A Father's Heart

How to Help Your Children Deal with Racism

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFH

Program Code: AFH000016A

00:01 A good father takes time to play.
00:05 He has strong integrity.
00:08 He is someone that is truly dedicated.
00:12 He is not afraid to show his love.
00:15 He is a caring provider.
00:18 And he is a kind spiritual leader.
00:23 These are just a few ways to describe a father's heart.
00:34 Hi and welcome to A Father's Heart.
00:35 I'm your host Xavier.
00:37 And today, we're going to be discussing
00:38 a very sensitive topic about racism,
00:41 how do you teach your kids,
00:43 how do they deal with it,
00:44 when you yourself are in a state of cynicism
00:47 and wanting to know what to do next.
00:50 And with me to discuss that are my friends Denry and Paul,
00:53 how are you guys doing today?
00:55 Good day, man, doing well, doing well.
00:56 Blessed to be here.
00:58 You know, we like to acknowledge
00:59 the elephant in the room.
01:01 Let's talk about racism, how...
01:03 I know we've experienced that at different levels,
01:06 that's a given,
01:07 we've experienced it outside of church,
01:08 in church, in the world, outside the world.
01:11 However you look at it, we've experienced it,
01:12 but how do we teach our kids
01:15 to deal with it without becoming cynical?
01:18 I think one of the major dangers
01:20 is that when we look at racism,
01:23 we always look outside, there are people races outside,
01:26 the world is racist, the church is racist,
01:29 schools are racists.
01:30 But we never really take in consideration ourselves,
01:34 could we be racist,
01:35 could we cause cultural separation,
01:37 could we call sexism.
01:39 You know, when we look at Genesis,
01:40 you know, chapter 3,
01:42 the first thing that was introduced was insecurity.
01:45 You have to be better than what God made you,
01:48 and I think that's what bruised racism,
01:50 the other person is not better or I'm not good enough,
01:53 so because I'm not good enough, I need to bring you down.
01:56 And so with my children, I try my best to lift them up.
02:00 But I don't lift them up to a point where I tell them,
02:02 "Hey, you are better than other people," never, never.
02:05 I say, "You are equal to other people,
02:07 God has created us equal, He's given us different gifts,
02:10 He's given us different abilities,
02:12 so use that to help to beautify the world
02:16 and to lift His kingdom up."
02:19 Oh, I concur definitely,
02:20 especially on the matter of being realistic,
02:24 having a realistic definition
02:26 of what racism or what prejudice is.
02:29 I reflect on my own rearing, I grew up in East Flatbush,
02:33 Brooklyn, and a very diverse,
02:37 a very ethnically diverse community,
02:38 very integrated
02:40 as far as the multiplicity
02:42 of cultures and ethnic groups,
02:44 yet very segregated as far as our neighborhood divides
02:48 and so on and so forth.
02:50 I had to learn a realistic understanding
02:53 of racism or prejudice,
02:56 and I try my best to instill that to my child,
02:59 wherein I'm saying, most often,
03:02 whoever is the minority group will fall victim
03:06 to that type of behavior.
03:07 We as a minority
03:09 may be more sensitive
03:10 to those actions, or sufferings, or whatever,
03:13 but whenever you are a majority,
03:17 you are at risk of demonstrating
03:19 those type of traits and behavior.
03:21 So I start with letting her know
03:23 that racism is a human problem,
03:27 it's not just a black problem, a white problem,
03:30 Spanish problem, Asian problem, racism is a human problem,
03:34 and the only way we can overcome it
03:37 is in and through the life of Christ.
03:40 Yeah, and I like that.
03:41 It's true, you know, but at the same time, you know.
03:44 How do I teach my girls?
03:47 You know, I've been told to go mow somebody's grass,
03:51 I've been told...
03:54 I've been called every name in the book,
03:55 you know, and different...
03:58 I have a different complexion,
03:59 as I say I joke about I change colors in the sun
04:02 'cause my dad's black
04:03 and my mom's very light, very light skin
04:07 'cause of Italian background,
04:08 you know, and I've been told
04:10 and called many different things,
04:11 and I never experienced racism before,
04:16 growing up in Puerto Rico, I didn't experience it.
04:18 When we moved out of there, my parents had told me,
04:21 "Hey, where we're going,
04:22 you might encounter people that look at you differently
04:25 or talk to you differently."
04:27 You know, for me, I didn't know what that meant.
04:30 And then when I experienced it for the first time,
04:32 I didn't know whether to be angry...
04:34 Yeah.
04:36 Or as my Christian...
04:37 as a Christian home,
04:39 how do I turn the other cheek
04:41 'cause you're slapping both my cheeks,
04:44 like how do I turn the other cheek.
04:46 And looking at my kids now, my girls, what do I tell them?
04:51 You know, not only are they female but they're also...
04:55 One is darker than the other,
04:57 what do I tell these girls?
04:58 How do I bring them up to understand that
05:01 it is a sin problem,
05:03 a human problem to be Christ-like
05:06 and see beyond abomination
05:09 that racism is love their fellowman
05:12 and not knock out their fellow man?
05:14 Yeah.
05:16 You know, how do you teach your kids to not be jaded
05:18 like we are at times as adults, how do you keep them innocent?
05:22 You know, the beauty of what you said,
05:24 turn the other cheek is that we are...
05:27 I think most people miss Matthew 5,
05:30 but the whole entirety of the Bible,
05:32 the entirety of the Bible is not to them.
05:35 When you're reading the Bible,
05:36 God is not speaking to them or to others,
05:39 God is speaking to you
05:41 and you turn the other cheek,
05:43 you forgive, you respond this way.
05:46 So yes, there's going to be racism,
05:49 there's going to be sexism,
05:50 all of the isms until Jesus come.
05:52 Let's just put...
05:54 Let's just be honest with ourselves,
05:55 you know, it's important to speak out against it,
05:57 let people know, you know, this is wrong.
06:00 But we need to have a similar attitude
06:02 like Martin Luther King, Gandhi, and most of them...
06:05 And they sampled themselves in Jesus Christ,
06:07 the attitude of Christ.
06:08 He spoke out against sin but how did He respond,
06:12 when He was treated bad, He turned the other cheek,
06:15 when He was attacked...
06:16 For example, I never forget, you said they make fun of you,
06:20 tell you to go mow the lawn or go plant a fountain
06:23 or something like that, a couple of guys,
06:26 we were walking into a building,
06:27 and we came through the side door,
06:29 and the guy jokingly said,
06:33 "Are you guys coming to rob the building?"
06:35 And I could have responded and said,
06:37 "Is this a black issue?"
06:39 Because it was three of bullied were black guys,
06:41 but I was like, you know what,
06:42 Jesus is teaching us
06:44 to these things are going to be in the world,
06:46 whether He meant it by humor
06:49 because I've done some of that,
06:50 you know, make those racial humor jokes
06:53 and not trying to insult anybody
06:55 but just out of humor.
06:57 So I didn't want to mess up his day that day.
07:00 So I forgave them, let it go, moved on, and just,
07:03 you know, made of it.
07:05 So the Bible always speaks to you respond,
07:08 the world is going to be messed up,
07:10 but you as a Christian need to respond this way.
07:14 Yeah, very important
07:15 that we're also nurturing our children
07:18 the appropriateness of balance.
07:20 I struggled in life not to acquiesce
07:23 to one extreme or the other
07:25 because I experienced a lot of racism
07:29 through law enforcement,
07:30 through civil authorities, through neighbors,
07:32 through teachers, medical practitioners,
07:35 on and on and on and on.
07:36 I experienced a lot of that.
07:38 But I think the greater tragedy
07:40 is when we get to the point
07:41 that we acquiesce to one extreme or the other,
07:44 where we're being, if I can say,
07:47 preoccupied with justice to an extent
07:50 that we are constantly, constantly engaged
07:53 in some form of antagonistic reaction
07:57 or we are completely passive
08:00 where we're not doing anything about it.
08:02 We started by talking about the...
08:05 Did you say pink elephant? What color was it, bro?
08:09 He didn't mention the color, he just said elephant.
08:11 Yeah, the elephant, all right, the elephant.
08:14 We started talking about the elephant in the room
08:16 and I think the bigger elephant
08:17 in the room today is the fact
08:18 that the church remains a microcosm of its society.
08:22 And if you find racism in society,
08:24 for sure you're going to find it in the church.
08:27 Nobody likes to talk about racism in the church,
08:30 but it is present.
08:31 Yeah.
08:33 It is in some sense, we may excuse, it's okay,
08:35 it's just a mass is just to let you know,
08:36 no, it's also within even our legislated infrastructure,
08:40 and there are things we need to do proactively about that.
08:42 So it's important for me to let my daughter know,
08:46 "Hey, look, there once was a time
08:48 when I was waiting for God to cure others of racism."
08:54 You see, I assume within this it being a predicament
08:57 or a result of sin as part of sanctification.
09:02 It's something that we all must overcome
09:05 before we are saved, so to speak.
09:07 Yeah.
09:09 Well, I don't think I feel that way as much anymore.
09:11 I have a different perspective of humanity,
09:15 and what sin is, and how sin impacts us,
09:18 and how the grace of God works within all of that,
09:20 and it may be within our best interest
09:23 to stop waiting for people to be cured and start acting.
09:28 So what is it that we can do on our part to ensure
09:32 we are being intentional
09:34 about not demonstrating that behavior or practice?
09:37 Yeah.
09:38 Book of Isaiah chapter 1, God says to His people,
09:41 "Look, you know, your Sabbaths and all your offerings
09:45 and everything that you're bringing to Me,
09:46 you know, they're making Me sick.
09:49 I'm not even able to receive them because
09:51 you are not demonstrating in your life true benevolence."
09:55 In another part of Isaiah, He says,
09:57 "You are neglecting to demonstrate justice,
10:00 you're not being engaged
10:03 and involved in speaking up against social injustice."
10:08 And I think that's one area
10:09 that we as a church as well as fathers,
10:13 we have got to take prime initiative in doing so.
10:17 We've got to speak up against injustice,
10:19 but we've also got to give
10:21 our children a nurturing balance
10:23 not to overreact or acquiesce to the extreme
10:27 where we ourselves
10:28 or they end up acting prejudicially
10:31 or demonstrating some racist behavior
10:34 because of how frustrated they are
10:36 over the predicament of racism.
10:38 One of the beautiful things
10:39 that I've been doing with my daughter,
10:41 I do my similar...
10:42 My three children are different shades, okay?
10:46 And I have a daughter, two boys and a daughter,
10:49 and I know how the world is, I know how the world is.
10:53 And so my wife and I, we've been telling our kids
10:55 that their skin is beautiful, their mind is beautiful,
11:00 their heart is beautiful,
11:02 you know, their personality is beautiful,
11:04 and I said because God made you beautiful,
11:06 and I also let them know,
11:07 no, you are not more beautiful than the other person,
11:11 you're not better than the other person,
11:13 you're just as beautiful, you're just as equal,
11:15 and I told them, "Could you do me a favor?
11:17 When you play with your friends,
11:19 could you tell them that their skin is beautiful,
11:21 that their hair is beautiful?
11:23 Let them know."
11:24 You know, the beautiful thing about discipline,
11:26 it's one-on-one.
11:28 When we read the Bible, God is not saying,
11:31 "Oh, let's go out and change the world one time
11:34 with a big sermon."
11:35 No, it's one-on-one.
11:37 So how do I respond to you?
11:40 I demonstrate the love of Christ to you
11:43 no matter what you bring to me,
11:45 I'm going to demonstrate love of Christ to you
11:46 and hopefully, it's contagious.
11:48 Now you go now and bring it to him.
11:52 And so that's the beauty.
11:53 If we start the one-on-one...
11:56 I pray that that that become contagious.
11:58 Amen.
12:00 And I think that's critical
12:01 because this was going to keep us sane,
12:04 Yes. you know?
12:06 And I'm reminded of...
12:08 When I speak to my girls about this,
12:11 I try not to speak to them in a biased tongue
12:14 which is very, very difficult.
12:16 You know, being a police chaplain for five years,
12:19 I worked with a lot of great police officers
12:22 that don't care what skin tone you are,
12:24 they just care about what you do
12:26 and what you do wrong.
12:27 But that's not the reality that we live in.
12:30 Yeah.
12:31 You know, a lot of them hide behind a badge.
12:33 The department that I worked in was a big county
12:37 and not every single one of them
12:39 subscribed to treating everybody equally,
12:42 the power trip,
12:44 you know, and when I got arrested
12:46 by my own department
12:48 due to a bar brawl back before I knew Christ,
12:54 one of my best friends is still there,
12:56 he said he would have handled it differently,
12:58 simply because the one person that did apprehend me
13:02 and chose to treat me like I was nothing,
13:05 slammed me everywhere, I mean,
13:07 I have bruise, cuts, tasered,
13:10 everything, the works, so to speak.
13:12 You know, and now working as a chaplain for them,
13:16 my girls don't know the difference
13:17 between the chaplain and officer,
13:19 they see the uniform.
13:21 And I'm trying to teach them,
13:22 you know, that it's not a badge issue,
13:26 it's a heart issue, you know?
13:28 But then again, when I see things,
13:32 you know, posted online,
13:33 when I see videos, when I see this,
13:36 you have the one handful of people
13:39 that, you know, jump the gun automatically
13:42 to say the officer is guilty.
13:44 But then you got the other ones,
13:46 you know, that are correct as well
13:48 saying that they were treated unjustly.
13:50 For me, I stand in the middle
13:52 because I bleed blue as they say,
13:55 and I'm also a civilian.
13:58 You know, how do we teach our kids?
14:01 How do you teach them that the very people
14:03 that are supposed to serve and protect you might kill you?
14:07 Mercy.
14:09 But you will not know what they're...
14:11 You know, and it goes beyond
14:14 saying yes, sir, no, sir, yes, ma'am, no, ma'am,
14:16 it goes beyond that,
14:18 how do you teach them and train them
14:20 that to walk with Christ in such a way
14:23 that if their life is unjustly taken...
14:26 Mercy. Mercy.
14:29 That it's okay because there's a kingdom
14:31 and a crown waiting for them,
14:33 how do you teach your kids that?
14:35 I'm going to let you...
14:36 Senior.
14:37 Yeah, that's hard teaching as they would say in scripture.
14:45 I have more testimonies and more stories
14:48 than time would allow to share.
14:51 I try to direct my own daughter
14:53 and other youth that I have mentored.
14:55 I've been very involved in mentorship,
14:57 we keep mentioning this referencing,
14:59 which is also very important, mentor our young men.
15:04 You will see things in life
15:05 that will give you a balance to understand.
15:07 We all have negative experiences,
15:09 but you have to look at both sides.
15:12 And God has allowed me some experiences in life
15:16 where I have learned in a very transparent manner
15:20 what human nature is like.
15:26 It's important that we instill
15:30 that sense of you are not alone,
15:32 you're walking with God, you're always with God.
15:36 We have to teach our children
15:39 the necessary traits of survival.
15:42 I'll be it whether you're living
15:43 in whatever urban community you're living in,
15:46 and there's an equal threat once you step out your door,
15:49 at least that's how it was when I grew up.
15:51 It's real bizarre
15:55 that you can hear people say in some sense today,
15:59 "I'm worried about my child going outside today
16:01 because I don't know
16:03 if a police officer is going to kill him."
16:04 Mercy. You know.
16:05 But there are people saying that.
16:08 In my teen years, it was more,
16:11 "I'm nervous about going outside today
16:13 'cause I don't know if somebody, period,
16:15 who it's another gang member,
16:17 or somebody from another neighborhood,
16:19 or that don't like me,
16:21 or another race that don't like me
16:22 or whatever and yes,
16:23 inclusive of that were civil authorities.
16:26 But now today, it's been amplified,
16:28 in the sense, we're people...
16:29 The greatest concern especially for a young black men,
16:33 or Latino men, or any minority group seems to be
16:37 "I'm afraid of law enforcement,
16:39 I'm afraid of what can happen to me."
16:41 So yes, I tell my daughter once again to be realistic,
16:45 once again to be careful of her surroundings
16:48 or whereabouts, her behavior.
16:50 But within that, yes, like yourself,
16:53 I think there's a degree of
16:56 me accepting the worst scenario
17:01 and the only thing I can do about that is pray,
17:04 you know, that my child not be a casualty to racism
17:08 in any form from any particular group,
17:12 civil, or social.
17:16 Yeah, you know,
17:17 we as Christians subscribe to grace.
17:21 And when I look back over my life, I see grace.
17:24 Yes.
17:26 And when I was a young teenager, early 20s,
17:29 and I was very core into, you know, black revolutionists,
17:34 living in Harlem,
17:35 you know, just getting tired of the racism,
17:38 the anger was brewing up,
17:40 you know, just felt helpless.
17:43 Coming from Jamaica at a young age
17:44 but raised in Harlem, New York,
17:46 you know, just get,
17:48 you know, when people talk about police brutality now,
17:51 it's only because of social media we see,
17:53 but this thing been going on for decades.
17:55 I agree. I agree.
17:57 Decades, maybe almost over a century based on...
18:00 Depending on time,
18:01 but so I remember one time I was thrown against a wall,
18:06 you know, I was frisked, I was searched
18:08 just because literally 'cause I'm black.
18:12 And so our children hear these things
18:14 and our children see these things,
18:16 and so instead of going down into the core
18:19 and bill out that anger like I had
18:22 'cause there's many times
18:23 I could have been killed by police,
18:26 there's been times I could've been killed by my own
18:27 by others.
18:29 But when I...
18:30 So instead of brewing up that part,
18:33 I really try to demonstrate to them
18:37 how Jesus would respond to this.
18:38 Yes.
18:40 I mean, let's just be honest,
18:41 this is why I began saying at the beginning
18:43 that we need to search in ourselves,
18:45 even the purest heart,
18:46 human being is full of some kind of racism,
18:50 some kind of division.
18:51 When sin entered this world, look at the response.
18:55 We supposed to be great, right?
18:56 The first thing Adam does is does what?
18:58 He blames his wife.
19:00 The next chapter, we go into Cain and Abel.
19:03 And then it just gets worst after that, and it just builds.
19:07 Division started in the kingdom when Satan override, you know?
19:10 So this division thing is to our DNA.
19:15 So the only solution
19:17 is a heart transplant from Jesus Christ.
19:21 Only solution.
19:23 It's true, it's just so difficult.
19:25 I mean, it's hard like one of the things
19:27 that I try to instill in my girls
19:28 is know your roots.
19:30 Yes.
19:31 You know, for me, I struggled so long
19:33 knowing who I was,
19:34 I knew I wasn't in Christ and...
19:36 But what I wanted to, you know, where do...
19:37 'cause I look at my mom,
19:39 she's, you know, Italian, so she's very light,
19:41 my dad is dark, he's black,
19:44 and I kept asking my dad, "You're black,
19:47 where do you come...?"
19:48 "I don't know, son, I'm just Puerto Rican."
19:49 I'm like, "Dad, you're black,
19:51 what do you mean you don't know where you come from?"
19:53 I remember, a couple years ago,
19:54 I went to visit my family, sat down,
19:57 they brought out a whole photo album
20:00 of my great grandfather and my great grandmother.
20:04 My great grandfather was super dark,
20:07 you know, and my aunt shared with me,
20:11 "Well, you're here
20:13 because of your great great-grandmother
20:17 being raped."
20:19 Mercy.
20:20 Mercy. "She was a slave.
20:22 So you're here because..."
20:25 I didn't know how to take that.
20:27 Is it a blessing that I'm here, yes,
20:29 but is it a blessing that I'm here
20:30 because a relative of mine got raped,
20:34 you know, and I started to cry
20:36 because it's like something clicked.
20:39 You know, fast forward to that,
20:41 you know, experiencing racism in the church
20:45 where I'm told by my brethren,
20:49 "You're not dark enough,"
20:50 or "You're not light enough," you know.
20:54 It's all this skin issue, even though it's a sin issue,
20:59 we looked at... Look at the skin issue
21:02 and I'm like make up your mind,
21:04 you know, and I did, I told my girls,
21:06 "Know your roots and make it up in your heads
21:10 that even though they see your skin
21:12 and they may see who you are,
21:15 it doesn't matter
21:17 because Christ is the one that you need."
21:19 Yeah.
21:20 And yeah, that sounds pretty and fluffy
21:22 but realistically that's where it's coming down to where
21:26 it's either you're going to let everything affect you,
21:30 or you're going to be of no use to your family,
21:33 or you find some way to muster up the strength
21:37 to hang on even just to the garment of Christ
21:41 and just "Help me, Lord,
21:44 'cause I'm ready to fight."
21:45 Mercy. Yeah.
21:46 I'm ready to go out there and decimate this
21:49 but we battle not against flesh and blood.
21:52 Amen. Amen.
21:53 What can I do to control,
21:54 you know, how do you teach your kids to rise above?
21:58 Yeah, I think as pastors talked about this before
22:02 and that is understanding
22:03 that if you're the pastor of a church,
22:05 you're also the leader of a community.
22:08 You should be the leader
22:09 within that surrounding community of the church.
22:11 We ought to be involved
22:14 and we ought to have direct access
22:16 to all people groups within that community
22:19 and be engaged in ensuring that we're doing what we can do
22:23 to break down those walls,
22:25 to build new relationships within varied ethnic groups,
22:29 take time to find out in your community
22:32 if there is a specific minority group
22:36 that is being marginalized,
22:38 this group in a trailer park, a group of...
22:43 farmers or farmhands
22:46 or a migrant population, a refugee population,
22:51 you know, we should do our best to be engaged
22:54 in building bridges and taking down walls
22:57 that keep those divides,
22:59 and we should be a voice of advocacy.
23:01 Yeah.
23:03 Intentionally, not by accident,
23:05 which is what I see often happen even within our church,
23:08 usually when we are involved in something
23:11 that relates to some civil issue
23:13 that needs attention, we're kind of there by default.
23:17 We're not there intentionally, and that that has to change.
23:20 We have to be intentional
23:22 about how we go about addressing those issues
23:24 and I pass the same degree of responsibility
23:27 and accountability to my child.
23:29 Yeah.
23:30 And I'm so grateful how we were talking yesterday about,
23:32 you know, this whole, the one day
23:35 where your son or your daughter was a little toddler crawling
23:38 and you were perplexed about the ambiguity
23:42 of what's going to happen over the next 20 or 30 years
23:44 and now here you are today,
23:46 daughter is 21 years old,
23:48 his kids are approaching teen years,
23:50 yours are toddler still yet.
23:52 But it's good to step back
23:53 and look and see the fruit of the product,
23:56 of how God has helped you within that nurture process,
24:00 within His pouring out of grace and His sharing of wisdom
24:04 and the biblical principles that we hold fast to us
24:06 as we train and nurture our children.
24:08 Hopefully, one day, yes, they will walk
24:11 and demonstrate the integrity that pleases God.
24:15 All of us or especially those of us who are pastors,
24:18 if you're a pastor of a church,
24:20 you are the leader of a community
24:22 or you are a community leader,
24:24 you should be involved
24:26 in the social climate of that community,
24:29 you should be observant or even searching
24:33 to see if there are groups that are being marginalized,
24:36 that group in the trailer park,
24:38 or that group of migrant farm workers,
24:41 or maybe a refugee group that has settled in the community.
24:46 We need to be involved in intentional
24:49 about breaking down walls that cause divide,
24:53 and we need to be building bridges,
24:55 and we need to be intentional about it.
24:57 I think it's a tragedy that often in the church
25:00 when we are involved in some area of civil need,
25:05 we're there accidentally, we're kind of there by default.
25:08 We're not there by some intentional proactive plan
25:12 that whereby we really cared,
25:15 we need to get beyond also within our church structure
25:18 to be sure that we not foster environments
25:22 that are integrated based on tolerance.
25:25 Now what I mean by that is we have to do more
25:28 than tolerating the presence of other people.
25:32 This is another unfortunate fact.
25:35 Even in many of our integrated congregations,
25:38 people are mixed and integrated in there,
25:40 but they're kind of tolerating each other,
25:42 they have not truly welcomed the presence of each other,
25:46 whether black, or white,
25:47 or Asian, or Latino, or whatever it is.
25:49 We're kind of just there tolerating each other.
25:51 That has to stop. Yeah.
25:53 So I try my best within being responsible
25:57 and accountable to nurture those values
26:00 to my daughter also
26:02 that she needs to be both responsible
26:04 and accountable for how she responds to her society.
26:09 I think it's very important.
26:11 And if we demonstrate that within our congregations
26:13 and within our communities,
26:15 then we are helping to be part of the solution
26:18 and not just part of the problem.
26:20 Yes.
26:21 And a lot of efforts towards,
26:23 as I spoke earlier and mentioned,
26:24 this natural inclination,
26:26 this human inclination to swing towards
26:30 one extreme of the pendulum or the other,
26:33 not to acquiesce to the group that's,
26:35 you know, like you were saying, you get that sense of,
26:37 "You know, man, I'm so fed up with this,
26:39 I want to fight,"
26:41 you know, and we got to be careful.
26:43 We got to fight constructively, not the fighting that's,
26:46 you know, matching violence for violence, an eye for an eye.
26:49 That goes nowhere.
26:50 You know, we lift up this book,
26:52 we open it, and we can see
26:54 from Moses and Zipporah all the way
26:57 through to Peter's wrestling
27:01 with this problem in the New Testament.
27:03 So even in Scripture, it's evident.
27:06 And what we have to do is just be committed
27:10 and dependent to the grace of God
27:13 and to ensure that we're allowing Christ
27:15 to live in and through us, demonstrating His love.
27:20 The point that you brought out in Isaiah,
27:24 and Isaiah keeps talking about it,
27:26 there is another part that we swing to,
27:29 and this is the part I believe that God hates the most,
27:31 indifference.
27:34 Indifference.
27:35 I teach my children, I demonstrate to my children,
27:38 I want beautiful things I want one of my churches,
27:41 we have a variety of different races,
27:44 different culture, and I express them
27:47 the importance of bringing that to the table.
27:50 Bring it to the table in worship,
27:53 bring it to the table
27:54 in how you deliver the Word of God,
27:55 you share the Word of God.
27:57 Let's talk about the beauty of each other.
27:59 Man, and we can keep going on and on
28:02 'cause we're going to have to pick this up again.
28:05 Stay prayerful, and show the love of Christ.
28:08 Thank you for watching.


Revised 2020-12-02