Anchors of Truth

Putting Your Worry To Rest

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Gilley


Series Code: AOT

Program Code: AOT000017

00:12 Welcome to Anchors Of Truth live from the 3ABN worship center.
00:17 Thriving Faith In Difficult Times, with Jim Gilley.
00:23 When I pastored in New York City, I had a
00:25 member of my church who lived in a building with 3000 apartments.
00:30 She lived in a building that had several sections.
00:33 An A section, a B section, a C section, a D section,
00:37 an E section, and an F section.
00:39 Each section had 27 floors.
00:42 And she lived in B27D.
00:45 3000 apartments in one building.
00:47 There are how many people in Thompsonville?
00:49 Six hundred?
00:51 3000 apartments in one building.
00:53 And she told me, "Pastor, you know, I use to live
00:56 in the country all by myself.
00:58 But I got scared and nervous and worried in the country.
01:01 So I moved to the city.
01:02 Now I live in a building with 3000 apartments
01:05 and I'm worried.
01:06 I wish I was back in the country."
01:08 She said, "In the morning, I wish it was night.
01:11 At night, I wish it was morning.
01:12 When I get on the subway, there's 10,000 people
01:15 on the subway and I don't know any of them.
01:17 I wish I had my own car.
01:18 But when I had my own car, I was afraid to drive
01:20 in New York City, so I gave up my car to
01:22 get on the subway."
01:24 She said, "I'm afraid of my neighbors who I don't know.
01:26 I'm afraid of my family who I rarely see.
01:28 I'm afraid to go to the store.
01:30 I'm afraid to eat things that I don't know what's in them."
01:32 She said, "I'm just afraid all the time."
01:35 And you know, she's not alone.
01:37 There's a lot of fear in this world.
01:40 And we learned about fear as Pastor Gilley talked about fear
01:43 on last evening.
01:44 But we also learned that wonderful text in 1 John 4:18,
01:47 that perfect love does what to fear?
01:49 It casts out fear.
01:51 Perfect love gives us trust in Jesus, who we know
01:55 controls this world of ours.
01:57 My name is C.A. Murray and it is my privilege and pleasure to
02:00 welcome to you night number two in our Anchors Of Faith series.
02:04 Tonight, Jim Gilley is going to talk about worry;
02:08 how not to worry, how to trust in God.
02:11 And as we said before, this is not the 2300 days,
02:15 this is not Bible prophecy, this is not Revelation 13.
02:20 What this is, it's practical religion and godliness.
02:23 This is putting feet on your faith.
02:26 This is how to deal with those things that we as Christians
02:29 deal with every single day of our lives;
02:31 worry, fear, anger, disappointment.
02:35 How do we do that?
02:36 How do we face these kinds of issues and remain Christian
02:41 and keep our faith strong in Jesus?
02:42 And so Jim Gilley, as a preacher of the Word, as an Evangelist,
02:47 as a conference president, as a North American Division
02:50 executive, has had much experience in
02:53 talking about these issues.
02:55 And we are quite sure that God will bless him this
02:57 very night as he talks about and tells us about how not to worry,
03:02 but rather how to trust in God.
03:05 I didn't mention on last evening, his wife is
03:07 right here by his side.
03:08 Camille Gilley is with us, always stands by his side.
03:11 He is the father of four, grandfather of nine, I am told.
03:15 And a proud grandfather indeed.
03:17 But for tonight, he is not husband, he is not father,
03:21 he is not grandfather.
03:23 He is preacher and teacher of the Word.
03:25 He is the one that Christ will use to bring us the Word.
03:29 And I ask for him from you, your prayerful
03:33 and undivided attention.
03:34 Before he speaks, Yvonne Lewis will bring us the music.
03:38 And before she sings, we will go to the Lord in prayer.
03:42 Shall we pray.
03:43 Father God, we thank You so very much for the
03:47 privilege of prayer.
03:49 We thank Thee that on the other side of our prayers
03:52 is a God who listens, who hears, who is ready, willing,
03:55 and able to answer.
03:57 And Lord, this night we ask from You for Jim Gilley
04:01 heavens very best.
04:03 We know that he has spent time with You.
04:06 We know that he has a word from You.
04:09 And so we ask that You will empower him, embolden him,
04:13 anoint him to speak that word with power.
04:16 And give us who listen, here in this house and those
04:20 around the world, listening ears, attentive hearts,
04:25 open minds, that we may hear, receive, and do Your will
04:31 for our lives as together we take just one more step
04:37 along the road that leads to glory.
04:41 We love You, praise You, and thank You for Your promise
04:44 to hear and answer the prayer of faith.
04:46 In Jesus' name.
04:49 And now, Jim Gilley.
04:50 But before him, Yvonne Lewis.
05:14 In Christ alone my hope is found
05:20 He is my light, my strength, my song
05:25 This Cornerstone, this solid ground
05:30 Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
05:35 What heights of love, what depths of peace
05:40 When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
05:46 My Comforter, my All in All
05:51 Here in the love of Christ I stand
06:04 In Christ alone, who took on flesh
06:09 Fullness of God in helpless Babe
06:14 This gift of love and righteousness
06:20 Scorned by the ones He came to save
06:25 Till on that cross as Jesus died
06:30 The wrath of God was satisfied
06:35 For every sin on Him was laid
06:41 Here in the death of Christ I live
07:06 There in the ground His body lay
07:12 Light of the world by darkness slain
07:17 Then bursting forth in glorious Day
07:22 Up from the grave He rose again
07:27 And as He stands in victory
07:32 Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
07:38 For I am His and He is mine
07:43 Bought with the precious blood of Christ
07:56 No guilt in life, no fear in death
08:02 This is the power of Christ in me
08:06 From a life's first cry to final breath
08:12 Jesus commands my destiny
08:17 No power of hell, no scheme of man
08:22 Could ever pluck me from His hand
08:30 Till He returns to take me home
08:35 Here in the power of Christ I stand
08:40 No power of hell, no scheme of man
08:46 Can ever pluck me from His hand
08:56 Here in the power
08:59 of Christ I stand
09:21 Here in the power of Christ I stand.
09:27 No other way, only in Jesus.
09:29 Only through Him.
09:30 Let us pray.
09:31 Father in heaven, tonight we pray that as we
09:34 look at this subject, that we will focus on Jesus.
09:39 He is the way, He is the truth, He is the life.
09:42 Oh Father, speak, we pray, through us to Your people.
09:49 Thank You for hearing this prayer.
09:53 In Jesus' wonderful and powerful and loving name, amen.
09:59 You know, the Bible talks about worry.
10:02 This is not a subject that is only for our day.
10:06 It has always been there.
10:09 It is something that all of us have struggled with
10:14 from time to time.
10:16 There is absolutely no question about that.
10:20 Sometimes we come to some of these subjects,
10:22 as I mentioned last night, and people get the idea that
10:25 we're talking about psychology or we're talking about that.
10:27 No, we are looking at a Biblical subject
10:31 from a Biblical standpoint that applies to our lives today.
10:37 We're living in difficult times.
10:39 As we watch the news and...
10:41 I have to confess that I am a bit of a news junkie
10:45 and I watch a lot of news.
10:48 I don't really watch much else, but I do watch the news.
10:52 And I will tell you right now, when you see the US Senators
10:57 of this country that are exasperated to the point
11:01 where they say they do not see an answer to this,
11:05 that our debt situation continues to grow,
11:08 that in a very few years, about seven years,
11:11 it will come to the place where it equals our whole
11:15 national gross product.
11:19 I mean, this is a total bankrupt situation.
11:23 And it has to be turned around.
11:25 And there seems to be no way to turn it around.
11:28 You see, that makes it a serious situation.
11:32 When we look at the end times,
11:34 and I believe that we're in the end times,
11:36 I think we're right at the beginning of the end times,
11:39 the question comes, how do I make it through?
11:43 We look at the prophecies of Revelation and we believe that
11:46 we're living right in the beginning aspects of the
11:49 fulfillment of some of those prophecies and right at
11:51 the end of the fulfillment of some of the others.
11:56 So where does this put us as individuals?
12:00 You see, I can look in the prophecy and I can tell
12:03 where I am, but if I'm not prepared spiritually
12:07 to trust God in carrying me through, then it really
12:10 doesn't do me a whole lot of good to understand
12:13 what's going to be happening, if I'm not applying a
12:16 spiritual aspect to my life
12:19 so that I can live and go through
12:23 these very serious times.
12:27 Tonight, we're going to be talking about worry.
12:29 Worry is something that, really as I said,
12:32 it's a Biblical subject.
12:33 Christ talks about it.
12:34 He talks about it in Matthew the 6th chapter
12:38 and beginning with verse 25.
12:40 A pretty long passage, but I'm going to read it.
12:42 It says, "Therefore I say to you, do not worry."
12:47 I mean, how more direct can you be than that?
12:50 "Do not worry about your life, what you will eat
12:54 or what you will drink; nor about your body,
12:56 what you will put on.
12:58 Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?
13:02 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap
13:06 nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
13:10 Are you not of more value than they?"
13:14 Then it says, "Which of you by worrying can add one
13:17 cubit to his stature?
13:19 So why do you worry about clothing?
13:21 Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow:
13:24 they neither toil nor spin.
13:26 And yet I say to you than even Solomon in all of his glory
13:29 was not arrayed like one of these.
13:31 Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is,
13:35 and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not
13:38 much more clothe you, O you of little faith?"
13:41 "Therefore," Jesus says, "do not worry,
13:45 saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?'
13:47 or 'What shall we wear?'
13:48 For after all these things the Gentiles seek.
13:51 For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.
13:56 But seek first the kingdom of God."
14:00 You make this your all consuming worry, so to speak;
14:04 the pursuing of the kingdom of God,
14:07 pursuing righteousness, pursuing an understanding and love
14:11 for Jesus Christ.
14:13 And He says, "Seek first the kingdom of God and
14:16 His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
14:20 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow
14:24 will worry about its own things.
14:26 Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."
14:30 Got enough trouble without coming up with more.
14:34 And you know, so many times we will worry about things that
14:38 really we have no business worrying about.
14:42 We will add on to some of our concerns.
14:46 And I remember a magazine that came out in 1952.
14:51 And some of you were born then.
14:54 And it became very popular.
14:58 First it was a comic book called, Mad Magazine.
15:02 When it quit being a comic book, I quit reading it
15:05 because it got to deep for me.
15:07 But on the front of the cover, there was a fellow by the
15:10 name of Alfred E. Neuman.
15:12 That's what they...
15:13 And he was quite a character.
15:15 His ears stuck out and he had this funny grin.
15:18 And it always said, "What, me worry?"
15:22 Now that's an extreme situation.
15:25 There are things to worry about.
15:27 I was pastoring in a church and a lady came to me one time.
15:31 She said, "I use to worry about everything."
15:35 "Now," she said, "I don't worry about anything."
15:38 You see, those are two extremes though.
15:41 Going from worrying about everything
15:43 to not worrying about anything.
15:46 That's not the kind of extreme that we're looking for.
15:49 There are certain things that we need to be concerned about.
15:52 There are things that we need to handle that we shouldn't
15:57 be concerned about.
16:00 And we need to know the difference of these two.
16:03 Thomas Carlyle was an intellectual that lived
16:06 in London in the past century.
16:08 And he was a great student.
16:10 And he would study at night, he would start some time
16:13 after midnight, and he would study all night long into the
16:17 early morning hours because he wanted it absolutely quiet.
16:21 He lived just out at the edge of London.
16:24 And he was so particular about being able to focus,
16:28 wanting it quiet, that he built a sound proof room to study in.
16:35 But somehow, his neighbor's rooster
16:42 would crow and he would hear it.
16:46 And finally, he went over to the farmer who was
16:49 just a little farmer.
16:50 It wasn't a real farm, it was right at the edge of London.
16:53 But you know, people sometimes even have chickens in town now.
16:56 I understand most ordinances won't let you have a rooster
17:01 in town, but you can have chickens in town.
17:03 And it's understandable why they won't let you have a rooster
17:06 because he goes crowing about things and he
17:08 makes a little noise.
17:10 And he went o the farmer and he said, "Look, that rooster
17:15 crowing disturbs me so badly.
17:19 I will buy the rooster, I will pay you for the rooster.
17:23 Just give me a price for the rooster."
17:25 And the farmer said, "Well listen."
17:27 He said, "I kind of like my rooster."
17:30 And he said, "He only crows three times."
17:34 And Thomas Carlyle said, "Yea, but just waiting for him to crow
17:38 every time is what drives me nuts."
17:41 And you know, sometimes waiting for the other shoe to drop or
17:46 waiting for something to happen actually causes
17:50 more grief to us, more stress to us, than if we knew
17:56 when something was going to happen.
17:59 I read some stats the other day.
18:01 It said that 40% of all worries never actually take place.
18:10 So the 40% of the things that you worry about that are
18:14 going to happen, never happen.
18:16 They said that 30% of the things that people worry about
18:20 are in the past.
18:22 And we worry about whether somehow the consequences
18:27 of them, or something of that nature.
18:29 And then the next figure was 12% of all worries
18:34 are health worries.
18:36 We're going to talk a little bit about health worries
18:38 in a little bit.
18:39 Then it said 10% were petty worries.
18:43 And that it really came down to there were only,
18:47 that adds up to 92%, there were only 8% of the things
18:52 that were legitimate worries that we worry about.
18:57 Now that was according to that study.
19:00 And if you accept and believe studies, then you can have some
19:04 confidence in that study.
19:06 And I just about was ready to believe that, then a friend
19:09 of mine told me, his name is Carl Phipps, he said that
19:12 42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
19:20 So now that gives you something more to worry about;
19:22 whether these stats are actually accurate or not.
19:28 But things that come to use, in most cases, we should not
19:33 at all be concerned about.
19:35 Because the Lord promises us in Hebrews the 13th chapter
19:40 verse 5, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
19:45 "I'll never leave you."
19:47 Now this is quoting Deuteronomy 31 and
19:50 also quoting the 1st chapter of Joshua.
19:53 So three times, God says to us in three different places
19:58 in scripture, "I'll never leave you, I'll never forsake you."
20:04 Think about that.
20:05 He says He will never leave us.
20:08 If that doesn't help us, then my friend, I don't know what will.
20:14 You see, He is always there to do one of three things:
20:39 It's trusting in Him, relying upon Him, that is so important.
20:48 Now there are five basic groups of worries.
20:52 The first is worry about the past.
20:56 You know that more people worry about the past
20:58 than you would ever think.
21:00 I visited with a business man once that was very concerned
21:04 because he had been cheating, in years past, the IRS.
21:10 But it was a very complicated situation.
21:14 And so there was no way, when we talked about it
21:17 and we prayed about it, can you go and make it right.
21:20 As he explained the reasons why he could not go and
21:24 make it right, it made sense.
21:26 Because in going to make it right, and some people are
21:29 going to disagree with this, he was going to make it extremely
21:32 hard on some other people.
21:35 Now he had given money to the government in what they call
21:40 a conscience fund.
21:41 And he felt like he had paid enough into the conscience fund
21:47 to make up for what he had done.
21:49 But he still felt so guilty about what he had done.
21:54 It was just failure to report income.
21:56 I mean, he was doing a lot of cash business and
21:59 he just did not report it.
22:01 But then if he began...
22:03 You see what I'm saying?
22:04 If he actually went back and detailed everything,
22:06 now it would involve a lot of other people.
22:09 And so he felt that the Lord was not asking him to do that.
22:13 But it was a sin of the past.
22:16 We had to lay it on the altar, give it to the Lord.
22:20 Some of these things are so complicated, so mixed up,
22:23 that there's no way on earth you can every unravel
22:26 all of those things.
22:27 And sometimes, you have to say, "Lord, here it is.
22:31 I lay it on You, I give it to You.
22:33 Please take it away from me.
22:35 It's something in the past and I want to lay it
22:38 before the altar and let it go."
22:41 And I believe that God forgives us when we do that.
22:44 I really do.
22:46 Sins of the past.
22:47 When I was pastoring, I had a lady come to me.
22:49 And this lady just poured out her heart.
22:51 Now she was one of the leaders in our church.
22:55 But she said there had been a time in her past
22:59 where she had a leave of her senses;
23:03 her spiritual senses and everything else.
23:06 And she had done something that was wrong.
23:09 She had been unfaithful to her husband.
23:11 Later, she got things back together.
23:16 Later, she had a family.
23:19 Now as those children were getting older, she was afraid
23:24 that they were going to find out
23:27 what their mother had done in the past.
23:31 And she carried this fear, this worry about the past.
23:36 And so we prayed together.
23:38 And I said, "Ok, let's look at the worst scenario.
23:42 Let's look at it.
23:43 Let's say they do find out.
23:46 I really don't believe they're going to find out.
23:47 I believe the Lord covers."
23:49 I've seen Him do it so many times.
23:51 You know, every thing that you've done in the past
23:53 is not always going to come up.
23:55 It's not. The Lord covers.
23:58 And when you repent, if it comes up later on, then
24:03 there's some reason that God's going to be using that to help
24:05 perfect your character.
24:07 But I believe that those things are buried,
24:10 and I believe they're buried in the bottom of the sea.
24:12 And I don't think they're going to come up, in most cases.
24:15 But I said, "Let's say that this comes up.
24:18 And your children who are now teenagers,
24:21 at least they'll be that old because they already are,
24:25 let's say they're going to be older.
24:26 Let's say it comes up and they find out that their
24:30 mother was human."
24:33 I said, "Let me tell you.
24:36 Those kids will forgive you.
24:39 They will forgive their mother for being human,
24:44 for making a mistake."
24:47 And I said, "Furthermore, it may come at a time,
24:52 it may come at a time when they themselves need encouragement.
24:59 And they see the godly life you're living now,
25:02 and okay, you've made a mistake here.
25:05 But they see how Christ has come into your life
25:08 and how you have changed.
25:09 And they have seen your example as a mother."
25:14 Now I said, "My friend, that may actually be
25:18 an encouragement to them."
25:20 I visited one time with a lady who had a granddaughter who
25:24 was getting out into the world and being a little bit wild.
25:28 And that grandmother shared with that granddaughter
25:34 how she had made the same mistakes.
25:38 What did it do?
25:40 It encouraged that girl. That girl found courage.
25:43 If her grandmother who, she saw her as a saint.
25:47 "If grandmother can make a mistake like this
25:50 and her life be restored, then that means that I don't
25:55 have to stay like I am, I don't have to continue
25:58 in the way that I've gone.
25:59 I can be restored."
26:01 And she was.
26:04 Because grandmother shared that she too had been human.
26:10 Worries of the past.
26:12 These are things that we need to forget.
26:15 The apostle Paul, you remember he had done some things
26:17 in the past that he was certainly not proud of.
26:21 He more than just held the coats, folks.
26:23 He organized that stoning of Stephen.
26:26 He never could quite get over it.
26:27 If you go to Jerusalem, Biblically, and you look at
26:33 all the things that the Jewish people there in Jerusalem;
26:37 they still held it against Paul what had happened.
26:40 They just somehow couldn't let it go.
26:44 And Paul had to talk about the past.
26:46 And he said in Philippians the 3rd chapter verse 13,
26:49 "Forgetting those things which are behind."
26:53 Forgetting those things.
26:54 You see, there are people that always want to bring things up.
26:57 They'll want to brings things up that happened 50 years ago
27:00 as if it happened last week.
27:03 I know some people like that.
27:06 And they will bring it up and throw it in your face.
27:10 And that's going to happen, but that's not God's way.
27:13 The Bible says, "Forgetting those things which are behind."
27:17 Forgetting them, pressing forward.
27:21 Because the Lord has forgiven and the Lord has restored.
27:27 Now the second group of worries are, the future.
27:31 You know, the Bible says that the day is coming
27:35 when there are going to be some real difficult times.
27:40 We know that this is going to happen.
27:42 There's no getting around it, but what do you do?
27:44 Do you sit and worry about that all this time?
27:46 About 35 to 40 years ago, a lady came to me,
27:49 and I was holding meetings, and she said, "I am so worried."
27:54 She said, "I've been worried about this for years."
27:56 And I said, "What are you worried about?"
27:57 She said, "I'm so worried that I will not be able to go through
28:01 the time of trouble."
28:04 Now that was 35 years ago.
28:06 I saw her not long ago, she's still worried.
28:09 But she has wasted at least 35 years of her life worrying.
28:15 The Lord says don't be anxious about that.
28:20 He even tells you, don't even worry about
28:22 what you're going to say.
28:23 In Mark the 13th chapter verse 11, "When they arrest you
28:27 and deliver you up, do not worry."
28:31 "Don't worry beforehand," He says.
28:34 So that means, don't worry about what's going to be
28:37 taking place in the future.
28:38 This is what Jesus is telling us, not what just some
28:44 philosopher is saying.
28:45 He says, "Don't even premeditate what you will speak."
28:50 Don't worry about it.
28:51 He says, "But whatever is given you in that hour, speak that;
28:55 for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit."
29:01 He says, "Do not be worried beforehand."
29:04 And then Luke 21 verse 18, He says, "But not a hair
29:09 of your head shall be lost."
29:12 Now that would be good news for John Lomacang because
29:15 he's got quite a bit of hair.
29:18 And, John, I tell you, we admire your hair.
29:22 You've got a good head of hair.
29:24 And I've got a good head of hair up here, but I have to
29:27 comb it way back and let my eyebrows grow and then
29:30 comb them back over almost to cover the back part of my head.
29:35 But that's better news for you than
29:37 brother C.A. Murray over there.
29:39 Brother Murray, he's not too much worried about
29:44 the hair on his head.
29:45 But that is a promise that God has given us.
29:51 "Not one hair of your head shall be lost."
29:57 He has promised that He will carry us through.
30:02 We are not to worry about the future.
30:05 You know, worry and trust cannot live in the same place.
30:10 Some of you have heard of R.G. LeTourneau.
30:13 R.G. LeTourneau was a very successful business man.
30:16 He built heavy equipment, enormous, gigantic
30:20 earth movers you see out there.
30:23 Not just some ordinary caterpillar or bulldozer.
30:26 These gigantic pieces.
30:28 Some of these were his invention, his design,
30:31 and he made an awful lot of money.
30:34 He started off tithing 10% that he gave to the Lord.
30:42 And then he increased it to 20% and then 30% and then 40%.
30:46 God kept blessing him to where at the end of his life,
30:49 he was giving 90% of his income to the Lord.
30:53 He tithed himself 10%.
30:56 He kept 10%, 90% to the Lord.
31:00 He lived very simply.
31:02 But he just believed in God's word.
31:05 He built a college that's over there in Kilgore, Texas
31:08 and was a man that loved the Lord.
31:12 But he made a statement that I thought was very good.
31:15 LeTourneau said, "Worry and trust cannot live
31:19 in the same house."
31:21 Like some people.
31:23 "Worry and trust cannot live in the same house.
31:26 When worry is allowed to come in the door,
31:29 trust walks out the other door.
31:33 Worry stays until trust is invited in again,
31:36 where upon," he said, "worry walks out."
31:40 Worry and trust won't live in the same house.
31:46 You trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are not going to
31:50 have a problem with worry.
31:54 And you know, another thing that we worry about often is,
31:57 what others think.
32:00 What others think.
32:01 Too much what others think.
32:06 C.S. Lewis wrote in one of his books and he said,
32:09 he talked about a character named Mark and he said,
32:12 "Mark had a lot of Cocker Spaniel in him."
32:16 You know how Cocker Spaniels are.
32:17 They always want your love.
32:19 They'll run up to you, they want you to appreciate them.
32:22 They're friendly dogs.
32:23 I love Cocker Spaniels, I'm not putting them down.
32:26 But they're always trying to please.
32:29 Sometimes we've got a little too much Cocker Spaniel in us.
32:33 We want to please everybody too much.
32:36 It would be wonderful to have everybody like us,
32:39 everybody love us.
32:41 But you know something, in the world in which we live,
32:44 if you stand for anything, there are going to be people
32:47 that are not going to necessarily appreciate
32:49 what you stand for.
32:50 And so you cannot always be concerned totally about others.
32:56 Then there are those that worry about, not just what
32:59 others think, but maybe the safety of others.
33:04 I'm getting ready in November to take my 21st trip,
33:07 Lord willing, to Israel there during the Thanksgiving week.
33:12 Any of you want to go, let me know.
33:15 I've still got a few seats left.
33:17 But it's amazing, every time I've gone to Israel,
33:22 people will say, "We worried about you the whole time
33:25 you were gone."
33:27 I said, "I don't know why, I wasn't worried a bit."
33:31 In fact, I want to tell you this.
33:34 That as far as the stats are concerned, you are safer
33:38 in Israel than you are in this country.
33:41 Now that is statistically true.
33:44 For instance, there are 16 to 17 murders per year
33:49 in all of Israel, which is about 5 million people.
33:54 There are that many, about the same number of people,
33:56 in the greater Dallas Fort Worth area, metroplex area,
34:00 and Yvonne, there are more than 16 murders a weekend
34:05 in that place.
34:06 So in a weekend, there are more murders in the
34:09 Dallas Fort Worth area than there are in Israel in a year.
34:14 That is the truth.
34:16 You can look up those stats.
34:19 And they won't vary much from what I just said.
34:21 And it's safe there.
34:25 But I will tell you one thing.
34:27 That people have the reputation, in fact, if some little incident
34:33 of any kind happens, you know that CNN and Fox,
34:36 and everybody else, is there with their cameras going.
34:39 There was a situation one time I saw in Israel,
34:42 where one person was killed on a bus.
34:47 Some kind of an, it was just an altercation
34:50 that a person killed another.
34:51 They had all the news in this country going.
34:54 There was a robbery in Fort Worth Texas.
34:59 The robber shot several people at the bank,
35:02 killed several officers.
35:04 And when it was all through and the robber himself had
35:07 been killed, I think there were actually two robbers killed,
35:09 there was a total of eight people killed.
35:12 And it didn't even make national news.
35:15 That was in Fort Worth.
35:18 But this one person, they even went live with reports
35:23 because it was happening in Israel.
35:25 The focus on the Middle East is unbelievable.
35:29 But when you really get down to it, it's not always
35:32 as dangerous as the news likes to make it
35:36 sound like that it is.
35:37 But worrying about others, people worry
35:40 too much about others.
35:41 Then there's the health worry.
35:44 One of the greatest things that you can do with health
35:48 is take care of your body through good eating.
35:54 I like the NEWSTART idea.
35:56 It talks about nutrition, it talks about exercise,
36:01 water, sunlight, temperance, air, rest, and trust in God.
36:10 The acronym is NEWSTART.
36:12 You get the right foods, you get the right exercise.
36:16 Now many years ago, 1980, I went to Weimar.
36:21 And I don't believe I'd be alive today if I hadn't,
36:24 because Camille began to put these principles into our diet.
36:29 We haven't has a gravy with flour in it since those days.
36:34 She makes a cashew gravy or some type of a very healthy gravy,
36:39 things of that nature that changed in our diet.
36:43 Now I want to tell you that I don't always follow
36:46 everything that's there.
36:48 The biggest problem that I have is lack of exercise.
36:51 But sometimes people say, "Well, Jim, you need to lose weight."
36:54 Well I do.
36:55 But I'm 70 pounds lighter than I was at my high.
37:00 See, they don't see where I was.
37:03 It's like, hey, I'm not where I want to be, but I sure am
37:06 not where I was either.
37:08 And the Lord keeps helping me gradually get these
37:12 things under control.
37:14 But if you take care of your health, it will be something
37:18 that you'll be very happy that you did.
37:20 Drink lots of water.
37:21 Now I do that.
37:23 Get the sunlight.
37:24 I don't get quite as much as I should.
37:26 Temperance, yes I am very temperate in things.
37:29 And my wife will testify to that.
37:31 Air, don't get as much as I should.
37:34 Rest, I don't do too bad there.
37:36 But I do trust in God.
37:39 And so, I may not be 100% on all of these, but I keep
37:44 working to try to help.
37:47 Health is so important.
37:48 And how you approach health is so important because sometimes
37:53 we can actually think ourselves into illness.
37:57 In fact, they tell us that a great number, high percentage
38:03 of illness is brought about by emotionally induced illness.
38:08 Now that doesn't mean you're imagining the illness.
38:10 Although sometimes that can be the case.
38:13 But it means that through your emotions and being upset,
38:17 that your body becomes ill.
38:21 And sometimes, illness can be imagined.
38:26 There's no question about that.
38:27 I have a good friend, very good friend; Gary Grimes.
38:31 In fact, I called him tonight and said, "Gary, I may tell
38:33 this story if I get enough time.
38:35 And will you be mad if I use your name?"
38:38 He said, "I'll be mad if you don't."
38:40 So I'm using his name tonight.
38:43 He's a lifelong friend.
38:45 We met when I was in academy.
38:49 So he was bragging about how good he felt,
38:53 "Man, I feel so good."
38:55 Gary is a strong guy, very athletic guy,
38:57 and was a very good athlete.
39:00 Great basketball player, great football player,
39:03 baseball player, everything.
39:05 But his roommate, Bill Lingo, and several of us,
39:09 decided that we would try something with Gary.
39:13 Because we thought we could influence the way Gary thought
39:17 about things by saying things to him.
39:21 And we decided that the next morning at breakfast
39:25 we would tell Gary that we didn't think
39:28 he looked very good.
39:30 And see if we could actually make him sick.
39:34 Now I will have to confess, I was part of this conspiracy.
39:40 But I was the last one to leave the dorm that morning.
39:44 The others had already seen Gary over at the cafeteria.
39:49 And they had started off by saying,
39:52 "Grimes, you feel alright? You okay?
39:55 You don't look like you feel too good."
39:57 Two or three people salted to say that to him.
40:01 Now when I came out of the dorm and was headed towards
40:03 the cafeteria, I met Gary.
40:06 He's going like this towards the dormitory.
40:09 I said, "Gary, you don't look..."
40:11 He said, "I know, I know."
40:13 He didn't even let me get it out.
40:17 And he was headed to the dorm.
40:18 He was sick for several days.
40:22 And we only in the last few years confessed our sins
40:27 that we had disturbed him physically.
40:30 I told him, I said...
40:32 Now I mentioned him in the book I wrote,
40:33 The Battle Is The Lord's.
40:35 Which they're offering here with this series.
40:38 But I said, "Gary, now you're not going to sue me
40:42 if I use your name?"
40:43 He said, "Yea, I'm going to sue you anyway."
40:45 So he said, "You might as well go ahead and use it
40:48 because it's in the book."
40:49 I know he's teasing.
40:50 Gary, I know you won't do that.
40:52 We're too good a friends.
40:53 But we've always had a good time teasing.
40:56 By the way, the Lord has given him good health.
41:00 Because he walks every day, he drinks his water,
41:03 he watches all these different things with diet.
41:06 And he's had a good long healthy life.
41:11 It pays to do it.
41:13 I guarantee you.
41:15 It pays to watch your health.
41:19 And then the 5th set of problems are finances.
41:25 I could tell you all kinds of things about finances.
41:29 It's amazing how these things will happen,
41:34 and we will sometimes lose money,
41:42 or let ourselves get into debt, or have a very difficult time.
41:48 But I'll tell you this, that the Lord will see you through.
41:51 Every time, He will see you through.
41:53 I remember one time, we were just in the ministry.
41:57 And Camille and I had our son Jimmy and he was just a baby.
42:03 And we had formula and so forth for him.
42:08 And we sat down and wrote all of our bills,
42:13 wrote our tithe check first, wrote all of our bills.
42:16 And we had eleven dollars left over to make the month.
42:23 And now, we had to buy groceries, we had to buy gas.
42:27 We had to buy everything that we needed for a full month.
42:33 And you know, sometimes, when you're supposed to be the one
42:37 that's providing the bread, the pressure all of a sudden
42:42 comes on you, and I was tempted to hold that tithe check until
42:47 somehow I got my finances up.
42:51 You know, I was talking to a fellow one time that did that.
42:54 And I said, "How can you do that?
42:56 You know you shouldn't be doing that.
42:57 It's robbing God."
42:58 He said, "If I can't borrow from God, who can I borrow from?"
43:01 And he kind of puzzled me there for a minute.
43:05 But that's not exactly what the Lord said.
43:07 He says, "Trust Me."
43:10 So I said to Camille, I said, "Do you think the Lord
43:14 really expects us to turn this tithe in when we've got a..."
43:18 And I was hoping that she would say what she said.
43:22 But I had to ask.
43:24 Because you've got eleven dollars to make the month.
43:27 You know that's going to be a long month.
43:29 And we were on the envelope method.
43:31 There was no credit card.
43:32 We didn't have any credit cards.
43:33 Whatever money we had, we had it in an envelope.
43:36 We had one for this expense and that expense.
43:39 And they were all gone, there was nothing in them.
43:42 One just general; eleven dollars.
43:46 And she looked at me and she said, "We don't rob God."
43:51 And I felt ashamed, very much ashamed.
43:55 You know, when you're depressed, sometimes you just want to
43:57 get out, you want to go somewhere.
43:58 I said, "Come on, let's go for a drive."
44:02 Here we've got eleven dollars to make the month,
44:05 and we're going out and driving up all our gasoline in the car.
44:10 You don't have a lot of sense sometimes, you know.
44:13 When we got back, there was a car out in front.
44:19 And in that car was a friend that we'd known when I was
44:24 Assistant Pastor in South Lancaster.
44:27 His name was Howard Lee, worked for Worthington Foods.
44:31 He was the rep for Worthington for that part of the world.
44:36 Howard said, "I came by here and you weren't here.
44:39 I went over to the church and thought you might be there."
44:41 Now if you knew Howard, just the fact that he stopped.
44:44 He was going from South Lancaster to New York City.
44:47 Just the fact that we would stop was a miracle.
44:51 Period.
44:53 He's a very impatient guy.
44:56 Howard, if you're watching, I hate to say this,
44:58 but you are a very impatient person.
45:00 And your wife will testify to that.
45:04 But he's a very impatient guy.
45:06 And he went to our house and we weren't there,
45:08 went to the church and we weren't there,
45:10 came back to the house and waited on us.
45:14 And he said, "I just wondered, could you all use some food?"
45:21 Our cupboards were bare.
45:22 We opened up the cupboards to show him.
45:25 Could we use some food?
45:26 Yeah, we could use some food.
45:29 He said, "I've got some samples, a lot of new products and stuff
45:33 that Worthington wants me to have somebody try."
45:35 And he said, "I'd like for you and Camille to try these."
45:38 Some of them were some of the new frozen foods.
45:40 We'd never even eaten some of those before.
45:43 And he brought some of those and he had some canned goods.
45:45 When he left there, we knew we would not starve that month.
45:52 We would make it somehow that month.
45:54 One after another during that month, miracles took place.
46:00 We started the month with eleven dollars,
46:02 never asked anybody for anything.
46:06 Never.
46:08 A refund check came from where we lived before
46:11 that was from the electrical company and they had finally
46:14 sent us our deposit back.
46:16 Well there it was.
46:17 We ended the month, we had everything we needed
46:21 all month long, able to buy our fuel, able to buy our gasoline,
46:25 able to buy our food, and ended the month
46:28 with something like 40 dollars.
46:32 And the Lord supplied it all.
46:38 I will tell you that He will help you.
46:42 Years later, I was in Dallas Texas and I had just started
46:46 a business and things were really rough.
46:50 And I was so tense, I could not figure out what to do.
46:54 And things were so difficult.
46:56 And it seemed like I could not make it.
47:00 And it looked like things were really going to be rough.
47:03 I mean, real rough. They already were rough.
47:06 I went out and I bought 100 pounds of beans
47:11 and 100 pounds of rice and put them in a room.
47:16 And I told Camille, "If things get tough, we will only
47:21 eat out of this, we will not starve.
47:23 We'll have something for our family.
47:24 It's just beans and rice, but we will have something
47:27 for our family.
47:28 We will make it through."
47:31 And then I did something absolutely insane.
47:35 To show you how insane I was,
47:38 I bought a swimming pool and put it in the back yard.
47:43 Can you imagine how foolish that was?
47:48 And then I put a heater in it.
47:52 And I heated that pool to where it was like a bath tub.
47:56 One of my friends said, "You've got the biggest
47:58 bath tub in town."
47:59 And every night when I came home, right after we would eat,
48:05 I would go out and get in the pool and I would pray,
48:09 in that pool, and ask the Lord to give me wisdom
48:15 to meet the problems that we were having,
48:18 and to somehow make things go.
48:23 And I want to tell you something.
48:25 He did.
48:27 He gave me solutions.
48:29 During that time, one of the things that I decided was...
48:33 I was losing money, I was losing money.
48:36 And people said, "How can you lose money and live?"
48:39 We were taking just a draw of 1000 dollars a month.
48:42 But the company was losing, that I owned 100%.
48:48 I was eating into my capital, eating into borrowed money,
48:53 I was not making any money.
48:56 And so, we decided by faith we were going to tithe
49:01 even that 1000 dollar draw.
49:05 So we started paying 100 dollars tithe.
49:08 You know how much money we had left over at the
49:09 end of the month?
49:10 The same as we did when we had the whole $1000, nothing.
49:14 But we were giving 100 dollars.
49:16 So out there in that swimming pool, I just felt the Lord
49:22 encourage me to up it to $200.
49:24 So we upped it to 200 dollars a month.
49:28 How much money did we have at the end of the month? Nothing.
49:30 We didn't have anything at the end of the month,
49:32 but we were able to pay that tithe and still able to make
49:36 all of our bills somehow.
49:39 And then at the end of about several months,
49:44 I said, "We're going to go to a third tithe."
49:46 And we went to 300 dollars a month.
49:50 And that time, I backed out with my car, put it into gear,
49:57 and it wouldn't go.
49:59 My transmission had just gone kerplunk.
50:04 And I sat there and I said, "Lord, you know by faith
50:08 we're reaching out here, by faith.
50:11 There's just no way that we're going to be able to continue
50:17 tithing if I've got to do something
50:18 about this transmission."
50:21 So I got it down into one of the lower gears that would work.
50:26 Nothing else would work.
50:27 And I crept to a transmission place.
50:32 I got out and I told the man...
50:36 I only had about 70,000 miles on that car, but
50:39 that transmission was gone, gone, gone.
50:45 I told him, I said, "I can't afford to do anything."
50:49 He said, "Well, I'll tell you what I'll do."
50:51 He said, "I can drain that transmission fluid
50:54 and I will help you the best I can, and you'll get maybe
51:00 3000 miles out of this at the most.
51:04 But this transmission is gone, it's burned up."
51:06 But he said, "I'll drain it, take all the pieces of
51:10 stuff that's in there out, and we'll flush it.
51:15 And I think I can get you a few more miles."
51:17 I said, "Lord, if you'll just give me 5000 more miles,
51:22 I'll save, I'll do whatever I can to make it."
51:26 5000 miles.
51:28 I got 5, I got 10, I got 15, I got 20,
51:33 I got 25, I got 30, I got 35, 40, 45,
51:38 over 50,000 miles on that transmission.
51:42 The Lord did it.
51:45 He did it because He will see you through these
51:48 financial difficulties.
51:49 There's just no way that He is not concerned about you
51:55 and that He will not bring you through.
51:59 You know, I've mentioned sometimes to some of you that
52:07 there have been times when I worried about my family;
52:11 worried about my children.
52:13 Let me tell you how that got started.
52:16 When I was seven years old, I remember one night.
52:21 I remember that night just better than I do some things
52:25 that happened last week.
52:28 We went ingathering, and what a night I had.
52:33 Biggest night I've ever had, one of those little cans
52:36 sticking it out in front of people,
52:38 "I'm a junior missionary volunteer out working for Jesus.
52:41 Would you like to help?"
52:43 And that had been the best night that I'd ever had.
52:47 And there were about ten teams and I was number one.
52:52 I'd never been number one before.
52:54 And we went home, went to bed.
52:59 In the middle of the night, the phone rings.
53:03 I remember, my father, he was standing there
53:07 and he said, "Oh no, no."
53:10 And he hung up, called back.
53:12 My brothers were now in the hall standing there next to dad.
53:15 Mother was weeping in bed.
53:18 I knew something was really wrong, but I
53:20 didn't know what it was.
53:21 Then I heard my dad, "Is this the highway patrol?"
53:25 "Yes, it is."
53:26 Did you just call my home and tell me that my daughter, Mary,
53:31 was killed in an automobile accident tonight?"
53:36 And then I heard my dad say, "Oh, so it's true?"
53:41 Then he hung up.
53:43 Now my brother and I didn't have our own room.
53:46 In the summer time, we slept in a corner of my
53:49 mom and dad's room.
53:51 In the front part of the house...
53:53 We lived in a two bedroom house with five children.
53:56 In the front part of the house, my two brother's slept
53:59 just at the edge of the living room.
54:02 And then my sister had the other bedroom.
54:06 Four boys, one girl.
54:07 She was the queen of our family.
54:10 Beautiful girl.
54:12 Active girl.
54:13 She'd gone off to school, gone off to Southwestern.
54:16 And financially we couldn't make it so she'd come home.
54:20 And so when she came home, Elder Johnson came to our home.
54:29 The youth leader, Kimber Johnson.
54:31 Many of you knew him.
54:33 He came to our home to visit because anytime a kid
54:37 left school, he would go see them.
54:40 We were so excited.
54:41 My brother Paul and I, I was seven and Paul was
54:44 four years old, but we were so active.
54:48 Elder Johnson didn't realize, to us he was a celebrity.
54:53 We had never seen anybody from the conference office
54:55 come to our house.
54:56 I mean, this was unbelievable.
54:59 And when he left, my sister said to my mom,
55:03 "You know, mother, if anything ever happens to me,
55:06 I want him to have my funeral."
55:09 My mother laughed and she said, "Honey, you're only
55:12 18 years old.
55:13 Nothing is going to happen to you."
55:16 And Saturday night, she was killed.
55:18 Hit by a drunk driver.
55:20 They were in a car and she and the young man she was with
55:24 were both killed.
55:26 The two in the front seat survived.
55:29 And now we would have her funeral.
55:33 I remember that they called Kimber Johnson to come back,
55:36 but he misunderstood because the person who called
55:38 was my grandmother.
55:40 And somehow in the connection, he thought he was coming
55:43 to hold Mary's grandmother's funeral.
55:47 And when he arrived, he was late for the funeral.
55:51 He came right to the platform, had no chance to talk to anyone.
55:54 And when he stepped up to speak, he looked into the casket.
55:58 And he said later, "I nearly fainted.
56:01 There was the young girl I had visited with
56:03 just a few nights before.
56:06 And now she was dead."
56:08 I was young.
56:09 I kept saying to myself, "When all these people are gone,
56:15 I know the Lord's going to resurrect her."
56:17 I had studied about Jairus' daughter in the Bible
56:20 and I just knew this was going to happen.
56:22 And I kept waiting for it to happen.
56:25 And finally, it came time for the family to go.
56:31 My dad lifted me so I could see her.
56:35 And I was waiting for this to happen.
56:38 I knew then all of our family would accept Christ
56:41 if this happened.
56:42 And I knew it was going to take place.
56:45 And I waited.
56:47 And then they started to close and I said, "Oh no, don't."
56:51 And then all of a sudden, I had not cried a bit,
56:55 but at that time, hot tears shot from my eyes.
56:58 I'll never forget it as long as I live.
57:02 And I knew what death was.
57:06 And I knew that I wouldn't see my sister
57:10 until the resurrection.
57:12 That brought a worry that stayed with me with our children.
57:17 But I've given that to the Lord now.
57:20 I trust in Him.
57:22 And I know that He's coming back
57:26 and we will have no worries, no complaints.


Revised 2014-12-17