coming,
45:24 but it will be good to have assurance
45:26 when Jesus comes back.
45:27 All right?
45:28 Now let's look at, we talked about works,
45:30 works, works, works, works.
45:31 Can we be saved by our works? No.
45:33 Okay, I just want to get that clear.
45:36 James 2:14,
45:38 "What does it profit my brethren
45:41 if someone says he has faith, but does not have," what?
45:45 "Works." So here's the point.
45:47 Should your faith be without works?
45:51 Why does your faith need works?
46:00 Show that is real, yes, what else?
46:02 Evidence.
46:04 So somebody says, "Hey, you know,
46:05 I built really great houses."
46:07 Hey, could you show me how we should build?
46:09 Well, actually, I haven't built one yet.
46:11 But I'm a great builder.
46:13 I plan on building and...
46:17 I just saw this terrible news report recently,
46:20 Lady, was on the news, she said she claimed to...
46:23 She put a $10,000 scheme together to raise money.
46:26 And she said she had cancer
46:28 and she even shaved her hair off
46:33 and took a picture of herself getting an intravenous feed
46:35 when in fact it was a...
46:37 She was getting something for a low iron deficiency
46:39 and she said it was chemotherapy.
46:42 And her husband turned her in.
46:46 He said, "I couldn't take it.
46:48 It was not true."
46:51 And now she's been recently arrested for lying to people.
46:56 Her works were opposite to her.
47:00 She got $10,000 so far.
47:03 So they're saying they're making her return
47:05 all that money
47:07 and she's gonna do jail time.
47:10 And there was another couple that not too long ago,
47:13 you may remember, this is on the news.
47:15 There was a transient guy on the street.
47:18 And this couple took him in and they said,
47:20 they want to raise money
47:21 and they raised like hundreds of thousands of dollars,
47:23 remember that?
47:25 Lot of money, but they took the money for themselves.
47:28 And the guy that they used, how about, how much?
47:33 They had a new car, they bought a new house,
47:36 they started buying expensive clothing
47:38 and people started noticing
47:40 where they're getting all this money from,
47:41 and they followed up and they discovered
47:44 that they used this guy on the street,
47:47 and then the guy turned them in
47:49 when he heard about it
47:50 and he said, they didn't give me a penny.
47:53 You know what happened?
47:55 They couldn't give all that back.
47:56 They went to jail.
47:58 Here's the point I'm making.
48:00 Let's get it real quickly.
48:03 Here's the key.
48:05 Is it enough to believe that Jesus is coming again?
48:08 Okay, look at verse 19
48:12 of James 2, 2:19,
48:16 "You believe that there is one God,
48:18 you do well," what does it say?
48:22 "Even the demons believe and tremble."
48:25 So is it enough to believe?
48:27 No, they believe.
48:30 So look at this,
48:31 look at this jostling that was brought out
48:33 by the writing of James.
48:36 He says, "But do you want to know O foolish man
48:39 that faith without works is dead."
48:42 And then he goes all the way down,
48:44 verse 24,
48:45 "You see then that a man is justified by works
48:50 and not by faith only."
48:52 So in other words, when the Lord says,
48:54 He's coming back to reward everyone
48:55 according to our faith,
48:58 I just want to see if you listening,
49:00 Rodger is awake, according to our what?
49:03 Works.
49:05 He's saying, "It's not enough to have faith,
49:07 the demons have faith,
49:08 but they're not gonna be saved."
49:10 The demons believe, but they're not gonna be saved.
49:14 I had a sermon called the Faith of Demons.
49:18 Got it anyway.
49:22 The demons believe, but they're not gonna be saved.
49:24 He's in essence saying to us,
49:26 "What you say should be substantiated
49:30 by what you do."
49:33 Say it again.
49:34 He's looking for a faith that works.
49:36 He's looking for a faith that works.
49:39 And that's why it says in verse 26,
49:41 "For as the body without the spirit is dead,
49:45 so also faith without works is," what?
49:48 "Dead also."
49:51 By the way, if you want to have fun,
49:53 Hebrews Chapter 11 is the faith chapter.
49:57 The entire book of James is the faith book.
50:02 The whole book of James is about faith.
50:05 All right,
50:06 let's go to the next question.
50:08 So we have a little bit of time.
50:09 Question number six.
50:11 So and we spent a lot of time on that.
50:14 It's amazing what you get out of the word works.
50:16 Our works should be in proportion to our faith.
50:21 We should not just say what we believe,
50:23 but it should be evidence in our lives.
50:25 Okay, number six.
50:27 How else do we know
50:29 that the Second Coming of Jesus
50:31 will be visible to the world?
50:34 How else do we know
50:36 that the Second Coming of Jesus
50:38 will be visible to the world?
50:41 All right, Matthew 24,
50:43 a book we're spending a lot of time in tonight.
50:46 Matthew 24.
50:50 Okay,
50:56 it's Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21.
50:58 Those are the chapters
51:00 that talk about the Second Coming of Jesus.
51:01 There's some very interesting passages in Luke,
51:04 that give us indicators of the Second Coming of Jesus.
51:07 But how else do we know that the Second Coming of Jesus
51:09 will be visible to the world?
51:11 All right, verse 26-27.
51:14 Here it is.
51:16 "Therefore, if they say to you," what?
51:20 "Look, He is in the desert," what are we told?
51:24 "Do not go out.
51:26 Look, He is in the inner room," what are we told?
51:29 "Do not believe it.
51:32 For as the lightning comes from the east
51:35 and flashes to the west,
51:38 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be."
51:42 So, how else do we know that the Second Coming of Jesus
51:45 will be visible to the world?
51:47 How else do we know, somebody tell me.
51:51 Like lightning.
51:53 No secret.
51:55 How many of you like lightning?
51:59 That's a kind of strange question,
52:00 but I like to ask that.
52:02 If from a distance.
52:04 You know what I like about lightning?
52:06 When the storm just begins.
52:09 Not after the third clap,
52:12 but the first clap when you get that,
52:13 when the storm just arrived,
52:15 and when you get that really bright one
52:17 and it's quiet, then all of a sudden,
52:20 boom and the house reverberates.
52:25 Well, the reason I said that is because the coming of Jesus
52:27 is not just going to be a flash of light.
52:31 But that flash of light is gonna be precede,
52:34 that flash of light is gonna precede an earthquake.
52:41 The Bible says, "So mighty and so great."
52:44 So that flash of light is saying, "I'm here."
52:49 And we're gonna find out as we continue in the story.
52:51 Matter of fact, let's go to question number seven.
52:54 So it's gonna be visible, All right,
52:56 it's gonna be visible,
52:58 visible but that flash of light is going to be followed,
53:03 proceeded by a clap of thunder.
53:07 There was noises, and lightning, and thunder,
53:09 and a great earthquake.
53:11 You will find that in Revelation
53:12 on two separate pages, on two separate texts.
53:16 Okay, question seven.
53:17 What other component does the Bible connect
53:20 to the return of Jesus?
53:23 Psalm 50:3.
53:33 Yes, okay.
53:37 All right.
53:40 We know it's not gonna be secret how?
53:42 Okay, want to read that one together?
53:45 All right.
53:46 It says, "Our God shall come and shall not," what?
53:50 "Keep silent.
53:52 A fire shall devour before Him, and it shall be very," what?
53:58 "Tempestuous all around Him."
54:02 You know what the word tempestuous mean?
54:07 Another word for tempestuous is a lot of commotion
54:14 like when the oceans are tempestuous,
54:16 what would they, what condition would they be in?
54:21 Okay, pastor knows that.
54:23 Boy, I'll tell you,
54:25 you guys won't be able to benefit from this
54:26 but afterwards we have a wonderful story coming,
54:29 but very tempestuous all around him,
54:32 the fiery, the fire that's devoured
54:36 that shall devour before him,
54:38 and there's so much here I'd like to,
54:42 I'd like to bring out, but let's just go ahead
54:44 and add that component.
54:46 When he comes,
54:48 what we just find out will not be the case.
54:50 What did we just find out, Iris?
54:52 It's not gonna be quiet.
54:56 So if it's not gonna be quiet, what's another word for...
55:00 What's another word for quiet?
55:05 Don't tell anyone.
55:06 Secret.
55:08 Okay, it's not gonna be a secret, is it?
55:09 No, it's not gonna be a secret.
55:11 Let's go on further, we answered the question,
55:14 but let's look at the verses after that.
55:16 Verse 4,
55:17 "He shall call to the heavens from above
55:21 and to the earth, that He may judge His people."
55:26 Verse 5, "Gather My saints together to Me.
55:31 Those who have made a covenant with Me by," what?
55:35 "Sacrifice.
55:37 Let the heavens declare his righteousness,
55:40 for God Himself is," what?
55:43 "Is judge."
55:44 And so you see, that's gonna be quite a day,
55:46 a glorious day.
55:48 It's hard to think of it now because, you know,
55:51 the best representation we get in the Midwest is,
55:53 you know, a tornado was coming
55:56 or it's very bad thunderstorms,
55:58 but we don't, I don't really...
56:01 Can I be very open with you?
56:03 I don't really want any tempestuous signs
56:06 right now 'cause in the Midwest,
56:08 we might get a tornado warning, or we might get a tornado.
56:11 But when Jesus comes
56:13 that'll be the only tempestuous sign I want,
56:15 because that one will indicate
56:17 Jesus is coming to take us home.
56:18 Amen?
56:20 Can we get one more in?
56:21 Jeremiah 4:26, see if we can go there quickly.
56:24 Here's the question. Here's the question.
56:26 How will Jesus' return affect the earth,
56:28 the cities of the earth?
56:30 How will the return of Jesus affect the cities of the earth?
56:34 Okay, Jeremiah 4:23.
56:40 We are reading the Bible together.
56:42 We just got into the Book of Job.
56:44 Honey, now we're getting into these long books.
56:47 We're gonna be in the Book of Job
56:48 for a while.
56:50 Okay, here it is, verse 23,
56:54 "I beheld the earth."
56:56 Jeremiah 4.
56:58 Oh I said 23, I actually meant 26.
57:02 Sorry, sorry.
57:04 First, it starts from verse 23 going all the way down,
57:06 but I'll just go to verse 26 directly, okay?
57:11 It says, "I beheld, and indeed,
57:14 the fruitful land was a," what?
57:16 "Wilderness and all its cities were broken down
57:20 at the presence of the Lord and by his," what?
57:24 "By his fierce anger."
57:27 Jeremiah, Isaiah,
57:30 Zephaniah, Haggai,
57:32 they all put together this ominous picture
57:35 of the coming of the Lord.
57:36 And when we look at the picture as it's formed,
57:38 we all want to be on the right side
57:40 when Jesus comes back.
57:43 That was a perfect place for a hearty amen.
57:45 Amen.
57:47 We all want to be on the right side.
57:48 Amen. Amen.
57:49 We don't want to be on that side.
57:51 So, friends, we want to encourage you
57:52 to keep studying God's Word,
57:54 'cause our prayer is that it makes sense.
57:56 So if you keep studying, we know that one day,
57:58 it's gonna come into A Sharper Focus,
58:01 God bless you.


Revised 2019-12-10