A Father's Heart

Caught in the Middle: How to Help Your Child

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Xavier Morales (Host), Denry White, Gordon Fraser


Series Code: AFH

Program Code: AFH000002A

00:01 A good father takes time to play
00:05 He has strong integrity
00:07 He is someone that is truly dedicated
00:11 He's not afraid to show his love
00:16 He's a caring provider
00:20 And, he's a kind, spiritual leader
00:22 These are just a few ways to describe a father's heart
00:30 Hi welcome to A Father's Heart My name is Xavier
00:33 and I got a question for you
00:35 Have you ever been caught in the middle?
00:37 Have you ever been caught between a rock and a hard place?
00:41 Today's topic is Caught In The Middle.
00:43 What to do to help your child?
00:45 And with me today are guests Gordon Fraser and Denry White
00:50 How you guys doing today?
00:52 Real good. Good man. Good to be back
00:56 Well have you ever been caught in the middle?
00:57 What does it look like for a child to be caught in the middle
01:00 What do you think about when you hear something like that?
01:03 Well if I'm assuming what you're talking about is that
01:07 when especially a situation like a divorce or argument
01:11 and the child is stuck in the middle, sometimes literally in
01:15 the middle and they feel like they have to make a decision
01:18 between mom or dad, I know for myself I've been stuck
01:23 in that place for a long, for a couple of times.
01:26 Quite a few times
01:27 You know exactly what we're talking about, it's the fact
01:29 that the child is caught in the middle, you know, and
01:33 I myself have a child from a previous marriage
01:37 and I know in co-parenting class they teach you not to put
01:41 your child in the middle
01:43 You know it's not about what you feel or how you feel about the
01:47 other parent but your child, what your child needs
01:50 And I know myself, I came you know, my parents are celebrating
01:53 40 years of marriage and it's like sometimes even in their
02:00 disagreements you kind of feel stuck. And it does something to
02:04 you. I don't know, what do you think Gordon?
02:06 I mean I look at a child, two parents have a disagreement
02:11 like you said or they're fightin and not speakin to each other
02:16 And the one will say, tell your father that.
02:19 The other one will say tell your mother that
02:21 That is not a good thing for the child because the child
02:25 feels pressured to choose, you know, choose sides and the child
02:29 should never be in that kind of a situation where they have
02:33 to choose which parent they should please.
02:38 And that's where we put our children when we get them
02:41 caught up. We're grown. I mean we're grown people
02:44 We need to leave our children out of our arguments
02:48 they should never be involved in our argument
02:53 My aunt used to say, keep the kids away from all the different
02:58 types of, not in front of the children
03:00 was her favorite saying.
03:01 So that's something we should do as parents, keep our children
03:05 out of it, don't let them feel that they have to choose
03:09 because it adds undue stress for them, they're already going
03:14 through a lot. So we shouldn't give them that, put them through
03:18 that kind of stress.
03:19 And it also, I feel like, diminishes one parent.
03:24 Because the child's going to choose and sometimes the
03:28 conversation or the situation one parent may put the child
03:32 against the other parent and it diminishes and I know for men
03:36 you know men in general, every man likes to be respected
03:40 and if the mother or the wife whatever the case may be
03:45 speaks negative of the father it diminishes that guy's authority
03:54 or who he is as a person. So whether it's true or false
03:59 it's like you break down that individual.
04:04 It does. Attacking any parent, more specifically the father
04:10 diminishing who he is as a father, it does and actually
04:15 it wears on the child because from my perspective
04:20 what I read and study is that God the Father, the image of
04:25 God the Father comes through the physical father, your child
04:30 sees you not essentially as God but they see an image of God
04:37 through you. They mimic their relationship that we have with
04:41 God through what you do and when you do these certain of things
04:47 as far as making them decide or be caught in the middle
04:51 You know, go tell your mother or tell this to your mother or
04:55 tell this to your father, that kind of thing, it does, you know
04:58 you're really hampering that relationship, you're basically
05:01 marring the image of God.
05:03 Let me grab my pillow on this one. Going into that moment
05:08 So there was a situation I had where my parents were you know
05:16 they were just going at each other, literally.
05:21 Throughout their marriage, you know that time period
05:24 and my mom, I guess just having someone to talk to because
05:31 sometimes we don't understand our parents, sometimes they
05:33 get stressed out, sometimes they want someone to talk with
05:36 and so she saw me as that outlet
05:39 so instead of going to her friends or someone else
05:42 she saw me as the outlet. So she would come all the time
05:46 and tell me about what my dad wasn't doing.
05:50 It was most of the time stuff like just problems that they
05:54 have, he's not helping me here he's not doing this and you know
05:58 what that was doing slowly to me it was eating me away
06:01 and how I felt towards my dad
06:04 Whatever love, whatever respect I had for him was just slowly
06:08 being pulled away, I had a resentment for him, for years
06:13 because of those conversations with her. I don't think that
06:17 a child should have that dialogue, it's not fair to the
06:21 child. They should be able to make a decision on their own
06:26 A child is not an attorney or not even a jury you know they
06:31 should be able to come and make on their own, ok mom is messed
06:36 up, dad is messed up. No one is perfect but if you pull a
06:39 child in there and especially if you get close with them and
06:43 feed them you know they may feel like, Ugh
06:49 they have that resentment
06:51 It's not the child's fault, they didn't want to be born, so
06:55 I mean they're children. They're still dealin with the fun stuff
07:00 as they should be dealin with but a lot of times as parents
07:03 we put them into this situation and they have to grow up before
07:08 their time and then they become monsters later on down the road
07:13 and so we shouldn't put our kids in this situation
07:16 we need to be as fathers, I think we need to reflect
07:22 the image of Christ as that father, our role as far as
07:28 that priestly role, the head of the household. So we should be
07:33 able to pull back and hold our pride if there's an argument or
07:38 if there's something that's going on between the husband and
07:43 wife. Pull back and say time out. Let's take a break.
07:48 Let's not get our children involved, let's work this out
07:52 ourselves without pulling the children into the mix.
07:56 And I think we don't do that effectively and it's one thing
07:58 we should do. Because of that priestly role
08:01 Maybe our spouse, maybe the wife can't do it because you know
08:06 that's another topic, emotional women get very emotional
08:10 but us men, we should be able, as good fathers, to realize
08:16 when this is going in the wrong direction and be strong enough
08:22 to kill our pride and say, you know what, let's not get the
08:27 children involved, let's not put the kids in the middle of this.
08:31 You know I'm very cautious about what I say about my wife
08:38 to my children. Even if I'm upset at her I'm very cautious
08:45 because of that experience with my parents, cause my dad too
08:49 you know, to be honest, when he would have me in his corner
08:54 trying to pull me in his corner there's things he would say too
08:57 you know I don't understand your mother this, your mother that
09:00 and I already had the resentment coming in and now it's these two
09:05 people trying to pull like a tug-of-war like, hey I need you
09:09 on my side. So I intentionally only talk positive things about
09:14 my wife to my kids. No matter what's going on.
09:20 Does that make us selfish as fathers or a father that's tryin
09:25 to pull that child to look at their side as the best, they're
09:30 the great father. So here's my side of the story
09:34 trying to put the other person down and trying to make yourself
09:39 look good. I mean that's a whole selfish mentality
09:44 that we have and we shouldn't have that as godly fathers,
09:49 because that's not at the heart of God. The heart of God is
09:52 forgiveness, the heart of God is reconciliation and we shouldn't
09:56 let our kids be involved in the mix.
09:59 That's interesting because, and again I bring a different
10:02 perspective on that because I don't come from a divorced
10:04 background but the coping mechanisms I saw of my dad
10:09 where he would get angry at my mom or have a disagreement
10:13 it was just pure rage. It wasn't until later when I was an adult
10:17 that he apologized and we talked about it and he said that's not
10:19 an appropriate way to respond but now that I have been
10:24 divorced in the past and I have a 4 year old, there's times when
10:27 I'm like, you know I want to say something like in regards to how
10:34 I feel but I hold back because it's not her fault.
10:38 It's not her fault and I don't have the right to hurt my child
10:42 at all. For what? I'm an adult and I need to cope with
10:47 certain strategies and my wife she comes from a background of
10:51 you know, her parents weren't together and actually use her
10:55 mom's example, my mother in law because my mother in law, and
10:58 my wife told me this that she never talked negatively
11:01 about her father and my wife taught me that, you know never
11:06 you know your child should never be in the middle
11:08 it's not their fault and I'm telling you that pride that
11:12 you talked about, the pride thing, it was hard first couple
11:16 years it was hard but I had to let that pride die and really
11:19 focus on the fact that that's my daughter, she's innocent
11:22 she didn't ask to be here but yet the Lord sought to bring
11:26 her here, not just to bless me but bless her mother and bless
11:29 everybody around so why should I take anything out on her
11:35 so it's critical that you know that we understand that children
11:40 whether we like it or not, whether you're divorced or
11:42 together whatever it might be somewhere, somehow
11:45 they're caught in the middle lot of times and that's part of
11:48 the devil's scheme but it's our job as priestly men as godly men
11:53 to step up, even if we don't know how to step up
11:57 cause we don't know how, there's no instructions
11:59 even if we don't know how, just to take that initial step
12:02 forward of letting self go. And that's important, I don't
12:07 know, I mean that's just the way I see it.
12:08 No, you're right. We try to have a good nucleus with our
12:14 children but you can't do it by yourself.
12:19 Remember they didn't come into this world by you alone
12:24 There's two people that brought them into this world
12:27 so there needs to be peace in order for you to really have
12:32 good relationship with this child, you need to have a
12:35 good relationship with the spouse or with the lady or
12:40 the mother of the child. You need that and a lot of times
12:43 you know I use this in a marital counsel sometimes when I'm
12:47 counseling couples that a lot of times you have the war going on
12:52 in the household right, and people feel like, ok, if the
12:57 husband feels like I've won this battle, I've won this argument
13:00 you know, yeah, yeah I've won this battle today. But every time
13:05 you win the marriage loses. Or the relationship loses
13:10 and now to add a child in there every time you win,
13:15 the family loses. You should never have an argument or
13:20 discussion with your spouse or your girlfriend or whatever
13:23 or the child's mother and feel Oh yeah, I've won this finally
13:28 You lost, you really lost especially if the child is
13:32 in front, is involved, you've lost because you brought down
13:36 the other person and in that child's mind that person is
13:41 defeated so you're going to treat them a certain way
13:44 like they're a carpet under your feet.
13:47 That's true, a lot of times we do stuff like that because we
13:52 bring other people down to make ourselves look good.
13:54 And that's what we do. Exactly.
13:57 What about this concept? We ourselves as human beings
14:01 are caught in the middle. Between the biggest custody
14:03 battle ever known to man.
14:06 It's a custody battle between God and the devil
14:08 Yeah. Now why don't we look to Him as an example you know
14:11 Our Father, God the Father, look to Him as He handles
14:15 when we're caught in the middle. Does He ever put us
14:18 in a position where we got to go communicate with the devil?
14:20 No, He takes it upon Himself to fight with us and for us
14:26 You know to me that's a huge concept, the fact that we are
14:30 His children, caught in the middle but He chooses not to say
14:33 you go tell him, you go do this you do that. No He communicates
14:38 with us by reminding us that He loves us while we acknowledge
14:42 the fact that yes we are caught in the middle but here's how
14:45 we're going to handle the situation
14:46 But God is sure of Himself but we are not sure of ourselves
14:51 we've got this thing going on inside of us, insecurity
14:55 but God doesn't have the insecurity factor
14:57 you see we seek to control, God doesn't seek to control
15:01 love doesn't control and that's the difference there. I think.
15:06 I mean what if the child doesn't want to choose?
15:11 You know sometimes God uses the person less involved to bring
15:16 common sense to it. You know you're over here trying to fight
15:20 between each other, who's right or wrong or I should have my way
15:23 and the child is like, no I don't wanna choose
15:27 I want my family. I don't care who's right or wrong.
15:30 I want both of you. Sometimes I remember and this is now
15:37 being transparent, my wife and, I, and this was something that
15:42 you know we try our best, we make our stands at the beginning
15:46 of our marriage, of if we ever get into an argument
15:49 we're going to go into a room, we're not argue in front of
15:51 the child. We tried those things but sometimes just human nature
15:56 you allow the enemy to take control and we got into an
15:59 argument right there in front of the kids. And you can hear
16:03 the kids, mommy, daddy stop it. You guys always fighting
16:07 Stop it, stop it. And like I'm kind of scuffing my son
16:13 no, no I need to get my point across. You don't understand
16:18 right now. And then later on like maybe the evening
16:24 or whatever we're talking and when you do this with your kids
16:31 is there anything you want to talk about in our family?
16:35 And then when they tell you those hard things you don't want
16:38 to hear, that's why sometimes you don't open up Pandora's box
16:41 with them. I hate it when you guys fight. And my second son
16:47 told me, it makes it feel like you guys don't want us
16:53 We were arguing about us but he was feeling like we don't want
16:58 them and so we don't know what kind of ripple effect it's gonna
17:05 have on our children. So the best thing to do is do what's
17:11 best for the relationship. And what's best for the relationship
17:14 is not win but make sure that the family wins.
17:21 I think that's key because again it's just the fact that
17:23 you know we call that collateral damage, pretty much
17:28 Our children have become, not our children but collateral
17:30 damage. For what? For what reason?
17:33 And then the thing is those are those same coping strategies
17:36 in the relationships. And dare I say they might
17:39 use those same coping strategies with God Himself?
17:43 You know why can't we, I mean, solutions to this
17:47 are exponential. But one of the things to me is just letting
17:51 pride go. That's the biggest thing. You know let it go.
17:55 Even though you're right and you know in your heart
17:57 you are right. But is it worth damaging your child?
18:02 Permanently? It's difficult to let it go because again
18:06 we are trying to control and once we understand that we
18:12 don't need to control anything we just need to be able to love
18:17 each other and just be real reflective in what we do
18:23 and how we do things. There is a, I don't know if it's a
18:28 question but, in a home, let's say in a home somebody poses
18:32 this question to me, in a home they're trying to make the
18:36 wife function in a certain way and they don't feel the wife is
18:42 doing all the nice things what they should do to be a mother
18:47 to the children and so they're having this argument so
18:51 they stopped talking to each other and what they're doing now
18:54 is talking through the children
18:56 putting that child, but they call it they're trying to help
19:00 the child become better so that when that child grows up
19:05 when the young lady grows up to be an adult she can find
19:09 learn how to cook, learn how to do this because the wife
19:12 is not doing it. So in that way, to me that is
19:17 that husband controlling and by doing that putting that child
19:23 in the middle of the mess and don't need to put the child in
19:29 the middle of the mess, all they're trying to do
19:33 is to say you need to not be like your mother.
19:37 But you need to be this way. I don't see God that way. I see
19:41 God as dealing with us on an individual basis even within
19:46 our homes. I think God loves us so much that He says, man
19:50 I need to fix you and I'm not going to go through you
19:55 to fix you, I'm going to you directly
19:57 And that's how I think as fathers we need to deal with
20:02 the spouse directly and not going through the child
20:06 and put the child in the middle of situations
20:11 In my home my kids, my wife, my daughter is very sensitive
20:16 if we start to argue she starts to cry
20:19 all these years, she starts to cry and she would say
20:25 it's my fault. It has nothing to do with her
20:30 she thinks it's her fault. So we had to really check that
20:36 so you know what? Now we're just talking, just dialoguing
20:42 even the dialogue, even when it's passionate you know
20:46 sometimes you get that dialogue and it's passionate, you're not
20:48 arguing but she hears it and she starts to cry
20:52 she feels it's her fault. Those are the things that
20:54 damage children for a long time.
20:58 You know my parents, even as an adult, you're talking about
21:04 you know your child at home, even as an adult when my parents
21:08 get into it sometimes you want to leave the room
21:12 You're like you guys are married now actually for 30 years
21:16 and change. When is it going to stop?
21:21 When are you going to find to get along?
21:25 But then you look now, I've been married now for 12 years
21:30 and I'm repeating some of these same things and yes, no marriage
21:34 is perfect in that case. Of course you're going to have
21:37 disagreements but it's how you do it.
21:41 You know there was a, you can learn from older couples
21:45 that have been married 50 or 60 years. Not the ones just
21:49 tolerating each other but the ones that really love each other
21:52 you know there's a difference. And one, I'll never forget the
21:57 Beezers. When I was in New York, before he passed he stressed
22:02 this to me and my wife. We were just dating then and he said
22:07 never argue in front of your children, and he said never
22:13 bring down the other because when you bring the person down
22:16 you're bringing yourself down because you chose that person
22:21 we forget that whether you're married or you're just in a
22:26 dating relationship, you chose this person so technically
22:30 you're bringing yourself down.
22:34 So therefore, when you bring this, trying to insult this
22:38 person that's why you lose when you insult the other person
22:42 So there's no winning in that way. The only way to win is
22:46 uplifting the other person, uplifting them
22:49 especially in front of their children.
22:50 You know we're all gonna make mistakes. All of us we've made
22:53 mistakes as fathers, but I tell you the great way to fix it
22:58 even if you have an argument, you put the children
23:03 in the middle, don't let the sun go down on your wrath
23:07 they need to see that. They need to see at the end of the day
23:11 yes, my dad and my mom they've had their little friction and
23:16 they were sending messages through me but at the end of
23:20 the day they've come together and they're loving each other.
23:24 And they're talking to each other, they didn't let the sun
23:27 go down on their wrath. And I think that's a very important
23:32 lesson we need to teach our children, especially as fathers
23:36 it's our responsibility to call a truce, so you know what
23:41 I'm gonna back up I'm calling a truce here
23:43 because it's for the betterment of the family
23:46 Man I love what you're saying and if you don't mind me
23:48 if we could just talk like guys for a second
23:50 You know a lot of times we're not gonna be perfect of course
23:53 let's throw that out of the window we're not going to always
23:58 go to the room and have the discussion there. Sometimes
24:01 we are going to blast or have the confrontation in front
24:05 of the kids. But if you do, if you do, just like he said
24:11 don't let the sun go down on your anger you have to make up
24:14 your make up has to be big and when you're doing it in front
24:17 of your kids, I mean do it big elaborate, lift your wife up
24:22 and let everybody know she's the greatest thing kiss her all over
24:26 her face, let her know, bring her flowers, bring her whatever
24:29 make it big let your child see, Ok we made a mistake
24:35 we don't always agree but this is the woman I chose. I'm so
24:39 proud of my choice. This is your mother. She's a blessing
24:43 to me. So like you said you have to set the pace as a man
24:48 Don't let the sun go down on your anger but when you do
24:52 make things up, make it even bigger than the argument
24:56 bigger than the argument
24:58 What you show to that child is that you show that your children
25:02 that wait a minute when they get into the same situation
25:06 cause they're gonna get into that situation when they get
25:08 married, they will be in the same situation. It shows them
25:11 it models for them how to fix it
25:16 This is how you fix it, if you get into confrontation
25:19 let's make up, let's do something great
25:23 What if it's the baby momma?
25:26 What if it's an ex-wife?
25:28 Same thing, same thing. You can't bring her flowers
25:31 What's that sign you know, you know
25:32 because you do have the time especially when you don't live
25:37 with someone, you know you don't live with the mother of the
25:40 child, when you interact with that person remember this is
25:46 still the child's mother right? And this was the choice you made
25:50 the child never had a part in this decision. This was a choice
25:55 you made, you still gotta lift them up. You may not agree
25:58 with what they say. That's right, that's right
26:00 But you have to be the man of God, after God's own heart
26:05 and lift them up. You mentioned it earlier about how God
26:09 interacts between Satan and us and how we are in the middle
26:14 notice how God talks even about Satan. He points out, yes
26:18 he's the deceiver, he's the liar but He doesn't break him down
26:23 He doesn't, oh he did this to me when he has in heaven
26:26 this is what he did. He doesn't do that.
26:30 He lets you know, hey he's a deceiver but I have a better way
26:35 Look at me. But rather look at how Satan does it
26:38 Satan brings God down. His thing is to bring down so that
26:42 bring down attitude is that of Satan.
26:45 Man that was awesome. I just, we ran out of time
26:49 I want to pick this up though, I really do because
26:52 we have a lot of good things to talk about and definitely
26:55 some things to expound upon cause this just gets deeper
26:58 and deeper every time. So as you know there are no easy answers
27:02 there is no easy Yes, nothing easy at all
27:06 for being a father is hard especially if your child is
27:10 caught in the middle. But as men of God we're called to be
27:14 better, to rise above, to take our children, to protect
27:17 our children by any means necessary.
27:20 So please, if you're a man and right now you're caught in a
27:24 argument and your child's caught in the middle
27:26 pray and rise above. Please protect your child
27:30 Thank you for watching, I want to see you again
27:33 until the next time.


Revised 2017-01-10