Anchors of Truth

Cleansing Of The Temple: Sanctuary / Church / Health Message

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Doug Batchelor


Series Code: AOT

Program Code: AOT000039

00:12 Welcome to Anchors Of Truth live from Sacramento, California.
00:17 Doctrines That Divide with Doug Batchelor.
00:23 Well, we are live from Sacramento, California.
00:26 And this is what we refer to as Anchors Away,
00:31 because most of our Anchors are there in
00:34 West Frankfort, Illinois at the 3ABN headquarters.
00:38 But this one, and several others, have come
00:42 to you from location.
00:44 And today we're at the beautiful
00:46 Central Sacramento Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:51 This is a unique congregation, a unique building,
00:55 a unique setting.
00:56 And Camille and I have really enjoyed the few days that
01:00 we've been here with this congregation,
01:03 a warm friendly group.
01:05 Now we've always known that Doug and Karen Batchelor
01:09 are warm and friendly people.
01:10 And we find that either they reflect this church or
01:14 this church reflects them, because we have exactly
01:18 a whole congregation full of very warm people here.
01:23 If you live in this area, I invite you to attend this church
01:29 because you will find, not only great teaching here,
01:33 but you will also find a great group of people
01:37 to fellowship with.
01:39 We're having a wonderful time looking at the
01:42 truths this morning.
01:43 We're going to be looking at the 2300 day/year prophecy,
01:48 the sanctuary, and the questions that come up about
01:53 the sanctuary in this series, which Pastor Doug Batchelor
01:57 has called Doctrines That Divide.
02:02 And you know, there are teachings in the Bible
02:06 that we have really strong opinions one way or the other,
02:10 and that whole denominations have sometimes been
02:14 split over these teachings.
02:16 And some of these are vital.
02:19 And we believe the one we're going to be talking about
02:21 this morning is a very vital subject.
02:25 Before Pastor Doug comes, shall we bow our
02:28 heads for a word of prayer.
02:29 Father in heaven, we thank You this morning for Jesus.
02:34 We thank You for the assurance of salvation through Him.
02:39 And Father, we pray this morning that as Pastor Doug comes,
02:43 and in this very unique way of presenting both sides
02:48 of an argument, that he will bring to us the truth
02:54 from Your Word and that we might see these truths that
03:00 reflect Jesus and uplift Him as our Savior.
03:05 Thank You, Father, for hearing us.
03:07 In Jesus' wonderful and powerful and loving name, amen.
03:13 Pastor Doug, we invite you to come and to join us here
03:18 on the platform.
03:19 And I tell you, this is a unique suit that you're wearing.
03:25 And I know that we have some viewers that this is the
03:28 first time they've actually tuned in.
03:30 And would you tell us a little bit about this suit?
03:34 Well, I saw an advertisement at Men's Wearhouse.
03:37 It said, "Buy two suits, get half off."
03:39 And this is what happened.
03:42 So, those sales...
03:46 Actually, this is a uniform that is going to help us present
03:49 two different sides of a subject.
03:53 Well, you got in a plug for Men's Wearhouse anyway.
03:57 I hope they gave you these suits.
03:59 I hope they saw that as a positive.
04:02 Well listen, we've been enjoying so much these subjects.
04:06 We've talked about the Sabbath, and we've talked about
04:08 the second coming, we've talked about the law of God.
04:11 And now this morning, the subject is going
04:14 to be the sanctuary.
04:15 Is that true?
04:16 Actually, we're going to be talking about three sanctuaries.
04:19 And I've never done it this way before.
04:21 Because we're dealing with some of the distinctive
04:24 Adventist teachings.
04:26 So we'll be talking about the church sanctuary,
04:29 the 2300 day prophecy, and our body sanctuaries.
04:34 Well, let's not spend anymore time doing this
04:37 because you're going to need those 53 minutes and 22 seconds
04:41 to really bring out the truths from God's Word.
04:44 - Thank you, Pastor Gilley. - Thank you.
04:45 - Be praying. - God bless you.
04:47 Well friends, again we want to welcome you
04:49 to this presentation of Doctrines That Divide.
04:53 And again, I want to thank 3ABN for partnering
04:56 with us in this series.
04:57 It has been a privilege to work with 3ABN over the years.
05:00 And right at the beginning we just would like to say, we're
05:04 not going to have a special offering for this series.
05:06 If you appreciate these presentations and you've
05:09 found it's a blessing, if you'd like to make a donation
05:12 to either Amazing Facts or 3ABN, hopefully both,
05:16 just go to the websites.
05:17 They'll be up there on your screen.
05:24 And there's a place there where you can make a donation online.
05:28 And we appreciate you supporting these kinds of
05:31 special presentations.
05:34 Now again, in this presentation today dealing with doctrines
05:39 that divide, we're going to be talking about the subject
05:42 of cleansing the temples;
05:44 the sanctuary, the church, and our bodies.
05:48 And for those who may be joining us for the first time,
05:51 let me explain the suit, the uniform.
05:54 I am going to be representing a couple of different views.
05:58 I am a Seventh-day Adventist Christian.
06:01 I know that the greatest part of Christ's true followers
06:05 are in the fellowship of other churches and denominations.
06:09 But I obviously believe through my study of the Word
06:12 that the Seventh-day Adventist teachings
06:15 are close to the Bible.
06:16 There are certain doctrines that divide us from other Christians.
06:20 You'll notice on the pillars here, it says,
06:22 Christians, Adventists; Other, Christians.
06:25 We recognize that there are other Christians
06:29 in other churches.
06:30 I don't believe it's God's will for us to be so divided.
06:34 But the Lord doesn't want us to unite for the sake of unity.
06:40 He wants us to unite on the truth of His Word.
06:44 And so I think it's important.
06:46 And I am just wanting to put out there what I understand
06:50 the teachings are of the Adventists.
06:52 I've not always been an Adventist.
06:53 And so when I'm standing here, I will represent
06:56 Pastor Doug and what I believe now as a
06:58 Seventh-day Adventist minister.
06:59 Do you know that I'm also ordained as a non-Adventist,
07:03 before I was ordained as a Seventh-day Adventist?
07:06 It's true, I can show you my credentials.
07:09 And on this side, I will be representing
07:12 who we're calling...
07:13 What is his name? Pastor Barney.
07:15 This is Pastor Barney.
07:16 I'm just giving a couple of names so we don't
07:18 get the two confused.
07:19 And it's not a fair debate.
07:22 It's lopsided, I admit it.
07:23 But it just helps you get a couple of
07:26 different perspectives.
07:27 And this is not only for our friends that might be
07:30 watching or visiting here who are not
07:33 Seventh-day Adventist Christians.
07:34 I think this is also for Seventh-day Adventists
07:37 to better understand why we believe what we believe,
07:40 and what the common arguments are so we can study
07:43 these things for ourselves.
07:44 You know, there are some churches that teach
07:48 their members are not allowed to look at anything that is
07:51 presented or printed or produced by another denomination.
07:55 They have their members go through their experience with
07:57 blinders on because they're afraid that if their members
08:01 look at or study something another church has put out,
08:03 they might change.
08:05 In the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
08:07 we invite people to study.
08:10 I think that the truth should not be afraid to stand up
08:14 under investigation.
08:15 And that's just what we're doing now, is we're
08:17 talking about these truths.
08:19 Now, today we're going to be dealing with
08:22 the subject of the sanctuary.
08:25 And you really have three different examples of
08:27 the sanctuary, spiritually, in the Bible.
08:30 You have the sanctuary of the church, which we would call,
08:34 the body of Christ.
08:35 You know, John chapter 2 verses 19 through 21,
08:40 "Jesus answered and said, 'Destroy this temple,
08:44 and in three days I will raise it up.'
08:48 Then the Jews said, 'It has taken forty-six years to
08:50 build this temple, and You will raise it up in three days?'
08:54 But He was speaking of the temple of His body."
08:57 What is the church called?
08:59 The body of Christ.
09:00 And so we'll be talking about that.
09:02 You know, there's a prophecy in the Old Testament
09:04 I'd like to begin with and it's in Malachi chapter 3 verse 1.
09:09 Malachi 3 verse 1.
09:26 That's Jesus.
09:27 John the Baptist went to prepare the way before the Lord
09:31 who was to come suddenly to the temple.
09:33 "'...the Messenger of the covenant in whom you delight.
09:36 Behold, He will come,' says the Lord of hosts."
09:40 You know, Jesus did come to His temple.
09:43 Right near the end of His ministry, one of the
09:45 things that Jesus did was, He cleansed the sanctuary.
09:50 He cleansed the temple.
09:51 And you find that in Mark 11 verses 15 through 17.
09:55 Matter of fact, I know you agree with this, Pastor Barney.
09:57 I'm just going to let you start out and read this one here.
10:00 Mark 11:15-17
10:32 The Lord wants His temple to be pure.
10:36 He wants His temple to be clean.
10:38 He wants it to be a place of prayer.
10:40 He wants it to be His dwelling place.
10:44 Now that holds true of God's body, His people.
10:47 But the devil has brought in his wares.
10:50 There are doctrines of devils that have found their way
10:53 into the church.
10:54 That's what Paul said would happen.
10:56 God wants our bodies to be His dwelling place.
11:00 And ultimately, God wants the universe to be
11:04 clean of sin and sinners.
11:06 We're going to do our best to talk about all three of those
11:09 in 46.5 minutes.
11:13 Alright, let's deal with our first question
11:15 to introduce this.
11:16 Let's first talk about the church temple;
11:19 God's body on earth, the church.
11:21 First question:
11:28 Or the true church?
11:31 Pastor Barney is going to introduce this to begin with.
11:35 Pastor Doug, I think it's a little narrow if
11:37 Seventh-day Adventists are saying they are the true church.
11:41 Because obviously, the Lord has His people in
11:43 many different denominations.
11:44 I heard you say that yourself.
11:46 And then of course, it says in Ephesians chapter 2
11:49 verses 19 through 22, "Now, therefore, you are no longer
11:53 strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints
11:57 and members of the household of God, having been built
12:00 on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets,
12:03 Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone,
12:07 in whom the whole building, being fitted together,
12:10 grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being
12:14 built together for a dwelling place for God in the Spirit."
12:19 It's like the breastplate of the high priest.
12:22 One priest, many different kinds of stones.
12:26 God has got many different kinds of denominations in His church.
12:30 And again, Jesus said in John 10 verse 16,
12:35 "Other sheep I have that are not of this fold."
12:39 Pastor Doug, while we're talking about it, you know,
12:41 because the Adventists think that they are the remnant church
12:44 or the true church, some of us ministers in other churches,
12:48 we think you do a little bit of sheep stealing.
12:52 We often lose our members and we find out that
12:55 now they're going to church on Saturday and they've
12:56 joined the Adventist church.
13:01 Well, Pastor Barney, I apologize for that;
13:04 for hurting your feelings.
13:06 We don't apologize for inviting people to join what we believe
13:10 is the remnant church.
13:12 We're not trying to be arrogant or exclusive
13:17 But we believe that in the Bible, God has a
13:21 peculiar people to whom He has committed
13:23 the oracles of truth.
13:25 Now would you agree that in the Old Testament times
13:28 that God had a people, a specific people?
13:32 Yes, He did have the children of Israel
13:34 and He did communicate the oracles of truth to them.
13:37 I would agree with that.
13:39 Now even though they were God's people,
13:43 were they His only people that He saved?
13:48 Well no, God had His people in other nations.
13:50 You've got Naaman who was healed of leprosy
13:53 and he said that he worshipped the Lord.
13:55 And the Ruth, the Moabitess.
13:56 And God has had His people, even Paul says in Romans chapter 1.
14:00 So I understand that.
14:02 But He's really only got one spiritual church
14:05 here in the world.
14:07 Well I agree with that, Pastor Barney.
14:09 I think He does have one church.
14:11 But you have to read the rest of that verse
14:13 you read a moment ago from John chapter 10.
14:17 Jesus said, "Other sheep I have that are not of this fold."
14:20 We agree, God has got the majority of His other sheep
14:23 not in the Adventist church.
14:25 But you've got to read the rest of that verse.
14:37 Jesus is calling people to come together.
14:42 So your interpretation of that is, the only way we're
14:44 going to be one is by being members of your church.
14:49 Yes.
14:51 And I expect that if I were to ask you, are you comfortable
14:56 with the teachings of your church and do you like it
14:58 when people join your church, you would say yes also.
15:01 And if you don't say yes, I would say, then you're
15:04 in the wrong church.
15:05 You've got to go where you feel comfortable inviting people.
15:09 If you feel like your doctrines are the most biblical doctrines,
15:13 then why not invite everybody to take a stand on that
15:15 foundation of truth.
15:17 If you don't feel like your doctrines are the most
15:19 biblical doctrines, then find out where they are and go there.
15:24 Right?
15:25 And so, yes we do believe that.
15:27 And it says in Revelation chapter 12 verse 17,
15:33 "The dragon was wroth with the woman
15:36 and he goes to make war with the remnant of her seed."
15:39 And two outstanding identifying characteristics;
15:43 they keep the commandments of God
15:45 and they have the testimony of Jesus.
15:48 Now we recognize Seventh-day Adventists
15:50 are not the only Christians out there.
15:52 There are many godly spiritual Christians.
15:56 We also know that not everybody that is on the books
15:59 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church is going to heaven.
16:03 Just as I'm sure that you would admit that not everybody who
16:06 might be a member of any other evangelical denomination
16:10 is automatically saved by an outward profession.
16:13 Man looks on the outside, God looks on the heart.
16:16 But it's not God's will that we are so divided.
16:19 Listen to the prayer of Jesus in John 17 verse 20.
16:22 This is the final prayer that He prayed before He went to the
16:26 Garden of Gethsemane for His church.
16:29 By the way, the longest prayer of Christ.
16:32 John 17:20
16:40 Right there, friends, you're reading a prayer that
16:42 Jesus prayed for you that reaches to today.
16:46 Are you hearing His word?
16:48 What is He praying?
16:49 "That they all may be one."
16:53 Not that just the Baptists might be one, and the Adventists
16:56 might be one, and the Assembly Of God might be one,
16:59 and the Nazarenes might be one, and the Methodists might be one,
17:02 and the Presbyterians might be one.
17:04 But they all might be one.
17:07 He wants there to be a unity.
17:09 "As you, Father, are in Me and I in You."
17:12 How does He want us to be one?
17:14 Just in word but not in doctrine?
17:16 Or to be one as the Father and the Son are one?
17:19 How are the Father and the Son one?
17:22 Did they believe the same thing?
17:24 Then God's people need to come together at least on the
17:27 major points of truth before Jesus comes.
17:30 He doesn't want these doctrines dividing us.
17:32 He wants us united in truth.
17:35 And He says, "And the glory which You gave Me I have
17:38 given them, that they may be one just as We are one."
17:43 Wow, that's heavy.
17:46 That's not only a message for Christians from
17:48 all different churches, that's also a message for just
17:50 the members of our church.
17:52 That means that all of us need to be one within the church.
17:57 "All men will know that you are My disciples
17:59 by your love for one another."
18:01 "That they may be perfect in one..."
18:04 You know, I think one way we become perfected in Christ
18:07 is, the truth sets you free.
18:09 We must preach the truth.
18:11 "...that the world might know that You have sent Me."
18:14 What is going to be the most powerful testimony to the world
18:17 in the last days when the beast power is urging its doctrine?
18:21 It's going to be the unity of faith among God's people.
18:25 And so, before the end comes, God is going to have a people
18:28 that will go all over the world preaching this message.
18:31 And a lot of people are going to be coming in taking a stand.
18:34 Revelation 18 verse 2 and verse 4.
18:38 Part of the three angels message.
18:48 Now I've just got to stop here for a moment, friends.
18:51 You realize God's people were in Babylon several times.
18:55 God's people were in Babylon back when Abraham was called
18:59 out of Babylon...
19:01 He was God's child.
19:02 the Promised Land.
19:04 Then the children of Israel were carried off to Babylon
19:07 for 70 years during the time of Daniel.
19:10 And they got comfortable in Babylon.
19:11 And God had many of His people there.
19:14 I'm reading the books of Ezra and Nehemiah right now at home.
19:18 And it was really tough for them to leave the comforts of Babylon
19:21 and come back to the Promised Land
19:23 and to reinstitute their ancient faith.
19:27 But He called them back.
19:29 And now, Revelation tells us, in the last days,
19:33 God has His people in Babylon.
19:35 He says, "Come out of her My people."
19:38 Scattered throughout the realms of Christianity,
19:42 God is calling His people out of the teachings that have
19:45 been influenced by Babylon, out of their comfort zone,
19:49 to come back to the faith that was once
19:51 delivered to the saints; the truths of the apostles.
19:55 I see the Seventh-day Adventist Church as a revival, a return
19:59 to the truths that were given to the apostles,
20:03 getting back to the basics of the Bible.
20:04 And we've got a message to call people out of Babylon,
20:07 because there's an urgency there.
20:09 You read in verse 4, "Come out of her, My people,
20:13 lest you share in her sins and receive of her plagues."
20:18 There are people in Babylon.
20:19 God is going to save them, they are His people.
20:21 They don't know yet. They've not seen yet.
20:25 But a message is going to go out.
20:26 And if they stay in Babylon, they will be guilty for
20:29 the doctrines of devils, and the plagues will fall on them.
20:33 And this is a message that's very important, brother.
20:35 And that's why we feel some urgency about this.
20:40 Alright.
20:42 Now we're going to transition into the second segment
20:46 of God's temple.
20:55 We talked a little bit about God's church,
20:57 the temple on earth.
20:58 What about a temple in heaven?
21:01 Well Pastor Doug, I've studied it and I know that you
21:06 Seventh-day Adventists build a whole doctrine based upon
21:09 a priestly ministry of Jesus and there being a temple in heaven.
21:14 But I read right here in the Bible, the last book
21:16 of the Bible, second last chapter in the Bible,
21:20 Revelation 21 verses 21 and 22.
21:37 See, you talk a lot about this temple in heaven, but
21:40 it tells us here that it's just a spiritual term.
21:43 It's really God the Father and the Son, they are the temple.
21:48 Well, Pastor Barney, the reason that you see in Revelation 21,
21:53 it says there is no temple, is the purpose of the temple,
21:56 both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament,
22:00 sacrifices were offered, atonement was made for sin.
22:05 When you get to Revelation 21 and it's talking about heaven,
22:08 is there anyone interceding for sin?
22:12 Well no, not at that point there isn't.
22:15 And so that's why you don't see a temple anymore because
22:18 there's no blood being pled.
22:20 "There's no blood being pled," is that a correct sentence?
22:24 Yeah, it should be.
22:27 So write that into Webster or Wikipedia or something.
22:31 There's no intercession.
22:33 There's no blood that Jesus is pleading at that point
22:36 because redemption is over.
22:38 But if you back up in the book of Revelation,
22:40 chapter 11 verse 19, it says:
22:50 That's called, slam dunk.
22:52 It says right there, "The temple of God was opened in heaven,
22:56 and the ark of His covenant..."
22:58 By the way, when we make a big deal about
23:00 the seventh day Sabbath and the Ten Commandments,
23:03 one reason, Jesus said, "Heaven and earth have to pass away
23:07 before one jot passes from the law."
23:09 God's got an original transcript up there in heaven.
23:12 Because it says, the ark of God is in the
23:15 temple of God in heaven.
23:17 Whenever you make a covenant, you write a contract
23:20 with somebody, how many copies do you produce?
23:23 You've got one for their records and one for your records.
23:26 God at least has a facsimile or something,
23:29 because He's got the ark in the temple in heaven.
23:34 Now admittedly, things in the temple of heaven are
23:36 probably a little different.
23:38 The one that was on earth was a miniature
23:40 of the temple in heaven.
23:41 And we accept that.
23:43 But if you read on here, Hebrews 9 verse 11.
24:01 As opposed to what?
24:02 It's made by God's hands in another world.
24:08 He's not up there offering calves and goats and sheep.
24:20 Now that leads us to the next question in this subject.
24:25 Question three.
24:32 Pastor Doug, I'm not going to let you rush past something
24:34 you just read a minute ago.
24:36 You said that when Christ ascended to heaven,
24:38 "He entered the Most Holy Place once for all,
24:43 having obtained eternal redemption."
24:46 Then how come Adventists are always saying that Jesus is
24:50 ministering in the Holy Place?
24:53 Wait. Not yet.
24:56 I still have more to read.
24:58 Hebrews 1 verse 3.
25:17 Notice, when Jesus died on the cross, He ascended to heaven.
25:21 He sat down by the Father right there in the Holy Place.
25:25 Because that's where the Holy Place is,
25:26 it's the presence of God.
25:28 Let me give you one more before you interrupt me.
25:30 Hebrews 10 verse 11, "And every priest standeth daily..."
25:36 Notice, when the priests are doing their daily
25:38 administration through the year, they're standing.
25:41 But what is Jesus doing?
25:43 It says, "Every priest stands daily ministering and
25:45 offering oftentimes the same sacrifices,
25:48 which never can take away sin.
25:50 But this man," speaking of Christ, "after He had offered
25:54 one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down
25:58 at the right hand of God."
25:59 Jesus is done sacrificing.
26:02 You Adventists make it sound like you don't
26:04 believe in the finished...
26:05 You can't cross the line yet, I'm not done talking.
26:06 You make it sound like you don't believe in the
26:08 finished work of Jesus.
26:10 It says, He has sat down by the Father.
26:13 One sacrifice, it's completed.
26:15 What is this stuff about the daily sacrifice that
26:17 He's had to make?
26:19 And then the day of atonement, the yearly sacrifice He's made?
26:24 Alright Pastor Barney, you know, that is a very
26:26 controversial point.
26:28 And I think that we ought to address it.
26:30 If you read in Hebrews chapter 7 verse 25, it says:
26:49 So right there we've read that, yes, it does tell us that
26:53 Christ sat down and was enthroned after He ascended.
26:57 But after that being coronated there in the temple of heaven,
27:01 He is still out intercessor.
27:04 He is ever pleading for us.
27:06 We pray, and through Christ we have His merits to plead.
27:11 It is true, He doesn't continue to sacrifice Himself.
27:16 His blood was adequate that He can continue
27:19 pleading His blood all through the time from His death
27:24 until His second coming.
27:25 He doesn't need to keep sacrificing lambs or keep
27:27 sacrificing Himself.
27:29 But He continued for the first 1900 years of church history
27:34 interceding as a priest would on the daily basis.
27:38 But when we entered the last age of the church,
27:42 call the church of... What?
27:44 ...Laodicea.
27:45 You know what Laodicea means?
27:47 A people being judged, or a just people.
27:51 A people being justified.
27:53 We entered the last phase of church history.
27:58 Christ, at that point, entered into the last phase
28:02 of the day of atonement, or what they celebrated on earth
28:05 during Yom Kippur, of cleansing the sanctuary.
28:10 Pastor Doug, you're trying to tell me that there is
28:13 something in heaven that needs cleansing?
28:15 That doesn't make any sense to me.
28:16 That makes it sound like there's something dirty in heaven.
28:19 How can there ever be anything dirty in heaven?
28:24 Well, Pastor Barney, are there things dirty here on earth?
28:30 Yes.
28:33 Where did they come from?
28:37 They came from the devil.
28:40 And where did he start out?
28:45 In heaven.
28:47 But he was cast out of heaven.
28:50 So you're telling me that at least at one point
28:52 there was something impure in heaven.
28:56 Well yeah, if you look at it that way.
28:58 But I don't want to look at it that way.
29:01 And so, the idea that the sins of God's people that Christ
29:06 is bearing, that they must be ultimately cleansed somehow
29:10 from the universe, not just from God's dwelling place.
29:14 It's not inconsistent with what happened when there was
29:16 a rebellion in heaven.
29:17 The rebellion, by the way, is not over.
29:19 There is still sin in the universe.
29:21 Christ is dealing with that.
29:23 So let me go one here and talk about that.
29:26 Matter of fact, I better take my position here and
29:28 read the next question.
29:31 So what then is the cleansing of the sanctuary?
29:35 Pastor Doug, you can start this one off.
29:38 You have to go in the Bible to the book of Daniel chapter 8.
29:42 Bear with me for a moment.
29:43 This gets a little deep, but I'm sure that you can all
29:46 take this in.
29:48 This is one of the longest time prophecies in the Bible.
29:51 Daniel 8 and I'm going to start with verse 11.
30:12 Speaking of the beast power.
30:14 And I know we both agree that this is talking
30:16 about that beast power.
30:21 Now what does the beast power do?
30:23 What does he cast down to the ground?
30:25 The truth is cast down.
30:28 Before Jesus comes back, there must be a restoration of truth.
30:33 "...and he did all this and he prospered."
30:59 Now, there's only one starting period for prophecy that's given
31:03 in the book of Daniel.
31:05 And that's, "From the going forth of the commandment
31:07 to restore and build Jerusalem."
31:09 That is very clearly given in the book of Ezra chapter 7.
31:13 It is 457 BC.
31:15 If you count 2300 days from 457 BC, that comes to 1844.
31:24 In 1844, God entered His final stage in the salvation of man.
31:29 Through history, He has done things in different stages.
31:32 He had the age of the Patriarchs.
31:34 He had the age of Israel.
31:36 There was the great Reformation.
31:38 There was the great awakening and the great revival
31:41 during the age of the church of Philadelphia.
31:43 In 1844, we entered the age of the church of Laodicea.
31:49 Now Pastor Doug, you're trying to tell me then in 1844
31:53 that Jesus went from what a priest might do on
31:56 the daily basis of interceding and now He's gone to do
32:01 what a priest did on the final day of atonement.
32:04 How are you going to prove that? You got any video tape?
32:06 And why would God give us a prophecy about Jesus going from
32:10 one aspect of His heavenly ministry...
32:12 We can't comprehend these things.
32:14 going into the final aspect.
32:16 What difference would that make to us here on earth?
32:21 That, I think, is a very important part of the prophecy
32:25 that even Seventh-day Adventists have missed.
32:28 And I think that we've got in a lot of confusion and trouble
32:32 because of that.
32:34 Follow me very closely.
32:37 When Jesus died on the cross, right after He rose
32:42 from the tomb, He had not yet ascended to the Father
32:46 when He first revealed Himself to Mary.
32:49 She went to grab Him by the feet and to worship Him.
32:51 He said, "Do not detain Me."
32:55 The King James says, "Do not cling to Me,"
32:56 or "Do not touch Me."
32:58 The others say, "Do not cling to Me."
32:59 "For I have not yet ascended to My Father."
33:03 Something had to happen when Christ ascended to the Father.
33:08 When Jesus ascended to heaven, He did in the heavenly sanctuary
33:12 what Moses did in the Old Testament
33:15 to the earthly sanctuary.
33:17 How many times a year did the high priest go into the
33:21 Holy of Holies in the sanctuary?
33:25 Once.
33:26 With one exception.
33:29 If you don't know that exception, you get into trouble.
33:32 When they first built the sanctuary and it was activated.
33:39 Moses went in and he sprinkled all of the furniture with blood.
33:45 He activated it and then they began to serve there
33:49 and began to utilize it on a daily basis.
33:53 Paul alludes to that here in the book of Hebrews.
33:57 It tells us in...
34:03 Let's see here.
34:10 Oh, maybe I've got to go to my next page.
34:12 I am sorry, friends.
34:16 In Hebrews, he says that Moses, when he consecrated everything,
34:19 he went into the sanctuary and he sprinkled it,
34:23 and the people, and the priests with blood.
34:25 You'll find that also in Exodus 29.
34:28 That's the example of that.
34:30 He consecrated the sanctuary, then they began to use it.
34:34 When Jesus ascended to heaven, He consecrated the heavenly
34:39 sanctuary, and then He came back down to earth.
34:42 And you know what He said to the disciples?
34:44 "All hail."
34:45 When He consecrated the heavenly sanctuary,
34:48 Jesus went into the Holy of Holies.
34:51 He went into the presence of the Father.
34:53 The angels sang.
34:55 He was seated, He was crowned as victorious at the point.
34:59 Then He said...
35:00 Now we don't know, time in heaven is maybe different
35:03 from time on earth.
35:04 Then He said, "I now need to go back down."
35:06 He went down to the disciples and He said, "All hail."
35:09 They worshipped Him.
35:10 Then for 40 days, He continued to meet with them,
35:13 to re-enforce them in the Word.
35:15 Then He ascended to heaven.
35:16 And the Bible tells us that He ascended to continue His work
35:20 as our High Priest.
35:22 It tells us in the Bible.
35:24 Here it is, Hebrews 9:21.
35:26 That's the verse I was looking for.
35:35 This was not Aaron.
35:37 This was Moses who went in to activate the earthly temple.
35:41 From that point on, the only time someone went into the
35:43 Holy of Holies was on the day of atonement.
35:46 From the time that Christ ascended and was enthroned
35:49 and the heavenly sanctuary was activated...
35:51 By the way, there was a temple in heaven.
35:53 Right?
35:54 We just read that.
35:56 What blood was being pled in the temple of heaven
35:59 before Christ died?
36:02 Well He hadn't died yet. None.
36:03 So it wasn't until Jesus died that He was pleading His blood.
36:08 He ascended to heaven, went before the Father
36:10 in the Holy of Holies.
36:12 He sat down at the Father's right hand.
36:14 He was enthroned.
36:15 All these parables talk about Him receiving a kingdom.
36:17 He received the victory at that point.
36:20 But the war was not over.
36:22 He had to come back down to earth and to
36:25 encourage His disciples.
36:27 And so, then something else happened on earth in 1844.
36:33 And I'll get to that.
36:34 Hebrews 4:14-16, "Seeing then that we have a great High Priest
36:40 who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God,
36:44 let us hold fast our confession.
36:46 For we don't have a High Priest who cannot sympathize
36:49 with our weaknesses, but was in all points
36:52 tempted as we are..."
36:54 Jesus was tempted the way we're tempted.
36:56 And He got the victory the way we can get the victory.
36:58 Amen?
36:59 "...all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.
37:02 Therefore, let us come boldly to the throne of grace,
37:05 that we may obtain mercy and find grace to
37:08 help in the time of need."
37:11 Pastor Doug, I asked you a question a minute ago
37:13 and you didn't answer it.
37:14 What difference would this 2300 days and 1844 make on earth?
37:20 What happened in 1844 here on earth?
37:23 Well this is the part, I think, many people have missed.
37:28 We have no video tape of Jesus moving from one transition
37:33 of work into the other, from the daily ministration
37:37 to the day of atonement ministration.
37:39 But we do have an example on earth in 1844 of
37:42 what happened to His temple on earth.
37:44 God has a temple in heaven. He still has a temple on earth.
37:47 Where is His temple on earth?
37:49 It's not this building.
37:51 It's you and me.
37:53 It's the body of Christ, and you also individually.
37:56 He wants to dwell in His people on earth.
37:58 But what was the beast power going to do?
38:01 Cast the truth to the ground.
38:04 In 1844, God began a movement on earth.
38:09 They were organized in 1863.
38:12 And they were called, the Seventh-day Adventists.
38:15 And in 1844, they discovered the truth about the Sabbath.
38:21 Joseph Bates got it from actually a Seventh-day Baptist.
38:24 They discovered the truth about the health message.
38:27 They discovered the truth about the dead are asleep
38:29 until the resurrection.
38:30 We'll talk about that in another presentation.
38:32 They discovered, of course, baptism by emersion.
38:35 Some of them didn't know that.
38:36 Salvation by faith.
38:38 All the fundamentals of the apostles
38:40 they discovered in that year.
38:42 God began to cleanse His sanctuary on earth
38:45 from the truths that had been cast to the ground.
38:47 They were restored to their place of respect.
38:51 You could point right now to 17 million Seventh-day Adventists
38:54 all over the world and say, "What happened in 1844?"
38:57 He began to cleanse His sanctuary;
38:59 yes in heaven, and yes on earth.
39:02 And I can't show you video of what happened in heaven,
39:04 but I can show you video of what happened on earth.
39:07 And you can look at it right now, friends.
39:09 It's the final movement.
39:11 God has given the Seventh-day Adventist movement
39:15 the oracles of truth.
39:17 As surely as He gave the children of Israel the
39:20 scriptures through Moses, He gave them to us.
39:23 And He's calling people everywhere into that movement.
39:29 Oh, I already read that. Let me move on here.
39:31 Alright, now we've got to get to...
39:33 Let me find my place.
39:37 Poor light guys are up there trying to follow me.
39:41 The third temple.
39:43 You just heard the shortest presentation on the cleansing
39:45 of the sanctuary you're ever going to hear.
39:49 Question number five.
39:56 Pastor Doug, you can start out this time.
39:59 I know it seems like I'm giving myself a little too much time.
40:05 But you realize, even when I'm over here
40:06 I'm giving myself time.
40:10 1 Corinthians 6:19
40:27 We're talking right now about God dwelling in the temple,
40:31 Jesus cleansing the temples.
40:33 He wants to cleanse His church.
40:35 He's cleansing the sanctuary in heaven.
40:37 And He wants you as an individual, your body,
40:40 to be a dwelling place for His Spirit.
40:43 And there's something to be said, not only should we be
40:45 cleansed from sin, some of us are struggling so much
40:49 with sin because we've got to learn to get the victory
40:52 in our body temples with our appetites.
40:56 One of the greatest insults you could ever perform
40:59 for a Jew is if you had brought an unclean animal
41:03 into the temple to offer it on the altar.
41:05 Well, we shouldn't be bringing unclean animals into our bodies.
41:11 Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.
41:13 What do you think, Pastor Barney?
41:16 I do think our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.
41:19 But I don't think we need to make an issue about what we eat.
41:22 It's just what's going on in your mind.
41:24 It's not what goes in your mouth or what comes out of your mouth
41:27 that makes any difference.
41:28 Romans 14 verse 17.
41:30 We're friends, but you Seventh-day Adventists
41:34 put too much emphasis on what we eat and what we drink.
41:44 And then you've got 1 Timothy 4:4.
41:47 And this is really clear.
41:49 "Every creature of God is good.
41:52 Nothing is to be refused."
41:57 So you're trying to tell me, Pastor Barney,
41:58 that no matter what anybody has put in front of you
42:02 over the course of your life you've never
42:03 refused to eat anything?
42:08 Well, I don't like vegetables very much.
42:13 So, would you agree that taking this verse that says,
42:17 "nothing is to be refused," to the extreme
42:19 could go a little far?
42:21 I mean, if I right now made you a sandwich
42:24 with maggots and buzzard meat and a little skunk seasoning,
42:30 and say, "You just pray and ask God to bless that,"
42:33 because nothing should be refused, would you eat it?
42:38 Well, it wouldn't be very appetizing, but theoretically,
42:41 I could eat it.
42:45 Well, I'd like to see you act out that theory.
42:48 I think that would be pretty hard to choke that down.
42:50 You've got to read everything it says regarding these verses.
42:55 If you read the rest of Timothy where it talks about every
43:00 creature of God being good, read chapter 4 verse 3 through 5.
43:05 It says that this power would forbid to marry.
43:09 It's not talking about the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
43:11 There is another church that forbids its priests to marry.
43:20 So the context of this; some things are created,
43:23 and God has identified in His Word which things those are
43:26 that are clean that can be received with thanksgiving.
43:28 There's one church that says on certain days of the week
43:30 you're only suppose to eat fish.
43:35 And then he says, "For every Creature of God is good,
43:37 and nothing is to be refused if it is received
43:40 with thanksgiving..."
43:41 Notice, Paul, to avoid anybody being confused, he says,
43:45 "...for it is sanctified by the Word of God."
43:49 In other words, there are things that are sanctified by
43:52 the Word and prayer.
43:54 You can't just pray over pork and it suddenly becomes healthy.
43:59 And I should ask you, do you really think that
44:02 the stomach of a Jew and the digestional system of a Jew
44:06 is different from Gentile Christians?
44:11 Well, there are actually some diseases that Jews are
44:14 prone to more than other people.
44:17 But, no, I suppose unless they've got the star shape
44:21 in their stomach, that it's like everybody else's stomach.
44:24 And they would be affected the same way.
44:27 But they were a spiritual people that were suppose
44:29 to be spiritually clean.
44:30 And that was the reason for those laws.
44:34 So where do the first health laws appear in the Bible?
44:39 Well, God gave them to Moses and it's there in
44:42 the book of Leviticus.
44:44 I need to correct you.
44:46 The first time God makes a distinction between
44:49 clean and unclean foods is to Noah.
44:52 And everybody is related to Noah.
44:55 The laws regarding clean and unclean foods,
44:58 these health laws, they didn't begin with the Jews.
45:00 They go all the way back to the Garden of Eden.
45:03 And you know, while we're talking about
45:04 the subject, Pastor.
45:07 You think we're not suppose to obey any of the
45:09 dietary or health laws?
45:12 It's not what goes in your mouth that affects you.
45:15 It's what comes out of your mouth.
45:18 Well, the Bible says you're not suppose to eat blood either,
45:21 in the New Testament.
45:23 A special law for the Gentiles.
45:25 You can read here in Acts chapter 15 and verse 19,
45:30 "Therefore I judge that we should not trouble those
45:34 who from among the Gentiles are turning to God,
45:36 but that we write to them to abstain from things polluted
45:40 by idols, from sexual immorality,
45:43 from things strangled, and from blood."
45:45 Why does he say from things strangled and from blood?
45:48 Because they would butcher the animals back then
45:51 so the blood was still in them.
45:53 And it is forbidden in the Bible, all the way back to Noah
45:57 in Genesis all the way through the New Testament,
46:00 no believer is ever suppose to eat blood.
46:04 But the fact is, and take it from someone who use to
46:06 have his own meat business, the average American meat
46:10 that's sold in the market is killed with the blood
46:12 still in the body.
46:14 It is not butchered in a kosher way.
46:17 And so, the Bible says that there are still health laws
46:21 even in the New Testament.
46:22 And they expected that the Christians, not only to not eat
46:26 the unclean animals, they said, "Don't eat the clean animals
46:29 killed in an unclean way the way the Romans and
46:31 the Greeks were doing it.
46:33 The Romans and the Greeks were butchering
46:35 their chickens and their goats and their lambs,
46:37 which are technically clean, still with the blood
46:40 or strangling them.
46:41 Because they liked the uric acid flavor in the blood.
46:45 And the Bible says that is forbidden.
46:46 That is a health law, a New Testament re-enforcement
46:50 of the health law.
46:52 Well, Pastor Doug, there are some other verses here
46:54 that I can give you to help straighten you out.
46:59 In Acts chapter 10, doesn't God declare that
47:03 all animals are cleansed?
47:07 Now I know you've read this, brother Doug.
47:08 This is that vision that Peter had in Acts chapter 10.
47:12 He was hungry and he was praying on his roof.
47:17 And as he could smell them preparing the food down stairs,
47:21 all he could smell was the kosher food.
47:24 And God told him it was okay to crave the unkosher food,
47:27 because he gave him a vision.
47:29 It says, "He saw heaven opened..." Acts 10:11.
48:03 Pastor Doug?
48:06 Well, Pastor Barney, I think you need to read the whole
48:10 context again and find out what he was talking about.
48:14 First of all, I think it's very interesting to note
48:17 that in Acts chapter 10, which takes place about
48:21 37 AD or maybe 36 AD, years after Jesus ascended to heaven,
48:27 Peter has still declared, "I have never eaten
48:31 anything unclean."
48:34 And then you need to ask, does the vision say that
48:37 he ever took anything out of the sheet and ate it?
48:40 Well, not specifically.
48:43 Does the vision ever mention any specific food,
48:46 like pork or shrimp or crab or camel?
48:51 Well, it says it was full of all kinds of four-footed beasts.
48:55 Well what happens if you keep reading the story?
48:58 Where does Peter go?
49:01 It tells us that Peter then, while he's praying and after
49:05 he has his vision, and he's wondering within himself
49:08 what the vision should mean, suddenly some people
49:12 show up at his door and they invite him to go and
49:15 to preach the gospel to a house full of Gentiles.
49:19 A Roman with a house full of slaves that are not Jews.
49:22 And they were not suppose to do that.
49:26 Peter says in Acts 10 verse 28.
49:45 That's an interesting way of spelling pig; m-a-n.
49:49 He didn't say "God has shown me not to call any pig unclean."
49:52 He says "God showed me not to call any man common or unclean."
49:56 Because the Bible tells us that there are clean and unclean
50:00 animals, and it's still true today.
50:02 Jesus dying on the cross did not make pork chops healthy.
50:06 God says, "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked.
50:09 Whatever you sow, you will also reap."
50:12 Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.
50:15 And it does matter what we take into our bodies.
50:19 Again, you can read in Acts 11 verse 18.
50:24 When the disciples heard Peter relate this whole experience
50:27 about Cornelius and the vision, "When they heard these things
50:31 they held their peace and they glorified God, saying,
50:34 'Praise the Lord, we can eat anything at a potluck now.'"
50:37 No, that's not what that verse says.
50:39 It says, "They glorified God saying, 'Then God also has
50:43 given the Gentiles repentance unto life.'"
50:46 The whole purpose of that vision, it was an allegory
50:50 to illustrate something.
50:51 God doesn't believe that we can just eat anything
50:55 and pray over it.
50:56 That's really tempting the Lord.
50:57 There is no parent here that would accept that argument
51:01 from your children.
51:03 If they said, "I don't want to eat my broccoli tonight,
51:06 I just want dessert for dinner.
51:07 But don't worry, mom and dad.
51:09 I promise to pray over it and God will bless it.
51:12 Because it's not what goes in your mouth,
51:14 but it's what comes out."
51:17 Would you accept that, Pastor Barney?
51:20 I think you're making things more difficult.
51:22 You're twisting my words now.
51:25 Of course a parent wouldn't do that.
51:27 But you also shouldn't make everything about
51:29 eating and drinking.
51:30 It's just, pray and try to use good judgment.
51:34 Well, you know, the fact is that it's pretty well proven now
51:38 that those who eat a vegetarian diet have a lot less
51:42 heart disease and a lot less cancer and diabetes
51:47 and problems of other people.
51:49 Seventh-day Adventist Christians, you know,
51:51 have made it to the cover of the National Geographic magazine.
51:54 They talked about three of the longest living people.
51:58 Two of the people, Sardinia and Japan,
52:02 it had a lot to do with their environment.
52:05 But they found one enigma.
52:06 It was the Seventh-day Adventists people they studied
52:09 in southern California.
52:10 They said it was their diet and their lifestyle that
52:13 made them some of the longest living people in the world.
52:17 And so, I think there's real benefit in following
52:22 the health diet.
52:25 Pastor Doug, doesn't Jesus state that it's not what
52:30 goes in one's mouth that defiles us?
52:33 It's what comes out.
52:35 Let me read this to you.
52:37 And I'm going to read from the NIV version.
52:42 By the way, Mark 7 verses 18 and 19.
53:04 How can you get around that?
53:07 Well, that is a very unfortunate translation.
53:11 And it has caused a lot of people to stumble.
53:13 Because those words are not in the original Greek.
53:18 Matter of fact, if you look in the King James Version
53:20 and in the New King James Version,
53:22 it doesn't say that at all.
53:24 And some people have taken this footnote that they
53:26 found in the Vaticanus, or one of those manuscripts,
53:29 and they've added the scribes interpretation of the footnote
53:33 saying that Jesus had declared all foods clean.
53:35 But the interesting thing is, even after this statement
53:38 Peter and none of the apostles made any comment on it.
53:41 Or did they ever argue about it in the New Testament?
53:43 Or do you ever see any of them eating any unclean food?
53:46 And by the way, Jesus didn't mean it that way.
53:50 They're not talking about what to eat.
53:53 They're arguing about whether or not you should ceremonially
53:56 wash your hands before you eat.
53:58 That was the discussion in this verse.
54:00 And that's in Matthew chapter 15 verse 2.
54:03 "Why do your disciples," the Jews accused them,
54:06 "transgress the tradition of the elders?
54:09 For they don't wash their hands when they eat bread."
54:12 And Jesus was simply saying, "This isn't what defiles a man."
54:17 If it was eating with dirty hands that would defile us,
54:20 spiritually, all of our kids would be defiled.
54:25 Because it's amazing how many pounds of dirt
54:28 a kid eats before they get to adulthood.
54:31 And they somehow survive.
54:33 Jesus is saying, those things that go in your mouth,
54:35 if you get a little bacteria and a little garden soil
54:38 in your mouth, it goes through.
54:39 It's just processed and purged in the digestive system
54:43 and it's eliminated.
54:44 That's what he's saying.
54:46 There's a purging that happens in our digestive systems.
54:48 It doesn't mean that you can eat high cholesterol,
54:51 high sugar food, and you're not going to reap the
54:53 consequences of that.
54:55 It does make a difference what we eat and what we drink.
55:01 Is there anything wrong with Christians
55:03 drinking a little alcohol?
55:06 Pastor Doug, you know you folks, you're really missing out.
55:10 I know Seventh-day Adventists, as well as some denominations,
55:13 are teetotalers.
55:14 But Jesus turned the water to wine.
55:16 He knew how to celebrate a little bit and have a good time.
55:20 John 2 verse 10.
55:35 Well Pastor Barney, you're assuming that when Jesus
55:37 talks about the good stuff, He's talking about the hard liquor.
55:40 I respectfully disagree.
55:42 You could get hard liquor in Israel all year long.
55:45 They had fermented wine.
55:47 By the way, the word for "wine" here, "oinos", is used both for
55:50 grape juice, pure grape juice, as well as
55:53 the fermented variety.
55:56 Jesus produced pure grape juice at this wedding when
56:00 everyone else was expecting the reconstituted stuff
56:03 or the fermented stuff.
56:04 And they were amazed that He was able to do it.
56:07 And there's also a spiritual lesson here.
56:10 He said, "You've saved the best for last."
56:13 You know, God created the world 6000 years ago
56:17 But He waited 4000 years.
56:19 And after all of the goats and all of the lambs,
56:22 finally God, last of all, gave the blood of His own Son.
56:27 It was not the blood...
56:28 Wine is a symbol of that, grape juice is a symbol of that.
56:31 It wasn't the blood of the goats, it wasn't the blood of
56:33 the lambs and the bulls and the pigeons that was
56:36 going to wash away sin.
56:38 It was the blood of His own Son.
56:40 And He saved the best for last.
56:42 So to take this miracle and turn it into an excuse for
56:45 for people getting drunk.
56:47 To think that Jesus filled these six containers with over
56:51 60 gallons of booze to pep up the party.
56:55 To think that Christ would contradict His own word where
56:58 He says in Proverbs 20, "Wine is a mocker,
57:01 strong drink is raging.
57:02 Whoever is deceived by that is not wise."
57:06 When you think of all the misery that comes into our society
57:09 from alcohol, that Jesus would condone that.
57:13 Christ, at the last supper before He ascended to heaven,
57:16 He gave them grape juice.
57:18 Because He said to them, and I'll read this to you.
57:20 Matthew 26:29, "Drink ye, all, of it.
57:24 For I will not drink of the fruit of the vine from now on
57:28 until the day I drink it with you new..."
57:31 New, unfermented.
57:33 " My Father's kingdom."
57:37 Finally, Ephesians 5:18.
57:39 The Bible says, "Do not be drunk with wine,
57:42 in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit."
57:47 What kind of spirit does God want us to be filled with?
57:50 The Holy Spirit in our lives, friends.
57:54 He wants to cleanse His sanctuary.
57:56 He is, right now, completing His work
57:59 of that heavenly cleansing.
58:01 And someday soon, Michael is going to stand up
58:04 and say, "It is finished."
58:05 And Jesus is going to come.
58:07 That judgment is going to be over and there's going to be
58:09 a great time of trouble.
58:12 He's going through the records of those who
58:13 claim to be His children.
58:15 God is calling His people out of Babylon.
58:18 I want to have my vessel purified.
58:21 Don't you?
58:22 I want to be filled with His Spirit.
58:25 While the world is drunk on the wine of Babylon,
58:27 God is calling His children from their hangover
58:32 and He's saying, "Come out of Babylon.
58:34 The plagues are soon going to fall.
58:36 My people."
58:37 God has His people in many different churches.
58:39 And before Jesus comes back, He wants one body.
58:43 He wants us to be one people.
58:45 He is going to have one flock, one fold, one shepherd.
58:49 When the flood of Noah came, there was one door to the ark.
58:53 Friends, we want you to be in that ark.
58:56 We pray that you will study more on these things
58:58 that you're learning.
58:59 Go to


Revised 2014-12-17