A Father's Heart

Where Are The Men in the Church?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFH

Program Code: AFH000015A

00:01 A good father takes time to play.
00:05 He has strong integrity.
00:08 He is someone that is truly dedicated.
00:12 He is not afraid to show his love.
00:15 He is a caring provider.
00:19 And he is a kind spiritual leader.
00:23 These are just a few ways to describe A Father's Heart.
00:32 Hi. Welcome to A Father's Heart.
00:34 I'm your host Xavier.
00:36 Question I pose to you today is
00:38 where are the men in the church?
00:39 Specifically, where are the fathers in the church?
00:42 And with me, to discuss that today,
00:44 is my friends Gordon and Paul.
00:46 How are you guys doing today?
00:48 Great, man. I'm grateful to be here.
00:50 Amen. So that's the question.
00:52 Where are the men, you know, specifically the fathers
00:54 because statistics show on a worldwide scale,
00:58 on a worldwide church scale,
00:59 aside from Adventism and everything,
01:02 it shows that 80% of the churches
01:05 are comprised of women, 20% are men.
01:07 And obviously, fathers are men.
01:10 We want to know where are our fathers,
01:12 where are our men?
01:14 True, true, true.
01:15 That is a challenge for us within the church.
01:17 But I mean, we plan for things,
01:20 we work hard towards objectives, case in point.
01:23 I'm grateful to be here.
01:25 I packed very well.
01:27 No sooner than I got here and I unpacked,
01:29 I realized there was something that I forgot to pack, socks.
01:34 I had no socks.
01:36 I'm grateful to my brother here,
01:38 for the pastor here,
01:39 for allowing and sharing his socks with me.
01:43 So if anybody has questions
01:44 about why the preacher looks so socksy today,
01:50 pastor right here, but likewise, likewise,
01:53 there are things in church
01:54 that we make every effort to be intentional about.
01:57 This one is very serious.
01:58 Why are there or why is there not more men,
02:03 not more fathers in the church,
02:04 since we are such an integral part
02:07 of that nurture process for the family.
02:10 We look back at the time of Christ,
02:12 and when they were numbering by men,
02:16 all those numbers we see referenced in scripture,
02:19 Old, New Testament, they're counting men.
02:22 They often would not include women and children.
02:26 And those numbers were significant,
02:28 day of Pentecost over thousands,
02:30 and so on and so forth, Jesus feeding the hungry,
02:32 thousands again.
02:34 What happened?
02:36 Where are we?
02:37 I think there's a fundamental,
02:39 there's a breakdown that has taken place
02:43 in the home through generations.
02:46 And it has brought us to this point
02:48 where we don't have fathers in the church.
02:51 We don't have men in the church.
02:54 I think they're busy, or the devil has them busy,
02:58 dealing with sports
03:00 because you can find them in the sports arena.
03:03 You can find them doing all these macho things
03:06 instead of being in the church,
03:09 you know? And if you go back in the Bible,
03:11 you realize that, and the devil knows this,
03:14 you realize that God has called men to be priests,
03:19 to be fathers,
03:21 to be that pivotal role of guiding their children,
03:26 of leading the church.
03:29 And I think the devil knows that.
03:30 So what he has done is that he has distracted men.
03:35 I think fathers and men don't know their purpose,
03:38 what role and what purpose they have in the church.
03:42 And so as a result, in has caused them to...
03:47 Instead of being a part of the church,
03:49 it has caused them just to sit back, and stay home,
03:52 and pick up that remote,
03:54 and you know, watch the different games.
03:57 I think that is one of the fundamental problems.
03:59 The devil has caused the distraction,
04:01 that's why we don't have men in the church
04:04 because he knows the power of the father,
04:06 he knows the power of their role.
04:10 And I really enjoy that, you know, what you just said.
04:13 It's just so different,
04:14 you know, in trying to figure out
04:16 where are the fathers.
04:18 You know, Ephesians talks about,
04:20 in the book of Ephesians 5, it goes into discussion,
04:23 and we use that a lot,
04:24 you know, we talk about
04:26 how men are supposed to love their wives
04:27 as Christ loves his church,
04:29 and then we infamously use the verse about women
04:34 in a negative light, in a way that is,
04:37 you know, not the best.
04:39 But at the same time,
04:41 I have to think about all the fathers in the Bible,
04:44 you know, and what can we do,
04:47 what is it or what is so negative
04:51 about church culture,
04:53 about our culture that is keeping the fathers
04:57 not only out of the homes
04:58 but out of the church in its entirety?
05:02 Before I would answer that,
05:03 I would ask a question for clarity.
05:04 And I know the question that resonates is, well,
05:07 whose fault is it?
05:09 Is this a societal problem?
05:11 Is this a general predicament of society or is this something
05:15 that's the immediate fault of the church?
05:16 Is this something that
05:18 we're doing wrong as pastors within our church
05:20 or leaders within our church?
05:23 Is it that we changed from the original model?
05:27 What is it exactly?
05:29 I think it's clear direction.
05:31 I think men need direction.
05:33 They need to find a purpose.
05:35 They need to know what is it that we need to be doing,
05:38 what God expects of us.
05:41 And for that, I run to 1 Timothy.
05:45 It gives a...
05:46 And if I may, I just want to read it
05:48 because I think it's a powerful text.
05:50 1 Timothy 2:8,
05:53 where Timothy gives a direct focus
05:57 as what men should be doing,
05:59 what the fathers should be doing.
06:00 The Bible says, "I desire, therefore,
06:02 that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands,
06:07 without wrath and doubting."
06:09 So what this is is a purpose.
06:12 Men's purpose is to be praying.
06:16 And if the men and the fathers are praying,
06:20 it brings the God down into our space,
06:25 and therefore, situations are different,
06:29 therefore lives are changed
06:31 because when we pray, we know what happens.
06:33 And I think the devil knows that.
06:36 He knows that that is the purpose
06:38 God has called us.
06:39 One of the greatest purposes
06:40 that God has called us is to pray,
06:43 fathers need to be praying for the children.
06:45 Ellen White would say that the job of the father,
06:51 that priest, is to, in the mornings,
06:55 take his children and his family to the altar,
06:57 pray for them,
06:59 ask God to forgive their known
07:01 as well as their unknown sins.
07:03 So that is the pivotal role of the father, of the men.
07:07 And because they don't know what it is,
07:10 they tend to find other things to do.
07:13 That's what I think.
07:14 Again, whose fault is that?
07:17 Is it something we are doing wrong?
07:19 And so are we...
07:20 We were not educating.
07:22 Are we not nurturing that?
07:23 We're not, we're not nurturing that,
07:24 we're not talking about it,
07:26 you know? Man is left to figure things out themselves,
07:29 you know, just figure it out.
07:32 And it seems like we're lacking commitment,
07:34 like we're lacking that commitment,
07:36 almost like we're afraid to commit
07:38 to a role that is given to us as fathers,
07:42 a God given role.
07:43 You know, an important role because if you notice,
07:47 not only are the fathers,
07:49 you know, being put out of the church
07:50 but a lot of them are no longer in the home.
07:52 They find ways to get astray from their marriage,
07:55 from their children's lives,
07:57 you know, and our kids see that,
07:59 our children see,
08:01 and that's the other factor
08:02 that we do not understand is the fact that we think,
08:05 you know, kids, mom,
08:07 kids, mom, kids, mom.
08:09 No, it's kids, father.
08:10 You know, we are fathers,
08:12 we are called to be there and show that example.
08:15 And that's the other issue,
08:17 are we just afraid to be committed
08:21 to what we're called to do?
08:22 Is it a fear of commitment?
08:24 I don't think it is a fear of commitment.
08:26 Going back again.
08:27 I think it's a fear of not knowing,
08:31 not knowing, that's what I think.
08:33 We need to know,
08:34 men need to know, do this, do that.
08:37 My wife would make fun of me sometimes.
08:40 I can't do four things at a time.
08:42 I can do one.
08:44 Well, you've got to give me some clear direction.
08:46 And I think a lot of men are like that.
08:48 Give them clear direction
08:49 that this is what you need to do,
08:51 and then we'll do it, we'll execute it.
08:53 But we don't know what we need. So it's not...
08:55 We can't be committed if we don't know
08:56 what we're committing to.
08:58 So then what do we do?
08:59 I mean, we have evangelistic series.
09:03 We have everything,
09:06 we have baptisms, we have altar calls,
09:09 we send out flyers,
09:10 we do Facebook posts, everything.
09:14 What can we do
09:16 to get our fathers involved back in the church
09:19 and in their children's lives
09:21 to be the priest of the home once more?
09:24 Right, well, pastor here says nurturing,
09:26 and I certainly value that.
09:28 I think it is primarily a societal problem,
09:33 yet one that we need to hold ourselves
09:35 accountable for addressing.
09:37 So there are a lot of things that impact that status
09:42 or that statistic
09:46 that we don't really have much to do with.
09:48 Take, for example, China and other nations
09:53 wherein you don't have a large presence
09:56 of men in the church because of oppression.
09:59 So women are allowed to worship,
10:01 but some parts of China,
10:03 if you are a man and you are present,
10:05 you get arrested.
10:06 And there are other places in the world like that.
10:08 There are a lot more tolerance extended towards women.
10:11 And then there are societal changes
10:13 even here in our nation,
10:17 the masculinity of society,
10:19 and what's now attractive in media,
10:23 for example, but yes,
10:25 we need to be proactive about how we address those deficits.
10:29 I try to look at myself,
10:31 in each of the church that I pass,
10:33 I try to look at myself as a community leader,
10:36 so I'm observing what's happening in community,
10:38 I'm observing what's changing in the community,
10:40 what's lacking in the community,
10:41 and I'm doing my best
10:43 through my own ministry to address those needs.
10:48 The accountability factor
10:49 I'm talking about here is the things
10:52 that we are not doing that we can do.
10:55 For example,
10:56 does your church have a men's ministry
10:59 wherein you allow men an opportunity to be empowered
11:03 and you allow them to feel valued?
11:07 If men just come into the church and sit
11:10 and they may not be aesthetically,
11:15 you know, preoccupied to like how the environment looks
11:19 or like how it sounds,
11:20 you know, those things may not matter to them as much,
11:22 you know? So you have to get...
11:24 It's important that we keep men involved
11:26 and that we also keep them involved
11:28 and engaged in exercising leadership.
11:32 Those are things that we must ensure.
11:35 One thing that we do,
11:37 we have something called ten minute men,
11:40 going on the same model as empowering and teaching
11:44 and nurturing.
11:45 Then, after church, all the men,
11:48 if you are there for the first time,
11:51 we go into the conference room, we ask one of our elders,
11:53 he calls all the men,
11:55 they go into the conference room
11:57 for ten minutes,
11:58 we sit down and we talk about manhood,
12:02 what it is to be that father, what it is to be,
12:05 you know, to walk in the call and walk in the giftedness
12:09 that God has placed within your heart
12:10 to be a father,
12:12 and what we have find out is that it is...
12:15 We have 13-year-olds.
12:17 See you've got to start there.
12:19 And we have the young guys.
12:22 They're there and they're listening,
12:24 they are listening to the older men sharing it,
12:27 they're listening to,
12:28 you know, so they're getting something
12:30 from what is shared.
12:33 That, to me, makes a shift
12:36 because everyone is contributing
12:39 to the development of the younger ones
12:42 and the older ones are getting something
12:44 from the young
12:46 because they're hearing the feedback.
12:48 You know, what is it like
12:49 to be in a home without a father?
12:51 What is it like being in a church
12:53 and, you know, your father is not there?
12:56 You're there with your mother.
12:58 So what happens when you
13:01 when that young man is now grown,
13:05 choices that he would probably make
13:07 is to not be at church.
13:11 Well.
13:12 What if I say, I'm a father, to me, Jesus is weak.
13:18 You know, I got to be sensitive.
13:20 I got to be, you know...
13:24 Jesus is going to make me weak, you know?
13:27 I got to be a man, I got to be tough,
13:29 I got to be showing my kids.
13:30 I got to make sure that they see a tough father,
13:33 but Jesus is going to make me cry.
13:35 Maybe we may be sensitive,
13:38 and now I got to commit myself to come into a building,
13:43 you know, and be some kind of elder,
13:46 or something, and this, and that,
13:48 and then, you know, for what?
13:51 How is me coming to a brick building
13:55 going to keep me or get me into heaven?
13:59 Why can't I just pray at home?
14:02 Why can't I just, you know, be a dad at home?
14:04 I mean I can google all this stuff.
14:06 Why can't I just be a father at home?
14:09 Why do I have to come to church?
14:12 For what?
14:13 Let me share something with you.
14:14 I have to say...
14:16 And growing up,
14:17 because my dad was not in the church,
14:20 my dad left the church, and so it was my mom.
14:25 I got to a certain age, moved to Florida,
14:28 and I had the same idea.
14:29 And I said to my mom, "I don't have to go to church.
14:32 I can stay at home and I can watch church
14:35 and I can experience God at home."
14:39 And that's what I started doing.
14:41 Why?
14:43 Because my model, my father model wasn't there.
14:47 But what God did to me in my life changed that
14:53 because when I stayed at home
14:54 and I would watch church,
14:55 I felt that I was drifting
14:57 farther and farther away from the church.
14:59 So staying at home or watching church at home
15:03 is not the answer, was not the answer for me.
15:06 And so I don't, you know,
15:08 I think we have to let the men know that Jesus,
15:12 he was sensitive, it's okay to be sensitive.
15:15 Did He weep? Amen.
15:16 Right? Amen.
15:18 So it's okay to weep.
15:20 I don't have a problem crying.
15:21 I mean, I cry, you know?
15:23 Well.
15:25 I do agree.
15:27 And I am hearing in between the lines
15:28 here the value of mentorship
15:31 which is another good value to have within the church
15:34 as it relates to men,
15:36 ensuring that older men are empowering younger men.
15:40 I think it's also of great value
15:41 that we start early,
15:42 that we not wait until men are missing,
15:45 that we do our best proactively to address
15:49 that challenge in youth
15:52 because if they're present in the church
15:55 through their youth and teenage years,
15:57 as teenage men or teenage boys,
16:00 it's more likely that we may be able to retain them
16:04 into adulthood, into their manhood.
16:06 So we also need to be very intentional
16:10 about what we're doing with our young males
16:13 at this time and to ensure that
16:16 they are receiving the appropriate nurturing,
16:18 as you were saying here,
16:20 Christ is the greatest leader that I see as a model,
16:23 I have no greater example or model of leadership
16:27 than what Christ Himself demonstrated.
16:29 And at the zenith of that
16:31 was His sacrificial relationship with humanity.
16:35 So it's a good thing for our boys
16:37 to learn that value,
16:39 that in being sacrificial, you are being a man,
16:42 in being responsible, you are being a man.
16:45 But it's not until you actually go through
16:48 and experience God for yourself as a Father.
16:54 If you grow up without that father figure,
16:58 you will tend to do the same thing
17:01 and repeat the same mistakes as your father.
17:03 And that is what I was struggling with.
17:06 When I stayed at home,
17:07 it wasn't until I experienced and I know that God was love
17:11 and I know that God cared for me
17:13 and I know that he's always there for me.
17:17 That's what brought a change in my life.
17:19 I had to end up behind bars.
17:23 I had to end up looking at a life sentence
17:26 before I could really come to my senses,
17:29 and nothing that, you know, that I asked for,
17:32 but it's because I made some choices.
17:34 I made a choice to stay home and said, "I don't want God.
17:37 I don't want this thing called church.
17:38 I don't want this.
17:40 I'm going to watch it on television.
17:42 I want to be good just doing that."
17:45 And I learned that because I didn't have a mentor.
17:48 And I was going to church.
17:49 I was going through the emotions.
17:51 But I didn't have Jesus.
17:54 I didn't have Him in my life.
17:56 I didn't know who He was.
17:57 But behind bars,
17:59 when I find that I had nowhere to go,
18:01 I had no one to turn to,
18:04 and I remembered somewhere in the back of my head
18:07 that I can cry out to somebody
18:11 who I can just cry out
18:16 because somehow my mother
18:20 had placed Him inside of me,
18:23 my heart.
18:26 And when I cried out to Him in my desperation,
18:30 in my brokenness,
18:34 and He started to talk to me...
18:39 then I knew,
18:41 He was a God who cared for me.
18:44 And that's why this man
18:48 is in the church today.
18:52 That's why I can look
18:56 and try to mentor other young men to stay
19:02 and know that this God is love.
19:05 Unless you have that experience...
19:09 No. Amen.
19:11 It's true. Yeah.
19:12 It's true because, you know, it's ironic how,
19:17 as fathers, you know,
19:20 we're sitting here sharing our brokenness.
19:23 We are pastors.
19:25 We're men of the cloth,
19:26 we're supposed to be perfect. Yeah.
19:27 You know what? I'm reminded
19:30 the three angriest disciples,
19:33 the three most temperamental disciples,
19:35 one chopping somebody's ear off,
19:38 and the other two fishermen,
19:40 probably were like sailors and angry, I mean,
19:43 just impulsive anger,
19:44 they were the three closest to Jesus.
19:49 You know, I had a good friend of mine in seminary.
19:52 People misunderstood me because we all have an issue
19:54 with temper sometimes,
19:55 I still struggle with it
19:57 'cause certain things just irk me,
19:58 it just gets under my skin.
20:00 But God showed His mercy
20:03 and His love through those examples.
20:07 And I'm always intrigued by this friend in the seminary.
20:11 Everybody thought I was being kind of aggressive
20:15 in my speech.
20:16 But he knew, maybe because he's Caribbean too,
20:19 but he said, "No, he's not aggressive.
20:20 He is just passionate."
20:22 You know, and it's so critical as fathers to show our kids
20:27 that brokenness,
20:29 to show if we are here not because of Jesus,
20:33 then why are we not out there teaching other broken fathers,
20:37 broken men about this same healer
20:40 that doesn't require you to be whole?
20:42 In fact, He wants you partly broken
20:44 so that He can make you whole again.
20:46 Why aren't we out there doing more work?
20:48 Why are we just talking from behind a pulpit?
20:50 What can we do?
20:51 What can we do to do more?
20:55 Because we don't want to be vulnerable.
20:57 We don't want to share what's inside of us.
21:02 And so because of that, we tend not to share.
21:06 We want to just hide behind this perfect self,
21:10 whatever that is, whatever that looks like.
21:13 And we just don't want to share.
21:16 The problem with our society
21:17 is because we're not sharing with our young men.
21:20 I'm not sure
21:23 we will ever be able to see the statistics,
21:26 the figures, that we would like to see,
21:29 a 50-50, for example.
21:32 But it should not impair our ability or action
21:37 to be as active as possible
21:40 in reaching out in all these things
21:42 that we're sharing here.
21:46 The small group approach is also very helpful.
21:48 Yes.
21:50 And our churches need to be more responsible
21:53 or intentional in terms of male bonding.
21:56 So that statistic, actually,
21:59 I don't think it's as much referencing men
22:01 that never come to the church.
22:03 I think it also has a lot to do with retention.
22:06 Men may visit some holiday or for a child's baptism
22:09 or for a wedding or whatever have you,
22:12 it's the retention that's also a factor there.
22:15 So we have to market ourselves better.
22:18 This is not to say okay, it's the church fault,
22:20 why it's a 80-20 balance?
22:22 As I said, I think there are things,
22:23 societally, that factor in there.
22:26 But we need to remain proactive about just doing everything
22:29 that we can do in that sense.
22:30 Know the needs of your community.
22:32 If it's a question of low unemployment,
22:34 then you ought to be having some stuff at your church
22:37 that's dealing with increasing employment in the community,
22:40 job fairs,
22:42 whatever it will be that you can do
22:43 within your church setting for that community
22:46 to attract men also,
22:48 classes on parenting, in my former responsibility,
22:52 my former professional responsibility
22:54 as a family counselor,
22:56 you'd be surprised when I would have cases
22:57 where it was a father leading a household.
23:01 The men were very committed
23:03 to learning the parenting skills necessary
23:06 to be able to present themselves competent,
23:08 you know, within the court so they could have their...
23:11 Be reunified with their children.
23:13 So all those things are important.
23:16 Workshops,
23:19 if it's a matter of education for substance abuse,
23:23 it's a great problem in many of our communities with men.
23:27 Divorce is a great problem.
23:29 Financial management is a great problem.
23:31 So we need to ensure
23:32 that we have all these things in place
23:34 so we can be as attractive
23:35 as we can to the men of our community,
23:38 and lastly, big one today, advocacy.
23:42 Advocacy, and that is getting behind the male population
23:45 for our community, especially as it pertains to advocacy.
23:48 The imbalance we have in society today
23:50 as a release of civilians and law enforcement,
23:53 we have a role to present
23:54 law enforcement as a trusted body,
23:56 we have police officers in our congregation,
23:58 most of us, you know?
24:00 And we have to be able to embrace
24:03 and help both sides,
24:04 you know, whether it's the civilian
24:06 that has a need for advocacy
24:08 in terms of being able to get along better
24:10 with the civil authorities
24:12 or whether it's the civil authority
24:13 that needs to be presented in a more positive light
24:16 and work towards bringing those two together,
24:18 all those things contribute.
24:19 So we need to start a movement.
24:21 Yes.
24:22 That puts men into groups,
24:26 small groups where they can talk,
24:28 where they can engage, they can express themselves
24:31 because that's one of the biggest issues.
24:33 Men are not willing to express.
24:35 But I think once you get them in a small group,
24:37 that's what we're finding in our ten minute men,
24:40 get them into that small group, they express themselves,
24:43 and I'm hoping,
24:45 our long-term goal is that this concept of ten minute men
24:49 can start in different churches,
24:52 right in the curriculum,
24:53 so it can start different churches,
24:55 and it can spread out across the world
24:57 so that men can be empowered,
24:59 you know, men need to be doing something,
25:01 they need to know what their purpose is.
25:03 They need to have a purpose, their purpose is to pray,
25:06 their purpose is to help,
25:07 their purpose is to do something.
25:09 And I think if we started doing that,
25:11 we will find that we'll have more retention,
25:14 we'll retain them in the church,
25:16 and we'll have more men in the church.
25:18 And I think that's just key for us to be able to do that
25:21 because we can go through every possible scenario,
25:25 every process detail, but at the end of the day,
25:28 it's up to us to do something,
25:31 just like injustices happening in this world.
25:34 You can be silent about it, it's still going to happen
25:36 or you can do something about it.
25:38 And as fathers who were once
25:42 without God, so to speak,
25:45 we should be able to step up a little more
25:48 and really speak to these fathers
25:50 who are out of the church
25:53 to come back into their kids' lives,
25:55 to come back and do what they're given
25:57 and not just that but ease hem into it
25:59 and help them understand what that is,
26:01 what they're supposed to be like
26:03 and how God sees them and values them
26:05 and that they don't have to be perfect,
26:08 they can just do what they need to do.
26:10 And I think,
26:13 as we discussed today,
26:17 there's so many of those details
26:20 when it comes to fatherhood,
26:21 especially when it comes to fathers in the church.
26:25 There are so many things, you know, you can be scared,
26:27 I've been scared, we've all been scared.
26:30 There's apprehension,
26:31 there's I don't want to do this
26:32 or I don't want to do that in the church.
26:35 The key is not about what you are
26:36 or are not going to do in the churches,
26:38 it's just to get connected,
26:40 you know, you don't live on an island by yourself,
26:44 it's so critical, we need each other,
26:46 it sounds soft, so to speak,
26:49 but honestly, as fathers, we do need each other.
26:52 I don't know what I would do without my friends
26:54 to support each other, to laugh, to joke,
26:56 to share ideas, share notes,
26:59 whatever it may be because fatherhood is hard.
27:03 It's hard enough without believing in God
27:05 or without being with God.
27:08 And why keep, you know, delaying it?
27:11 Why keep on putting it off,
27:15 making excuses,
27:17 you know, watching sports,
27:20 keeping yourself preoccupied with things
27:22 that really are not kingdom building,
27:25 things that are not of value to your children.
27:29 Even if you don't do it for yourself,
27:30 do it for your family.
27:32 This is not about you.
27:33 It's about our families, our kids.
27:36 We live in a broken society
27:37 and the devil is truly out there
27:40 seeking to see who he may devour.
27:43 It's not a fact, it's a reality.
27:46 Do yourself a favor.
27:47 Step up.
27:49 And if you have questions
27:50 because you're scared or afraid,
27:52 you can always contact us at afh@3abn.org.
27:57 Please do yourself a favor,
27:59 even if it's just for one Sabbath,
28:01 come to church.
28:03 Thank you.


Revised 2020-12-02