Books of the Book: Acts

Day of Pentecost, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim & Mark Howard


Series Code: ABOTB

Program Code: ABOTB00004B

00:02 Welcome back to Books of the Book.
00:03 When we last left our audience we were talking about Acts
00:07 chapter 2 and this incredible event that happened on the day
00:11 of Pentecost. There was a mighty rushing wind, there were
00:15 tongues of fire, incredible manifestations of the Holy
00:19 Spirit that were so evident and the noise must have been so
00:23 great that it stirred up all those who were in the
00:25 surrounding area to come.
00:27 Right. That's what verse 6 tells
00:28 us, which is interesting because I've always had that idea that
00:31 they were in a room and all of them heard the mighty rushing
00:36 wind and it was something exclusive to them, not that
00:38 the whole town heard it, but that's what it says in verse 6
00:41 that when the sound occurred the multitudes came together.
00:45 So it was something that got everybody's attention as you had
00:48 mentioned before, because the Lord wanted the people to hear
00:52 the gospel message that the apostles were about to proclaim
00:54 And that brings us to the next point because the Lord wanted
00:59 them to hear but he also wanted them to understand and that was
01:02 going to be a very difficult challenge for them. Because it
01:06 says in verse 5 that there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews,
01:10 devout men from every nation under heaven. So you get this
01:14 sense that there are a variety of different languages and then
01:18 in verse 6 at the conclusion of verse 6 it says everyone heard
01:23 them speak in his own language. Then they were all amazed and
01:26 marveled saying to one another look are not all these who speak
01:30 Galileans. Then verse 8, and how is it that we hear each in our
01:34 own language in which we were born. And it lists out all the
01:38 various languages and areas from which they came and they're all
01:43 hearing them speak. In verse 11 it says: in our own tongues the
01:48 wonderful works of God. Now this is pretty powerful because what
01:53 it reveals is the clearest picture we have in the entire
01:57 New Testament of what the Bible refers to as the gift of tongues
02:01 Now there are many different views on the gift of tongues
02:06 that exist in Christianity today and if it were just for certain
02:12 passages in the more theological letters of Paul we might not
02:16 know for sure what that gift of tongues looked like. This is
02:20 what we've been talking about in the book of Acts. Because we
02:25 have this inspired narrative of the practical, practiced or
02:31 acted out theology that we find in the rest of the New Testament
02:34 we can have a little better idea of what it's referring to. This
02:37 particular passage is the clearest illustration of the
02:42 gift of tongues that we have in the Bible. What happens in this?
02:47 It says very clearly everyone heard them speak in his own
02:51 language. The reason that this is important is because there
02:56 are some who believe that the gift of tongues must be a gift
03:00 that is somewhat unintelligible to other human beings. It may be
03:04 something that is unknown to myself and they take that from
03:07 certain passages of the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians and we
03:10 could take a lot of time trying to really explore and
03:14 delve into those passages but what we need to remember is that
03:19 important method of interpretation of the Bible
03:23 an important rule of interpreting the Bible is that
03:26 we need to let clear passages inform the passages that do not
03:30 have that same clarity. So here is the clearest picture of the
03:34 gift of tongues and we do not see it as a language that is
03:39 unintelligible to humanity. Rather we see something very
03:43 different. Everyone hears these disciples speaking in their own
03:49 language. They can understand clearly what they are saying
03:52 in their own language. So this gift of tongues appears to be
03:55 a supernatural power that God gives to enable his
04:00 representatives to preach the gospel and be heard and
04:04 understood in languages that they themselves may not have
04:08 even been taught in. Absolutely. And it's important
04:11 again that you bring this up. The hearing of the word was
04:16 crucial to this audience. In other words, it wasn't enough
04:20 for the Lord that they saw something supernatural take
04:24 place. What they were about to hear was crucial to the
04:28 conversion experience of the multitudes and that's what we
04:31 find happens next here. They actually, some of the people
04:35 gathered there began mocking the apostles and saying that
04:39 these guys are drunk. And Peter responds in verse 14 and says
04:44 that we're not drunk. But he says: This is what was spoken by
04:48 the prophet Joel, in verse 16 and then he quotes from Joel
04:53 chapter 2: And it shall come to pass in the last days says God
04:57 that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh. Your sons and your
05:01 daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions,
05:05 your old men shall dream dreams, on my man servant and on my maid
05:09 servants I will pour out my Spirit in those days and they
05:12 shall prophesy and I will show wonders in the heavens above
05:15 and signs in the earth beneath, blood and fire and vapor of
05:18 smoke, the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into
05:21 blood before the coming of the great and awesome day of the
05:24 Lord and it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name
05:29 of the Lord shall be saved. Now Peter shares this prophecy of
05:34 Joel and then he basically brings home to his audience that
05:39 these signs and wonders are God trying to communicate to them
05:44 that the Jesus that they've just taken and crucified was their
05:50 Messiah as prophecy had foretold He picks up in verse 22. He says
05:54 men of Israel here these words. Jesus of Nazareth a man attested
05:58 by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs which God did
06:02 through him in your midst as you yourselves also know, etc. you
06:06 have taken by lawless hands and crucified. So he brings this
06:09 message to them. But it's interesting that he brings it
06:15 through this prophetic medium. Something we want to note about
06:21 Joel, two things about this prophecy of Joel. First of all,
06:27 when we look at the prophecy of Joel we find that not everything
06:32 that Joel prophesied and that Peter sites here was fulfilled
06:37 on the day of Pentecost. What that tells us is that we're
06:41 seeing not a complete fulfillment of Joel's prophecy,
06:45 but a partial fulfillment which would lead us to expect a fuller
06:49 fulfillment later on. Now why do I know that, that's it's a
06:52 partial fulfillment. How can we know that? Well a couple things.
06:55 First of all, one of the things it mentions in context of Joel's
06:59 prophecy is visions and dreams, the gift of prophecy, your sons
07:02 and daughters shall prophesy, but when we look at the account
07:06 here on the day of Pentecost, the gift we see is the gift of
07:09 tongues. We're not seeing this outpouring of the gift prophecy.
07:12 The other thing is that there are signs mentioned in the
07:15 heavens that we don't see taking place here under the outpouring
07:20 of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost.
07:22 Verse 20 says the sun shall be turned into darkness, the moon
07:26 into blood. That's right. Before the coming
07:28 of the great and awesome day of the Lord. But we do know that
07:32 Jesus prophesied similar signs right before his second coming.
07:36 So it would lead us to look for a more complete fulfillment of
07:41 Joel later on. But now that's led some people when they see
07:45 some of these things to assume that maybe Peter spoke out of
07:48 turn here. Now we were talking about that. I think you had an
07:52 encounter something like that. Yeah. I at one point had
07:55 somebody share with me that they felt that Peter was actually
08:00 mistaken when he quoted Joel as a fulfillment of what happened
08:04 on the day of Pentecost. I said well Peter thought that Jesus
08:08 was going to be coming soon so he thought that this must have
08:11 been what was happening before the coming of the great and
08:15 awesome day of the Lord but he was simply wrong which really
08:19 doesn't sound quite right, does it? If you look at chapter 2 and
08:23 verse 4 it says they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and
08:27 began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them
08:30 utterance. So the Spirit was giving him utterance and the
08:34 Spirit inspired him to take this passage of scripture and
08:38 understand it as being a fulfillment of what was
08:40 happening on that day. If the Spirit inspired the writer Joel
08:44 and the Spirit inspired Peter to interpret you can bet that it
08:48 was a correct interpretation. But it doesn't mean necessarily,
08:52 as you are stating, that it's a complete fulfillment. It could
08:55 very well be a partial fulfillment. I'd like to point
08:59 us back to the book of Joel, because back in the book of Joel
09:02 in chapter 2 it gives a little hint of a possibility of
09:07 something that would happen to germinate the early church and
09:11 then something that would happen for a more complete fulfillment
09:15 at the end of the work of the church at the end of time. It's
09:20 in Joel chapter 2 verse 23. It says be glad then you children
09:25 of Zion and rejoice in the Lord your God for he has given you
09:29 the former rain faithfully, (that's the rain that helped to
09:33 germinate the seed in the beginning of the growing season)
09:38 and the former rain and the latter rain in the first month.
09:43 Now I want to go back up to the middle where it says, for he has
09:46 given you the former rain faithfully. My Bible has a
09:49 marginal reading on that. And the former rain, the marginal
09:53 reading for that is a teacher of righteousness. He will give
09:56 you a teacher of righteousness to rain down on you, both a
10:01 former manifestation and a latter manifestation. What is
10:05 this talking about? Well Hosea picks up something very similar
10:10 in Hosea chapter 6. I want to look in verse 3 of Hosea 6.
10:15 Hosea writes: Let us know, let us pursue the knowledge of the
10:19 Lord. So we need a teacher of righteousness to receive the
10:23 knowledge of the Lord. His going forth is established
10:27 as the morning. He will come to us like the rain, like the
10:32 latter and former rain to the earth. It says, he will come to
10:37 us like the rain. That makes me think of is John
10:40 chapter 16. Jesus talks about the Holy Spirit coming and he
10:46 says in verse 16: I'll pray the Father. He will send you another
10:49 helper. Verse 17: The Spirit of truth whom the world cannot
10:52 receive because it neither sees him nor knows him. He will dwell
10:55 with you and be in you. And verse 18 says I will not leave
10:59 you orphans; I will come to you. But he's speaking about coming
11:03 through the Holy Spirit. And what you're looking at that
11:07 there and what Joel's talking about is coming through the Holy
11:10 Spirit as a teacher of righteousness. Well Jesus is
11:12 coming to us; he is the teacher of righteousness.
11:15 that's right and what we see here in Hosea, as you were
11:18 describing it, is that his going forth is established as the
11:22 morning. He will come to us, this teacher of righteousness,
11:27 the Holy Spirit that the Father is going to send. All of these
11:31 things tie together with this one very clear promise that we
11:35 have, that just as the former rain came faithfully to those
11:40 early apostles, the latter rain is going to come to us. That's
11:44 what we see in this promise. This is not a fulfillment that
11:48 is complete in Acts chapter 2. Joel spoke of something very
11:52 real that had happened and that Holy Spirit power is still
11:55 available to us today but in a greater degree we're going to
11:59 see manifestations of power and we're going to see conversions
12:02 such as happened here on the day of Pentecost once more.
12:06 Well something that we don't want to miss is in verse 37.
12:10 We're kind of jumping ahead a little bit. In verse 37 it says
12:13 that when Peter had preached everything that he had preached
12:17 it says the people were cut to the heart. And something that we
12:20 don't want to overlook is when the Holy Spirit was poured out
12:24 Jesus the teacher of righteousness speaking through
12:27 the Holy Spirit and conveying that righteousness to his church
12:31 it was in the context here of a prophetic fulfillment and we can
12:35 expect, I believe, at the end of time, when we're looking for
12:39 that latter rain that it will come again in the context of
12:43 fulfilled prophecy. Prophecies are being fulfilled around us
12:46 left and right. Jesus gave a number of prophecies in the
12:49 books of Daniel and Revelation and the book of Matthew about
12:52 his coming and it's in those messages of prophecy that the
12:56 people are cut to the heart. It's in those messages of
12:59 prophecy that they are brought to a deep conviction and a sense
13:02 of where they are and their need of Christ. What's ironic is
13:06 we're in a day and age where sometimes a level of political
13:10 correctness keeps us from wanting to say things that are
13:13 so... You know, preach the prophecies where they are
13:16 disheartening, they're cutting. The fact is that that cutting is
13:19 what brings about the conversion We see it in the power in the
13:22 power in the early church.
13:24 They are powerful aren't they?
13:25 And Jesus is coming soon friends The teacher of righteousness is
13:29 going to come to us and reveal himself in all his glory and we
13:32 want to be ready for that day. I hope you'll join us again
13:36 next time for our study of the book of Acts.


Revised 2014-12-17