3ABN Homecoming 2017

Friday Afternoon

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Bradshaw


Series Code: 17HC

Program Code: 17HC000009A

00:50 Welcome back to 3ABN Fall Camp Meeting...
00:53 Camp Meeting right here at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:56 And we've got a good crowd here tonight.
00:58 You all happy in the Lord? Amen! All right.
01:01 It really is. I want to tell you something:
01:03 I travel to churches but you never see
01:05 so many friendly happy faces
01:07 as we do here at 3ABN Camp Meeting.
01:10 That's cause you all travel long distances...
01:12 says you want to be here, right?
01:14 Sometimes in church you can see the husband going to sleep
01:17 and the wife poking him a little bit.
01:18 And it's like: "I think he'd rather be home
01:20 but he knows he'd be miserable later on
01:23 if he doesn't go to church with her, you know. "
01:25 Things like that... that goes through my mind.
01:26 I know it shouldn't all the time. When I'm up front speaking
01:29 I'm like: "Oh, I think this person would rather be home. "
01:31 But anyway, not here at 3ABN Camp Meeting.
01:34 You all are happy... you have happy faces
01:36 and you're happy in the Lord. We ought to be the happiest
01:38 most excited people on planet earth.
01:41 Can you imagine that when Jesus was hanging on the cross
01:44 you and I were on His mind?
01:45 We were on His mind.
01:47 And He could look down that stream of time and see a people
01:50 that would be willing to give their lives unto death
01:52 if necessary for the cause of God.
01:55 It's an honor to be living in the closing moments
01:57 of earth's history and be a part of a movement -
02:00 the church, but a movement -
02:02 that has present truth to give to a lost and dying world.
02:06 Be living right in the time that Jesus is about to come back!
02:10 I'm excited tonight about the Lord, but I'm excited
02:13 about 3ABN Camp Meeting. I'm excited about
02:16 salvation that's a free gift that's offered to us.
02:18 And I'm so thankful tonight that we have Bro. John Bradshaw.
02:23 He's speaker/director for It Is Written.
02:26 I've known John for many, many years.
02:28 What you see is what you get.
02:30 And he's not a person that worries about
02:32 political correctness. Somebody say amen?
02:35 Amen! So remember that if he steps on your toes tonight.
02:39 Right? 'Cause you said you didn't mind him not worrying
02:43 about political correctness. He really doesn't
02:45 but he's led by the Holy Spirit.
02:47 A great anointing on him.
02:49 But before he comes to speak to us tonight
02:53 it's my privilege to have my daughter Melody -
02:55 Melody Dawn - and I'm going to ask her to come out
02:59 and sing. She took the husband and kids
03:03 a few years ago and deserted me and went to Nashville.
03:06 And so now I know at least at Camp Meetings
03:09 I get to see them. So the airport's a little farther
03:13 to Nashville for us to drive, maybe 30-45 minutes longer,
03:17 but I go there instead of St. Louis when I can
03:19 'cause guess what? I get to see my grandbabies, right?
03:22 And you of course, too, Melody.
03:26 I love you and I'm so glad you're here.
03:27 What are you going to sing for us tonight?
03:29 Let It Fall. But I tell you, I'm a little concerned
03:32 because Mollie told me she was going to heckle me
03:35 the whole time I was singing. She was going to heckle you?
03:36 Mollie wouldn't do that. So I'm not going to be able
03:38 to look over there. OK... don't look over there.
03:41 Mollie Sue! If I forget the words, you all will know why!
03:45 You'll do great. Melody - when she was born -
03:48 we named her Melody in faith God would give her musical
03:50 abilities. And we dedicated her to the Lord
03:53 and we said: "Lord, if You give this child... we're asking You
03:57 to give this child a gift of music... "
03:58 Why we named her Melody Dawn: the dawn of new music
04:01 in the family. And we said: "We'll raise her
04:04 in an atmosphere free of other type of music. "
04:06 And we did that, and God has blessed.
04:08 And so I love to hear you sing. I'm sure I'm not prejudiced.
04:12 But I love you and love your heart
04:14 and love the whole family, so glad you're here tonight.
04:17 I love you.
04:36 Facing situations
04:39 like I've never seen
04:44 leaves my heart uncertain
04:48 of what tomorrow may bring
04:52 it seems I could lose
04:57 all that I've gained.
05:00 If everything falls
05:04 Lord I just pray:
05:08 Let it fall
05:12 into place...
05:15 Place it all
05:19 in Your grace.
05:24 According to Your purpose
05:28 for the rest of my days
05:33 let it fall...
05:37 let it fall
05:41 into place.
05:50 The more things slip away
05:53 the more I try to hold on.
05:58 My grip is getting weak...
06:01 Lord, my hands aren't that strong.
06:06 But I know I can trust
06:09 Your will and Your way
06:13 so if everything falls
06:17 Lord, I just pray:
06:21 Let it fall
06:25 into place...
06:29 Place it all
06:33 in Your grace.
06:37 According to Your purpose
06:41 for the rest of my days
06:47 let it fall...
06:50 let it fall
06:55 into place.
06:59 Your Word formed the universe;
07:03 Your breath gave me life;
07:07 Your thoughts are on my future
07:11 so many perfect
07:14 times.
07:20 Let it fall
07:24 into place...
07:28 Place it all
07:32 in Your grace.
07:37 According to Your purpose
07:41 for the rest of my days
07:46 let it fall...
07:50 let it fall...
07:54 let it fall...
07:58 let it fall
08:02 into place.
08:28 Beautiful! Good evening everyone!
08:30 Good evening! So good to see you tonight.
08:32 I'm glad you are here. Are you glad you're here?
08:34 Amen! Yeah you should be.
08:36 You're in the right place this weekend!
08:38 Wherever you're joining us from thanks for being part of this
08:40 Camp Meeting experience.
08:42 To be here on site is to be blessed...what do you say?
08:46 Amen! Is to be really blessed.
08:47 And we've still got a whole 24 hour plus period left to go.
08:52 So I'm just really glad.
08:55 I'm going to let you know something that we're bringing
08:57 to you on 3ABN from It Is Written
09:01 at the end of October. You know
09:03 that the 31st of October marks 500 years
09:08 since the Reformation was kicked off.
09:10 Not that you can really tie it to a day
09:13 but if there was a day that was as good as another
09:16 that would be the day Luther - Martin Luther - nailed
09:18 the 95 Theses to the door of the castle church in Wittenberg,
09:22 Germany. And so It Is Written went to several
09:26 Reformation sites and came home with 9 programs
09:30 that'll be aired on 3ABN the last 9 nights of October.
09:35 You're going to be blessed by these. These are in depth look
09:37 at the Reformation, what brought about the Reformation,
09:40 what happened, why it matters, and how it applies to us today.
09:44 And so we look for the reasons for the Reformation.
09:47 We examine this church that had become
09:49 what it should not have become.
09:51 Gives us the opportunity to speak rather plainly
09:54 about some very important teachings of the Bible.
09:57 We examine the lives of people like Martin Luther.
10:00 The lives of people like Ignatius of Loyola.
10:04 You know, he's the man who went to the Pope and said
10:06 "Let us begin an order dedicated to countering
10:11 the Reformation. " So we have a whole hour dealing with
10:14 Ignatius of Loyola who found... What was the order that he
10:17 founded? Can you tell me? Jesuits!
10:19 That's it. We call it the Jesuits, the Society of Jesus.
10:22 Tell you some interesting things. I wish...
10:25 Oh boy, I shouldn't start this 'cause I'll never stop.
10:28 So across the weekend I'll give you... I'll take the opportunity
10:33 to tell you about some fas- cinating statues we looked at
10:37 and some interesting things we saw that send a very clear
10:41 message to Protestants living in earth's last days.
10:46 And when we talk about Protestants you and I both know
10:49 that Protestants are increasingly hard to find.
10:54 Because as Luther protested 500 years ago
10:57 today most people have stopped protesting.
11:01 In fact, most people who would be Protestants
11:04 or protestants haven't a clue what the protest was even about.
11:07 So these nine programs the last 9 nights of October
11:10 on 3ABN will be programs that you'll be blessed by.
11:14 The series is called 500 brought to you by It Is Written
11:17 and you'll be really blessed. Amen!
11:20 Well now, I must put an end to that.
11:24 Perhaps tomorrow in the after- noon I'll tell you a little more
11:27 about some of what we saw and experienced and why it matters
11:30 so much. Camp Meeting theme this year
11:34 is Sacrifice: His and Ours.
11:37 His and Ours. We began talking about that last night.
11:41 Let's pray now
11:44 and anticipate the blessing of God.
11:46 Let's pray. Our Father, we come to You in the name of Jesus
11:53 and it's now the Sabbath where we are
11:56 and we are thankful... we just are...
12:00 because in Your mercy You did more than just give us an hour.
12:05 More than give us a morning.
12:07 You carved a day out of the rock of time
12:12 and said: "Every moment that you spend in this day
12:15 I want you to be cognizant of where you came from.
12:17 I want you to remember your roots.
12:20 I want you to remember that if you go all the way up
12:23 your family tree you're going to get to Adam
12:24 who was made by Me. "
12:27 We are thankful that we are Your children
12:30 and that this day is a memorial not only of creation
12:34 but of re-creation. Amen!
12:38 And so bless us in these hours. Now as we open Your Word
12:44 we ask You, Father,
12:48 to speak, that we would be blessed according to Your will.
12:53 We thank you and we love You and we pray
12:55 gratefully, in Jesus' name... please stay with me...
13:01 Amen and amen.
13:06 It was June the 22nd; it was 1746.
13:12 An expedition of 11,000 men on board 64 ships
13:19 left France for a place called Annapolis Royal.
13:25 And if you were looking for Annapolis Royal on a map
13:29 and let's say you found it
13:31 you would see that it is almost directly across
13:35 the Bay of Fundy. Do you know where we are?
13:41 Anybody?
13:43 All right. No... somebody said New Zealand. God bless you!
13:46 God bless you. It was not New Zealand
13:49 but that's... I mean, that's better than the right answer.
13:54 Sure.
13:57 Annapolis Royal is pretty much directly across the Bay of Fundy
14:01 from St. Johns, New Brunswick.
14:05 Have I helped?
14:07 That's where? In Canada! All right.
14:10 I know about nine of you know it's Canada.
14:15 It's just across the Bay of Fundy from New Brunswick
14:18 in Canada. Back then Annapolis Royal was
14:22 known as Port Royal. It was established in 1605
14:27 by the French in what was then Acadia
14:31 but today is known as Nova Scotia.
14:34 And this is why the French fleet was on its way
14:36 to Annapolis Royal. It had been attacked repeatedly
14:40 by the British and by New England colonists.
14:43 Eventually it fell to the British. The French said:
14:47 'Unh-umm... we want it back
14:49 so we are going to take it back by force. "
14:52 Think now: this wasn't force. Eleven thousand men,
14:56 sixty-four ships. They believed the land was rightfully theirs.
15:02 And they were going to come up against the very best
15:04 that a small settlement could do.
15:07 It was not going to be pretty at all...
15:14 except that
15:17 sometimes
15:19 the plans of human beings don't track with the plans of God.
15:24 And so this is what happened.
15:26 The French fleet got away late.
15:29 A storm broke out.
15:31 Bad winds slowed them down.
15:34 They became becalmed off the Azores.
15:39 Disease broke out...
15:41 not only scurvy but typhoid as well...
15:44 back then before antibiotics.
15:48 Another storm arose during which lightning struck the ships.
15:52 One of those lightning flashes causes an explosion
15:56 that killed 30 men.
15:58 This was tough sailing.
16:01 There was more bad weather. More ships were damaged
16:04 and so the French fleet turned around.
16:06 They sailed back to France. One of them got a little
16:09 too close to Ireland for the liking of some.
16:13 That ship was captured by the British
16:15 70 miles off the Irish coast.
16:18 So by the time this expedition made it back to Nova Scotia
16:24 hundreds of men had died
16:26 and hundreds more were dreadfully ill.
16:29 The leader of the expedition died six days after arriving.
16:34 His replacement as leader
16:37 attempted suicide shortly after that.
16:42 The whole leader ended in abject failure.
16:49 Now what's less known is that in 1746
16:57 the people of New England began preparing for this invasion
17:02 as the French fleet were planning to, on their way
17:06 to Nova Scotia, sack Boston.
17:11 That's what they were going to do.
17:13 And one historian wrote this, so let me read these words
17:16 to you: "The governor - that's the governor of Massachusetts,
17:20 William Shirley - had proclaimed... "
17:22 Listen to what the governor did. Can you imagine a governor
17:24 doing this today? "The governor had proclaimed
17:27 a fast day to pray for deliver- ance from this present peril.
17:33 Everywhere men observed it
17:38 thronging to the churches.
17:41 In Boston the Reverend Thomas Prince
17:45 from the high pulpit of the Old South Meeting House
17:48 prayed before hundreds.
17:51 The morning was clear and calm.
17:54 People had walked to church through sunshine.
17:59 'Deliver us from our enemy" the minister implored.
18:04 'Send Thy tempest, Lord,
18:08 upon the waters to the eastward.
18:10 Raise Thy right hand. Scatter the ships of our tormentors
18:16 and drive them hence. Sink their proud frigates
18:21 beneath the power of Thy winds. ' "
18:25 He was just finished praying
18:29 when the sun suddenly was gone and the morning darkened.
18:35 A shadow came over the entire church.
18:39 A wind shrieked around the walls of the building.
18:43 It was sudden; it was violent...
18:47 like a hammer hammering at those dark shadows
18:50 with a giant hand.
18:53 There was nobody up in the steeple.
18:55 Later on people swore there was nobody there.
18:58 In spite of that, the great church bell struck twice.
19:04 It was described as being a wild, uneven sound.
19:09 Thomas Prince paused in his prayer, both arms raised.
19:13 'We hear Thy voice, O Lord, ' he called.
19:17 'We hear it! ' he thundered triumphantly.
19:21 'Thy breath is upon the waters to the eastward...
19:24 even upon the deep. Thy bell tolls
19:29 for the death of Your enemies! ' "
19:33 You see, here's what we learn from this story.
19:36 We learn that when there are challenges
19:40 and when our plans don't look like they're working out,
19:43 when your intentions meet with frustration, delay,
19:46 even defeat, God's plans
19:52 know no defeat. Amen!
19:54 God triumphs always! I wonder if you would turn with me
19:59 in your Bible to Matthew chapter 26.
20:01 We will go to that afternoon. That afternoon: Matthew 26.
20:07 As a matter of fact, it's not the afternoon...
20:08 now it's the evening.
20:10 The evening before the afternoon.
20:12 We'll get to the afternoon sooner enough... soon enough.
20:15 But first it's evening time... it's Thursday evening
20:17 before Friday afternoon
20:20 and Jesus knew what was coming.
20:25 He had already said: "One of you here
20:28 is going to betray Me. " "Oh, not I! "
20:31 "Oh, not I! " "It couldn't be me. "
20:33 "What could He possibly mean? " Isn't it fascinating that the
20:36 disciples often were told the plainest things by Jesus
20:38 and didn't understand what He meant.
20:41 "I'm going down to Jerusalem; they're going to kill Me. "
20:44 And the disciples turned to each other and stroked their chins
20:47 and they said: "Well what do you think He could possibly mean
20:49 by that? " How is that?
20:53 After that the fact... and it is a fact...
20:55 that the prophecies that they read made clear
20:58 that Messiah would die.
21:00 I tell you what it does: it didn't make me doubt
21:03 but it causes me to be a little humble about the things
21:05 that I believe inasmuch as I wonder sometimes
21:08 what I could be missing. Huh?
21:10 Eyes wide open... reading my Bible.
21:13 Studying the Word of God: gotta wonder what you're missing.
21:15 The disciples were missing certain things even though
21:17 Jesus spoke them plainly in their hearing.
21:22 And so Jesus had read the scriptures.
21:24 He'd read Isaiah chapter 53.
21:26 We looked at a little bit of it last night.
21:28 He knew what was coming.
21:30 Jesus had read the 22nd Psalm
21:34 which begins with the words: "My God, My God...
21:39 why hast Thou forsaken Me? " He'd read that.
21:42 And He read that and looked at those words
21:45 and knew: "That's Me
21:48 David was writing about! " Imagine that.
21:50 He read in Psalm 22: "They pierced My hands
21:53 and my feet. " He read that... He knew what was coming.
21:58 Jesus had read where the prophet had written
22:00 "They cast lots for My garments. "
22:04 He had read Isaiah chapter 53
22:07 knowing that He would be numbered with the transgressors
22:10 to be nailed between two thieves and not taken by surprise.
22:16 And so looking forward to a dark ending of His life
22:21 Jesus went out to pray. This is Matthew chapter 26 now
22:28 and we must begin reading
22:31 in verse 37.
22:35 "And He took with Him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee
22:42 and began to be sorrowful and very heavy.
22:48 Then He said to them: 'My soul is exceedingly sorrowful
22:51 even unto death. Tarry ye here and watch with Me. '
22:57 And He went a little further
22:59 and fell on His face and He prayed. "
23:01 Now... now... just stop here.
23:05 Jesus knew what was coming.
23:06 He knew what Friday afternoon would bring.
23:08 He'd read it in the prophecies; He knew that.
23:10 He knew that He would die on an old rugged cross.
23:13 He knew that.
23:14 What could He have done to prepare Himself
23:17 for Friday afternoon?
23:19 He could have called every angel in heaven down.
23:21 He could have done that.
23:23 He could have raised up an army.
23:25 He could have armed His followers
23:28 and fought off His captors.
23:31 I don't know that His little band of disciples
23:35 could have defeated the Roman authorities.
23:37 But it wasn't really the Roman authorities that were giving Him
23:39 grief. I don't know if He could have fought off all of the Jews
23:43 but He could have held them off long enough to escape!
23:45 They could have run!
23:47 What could Jesus have done Friday afternoon
23:50 when trouble came?
23:52 What could Jesus have done when they placed a cross on His back
23:58 and told Him to carry it to Golgotha?
24:00 What could Jesus have done?
24:04 He could have called angels.
24:06 Could have raised up an army...
24:08 but instead Thursday night
24:12 Jesus got ready for Friday afternoon.
24:16 Verse 39: "He went a little further and fell on His face
24:19 and He prayed saying:
24:20 'O My Father, if it is possible
24:24 let this cup pass from me. ' "
24:27 And then He said:
24:29 "Nevertheless, not as I will
24:33 but as You will. "
24:36 This is what Jesus did to prepare for Friday afternoon.
24:40 He surrendered His future to His Father.
24:45 He placed His life into the hands of Almighty God.
24:51 His life was on the line.
24:53 His very existence hung in the balance.
24:56 He knew what was going to happen. He wouldn't fight back.
24:59 What He did was He surrendered Himself to God
25:03 and He said: "God... You fight this battle;
25:07 You do what You will. " He didn't pray for darkness.
25:10 God sent darkness.
25:11 He didn't pray for Simon of Cyrene to carry His cross...
25:14 at least not as far as we know.
25:16 God sent Simon.
25:18 He said: "I will fight this on Your terms.
25:23 You decide. "
25:25 "Not My will but Your will be done. "
25:27 He came to His disciples... they were asleep.
25:29 He said to Peter: "What? Couldn't you wait with Me
25:31 for an hour? Watch and pray
25:33 that you don't enter into temptation.
25:34 The spirit indeed is willing but the... " What? Tell me.
25:37 "flesh is weak. " All right! He went away; He prayed
25:40 the second time. He said: "O My Father,
25:43 if this cup may not pass away from me except I drink it... "
25:47 And then what did He say?
25:49 "Thy will be done. "
25:51 The test of His life literally
25:54 and Jesus met it by saying: "Your will be done. "
25:59 He went to the cross Friday afternoon
26:01 strengthened because He had given His life,
26:06 He had given His future, He had committed His destiny
26:09 to His heavenly Father.
26:11 "Spirit of God, You take over! "
26:14 "Not My will... Your will. "
26:16 "Let's do what You want here. " This wasn't all.
26:19 He came again and found them sleeping. Their eyes were heavy.
26:21 "He left them... " verse 44... "and went away again
26:25 and prayed the third time saying the same words. "
26:30 "Not what I will but what... " Tell me now:
26:34 "Thy will. " You know why this is so important for us?
26:38 The test that we go through isn't going to be the same
26:40 as the test Jesus went through.
26:42 I didn't even want to put it into that category.
26:44 Jesus bore the sins of the world... altogether different.
26:49 Altogether different but very similar
26:51 inasmuch as before Jesus comes back
26:54 those faithful ones who are alive and still tread this
26:59 mortal coil will be in...
27:04 will encounter the test of their lives.
27:07 The Bible says that we are coming face to face
27:09 one day soon with a time of trouble such as never was
27:12 since there was a nation.
27:13 Significant time.
27:15 And you can't prepare for this by working out in a gym.
27:17 You can't prepare for this by any type of training.
27:22 This isn't a fitness thing.
27:23 You prepare for this by praying as Jesus prayed
27:27 "Not my will but Thy will be done. " Amen!
27:30 "Not Thy will then... but Thy will now. "
27:34 "Now and later and in the morning and at lunch time
27:37 tomorrow and through the afternoon
27:39 and tomorrow night and forever! "
27:42 If you want to be prepared for your Friday afternoon experience
27:46 it's a matter of "Not my will but Thy will. "
27:48 This is what prepared Jesus.
27:51 Of course I'm not minimizing the fact that Jesus was
27:55 inseparably close to His Father
27:57 and that He spent nights in prayer and He lived His life
27:59 as One serving others. I'm not forgetting all of that.
28:02 But when push came to shove Jesus was ready for what
28:05 Friday afternoon brought Him because He prayed to His Father
28:08 and He said: "Not My will but Your will be done. "
28:15 You know, friends, I wonder if we're having that experience
28:17 now. We talk about: "Oh, when the time of trouble comes
28:20 I'll just let God... But why are you sitting in my seat?
28:23 Get out of my seat. " When the time of trouble comes...
28:26 When the time of trouble comes
28:29 I will be... Baah! Baah! Idiot! Get off the road! "
28:33 "When the time of trouble comes... "
28:38 Are you missing something?
28:41 The time of trouble came when that driver slowed down
28:45 in front of you. I mean, not calling it a time of trouble
28:48 but... You know why God allows these trials to come into your
28:52 life? So you can see what's in your heart.
28:54 That's why.
28:56 And so when a driver slows down in front of you
28:58 or somebody at work is snippy at you
28:59 or your spouse gives you the cold shoulder
29:01 or whatever it might be just wait and see how you react
29:05 and that's God saying to you: "See what's in your heart. "
29:08 Because God wants you to be ready for Friday afternoon.
29:11 And this is why we are to say: "Not my will
29:14 but Thy will be done. "
29:17 You invest in the stock market and things take a turn for the
29:19 worse and you lose your shirt.
29:21 Well, what are you going to do?
29:23 Lose your Christian experience as well?
29:25 Or can you say: "Not my will but Thy will be done? "
29:29 God is still God even when things go bad.
29:32 God is still God even when the bottom drops out of your
29:34 world. Listen: Friday afternoon is coming for us.
29:37 Not in the form of a real cross
29:40 but maybe in the form of that figurative cross
29:42 that Jesus said we ought to take up and carry and
29:45 follow Him, if we are truly to be His disciples.
29:48 Jesus prayed in preparation for the greatest test of His
29:51 existence: "Not My will but Thy will be done. "
29:57 What's your prayer?
30:00 You see, Jesus could have walked in there and wiped them out.
30:03 Struck them down. But He knew this battle -
30:07 this encounter with the cross - was not a battle
30:10 that He would fight except as He continued to
30:14 yield His heart to God
30:17 and allow God to lead and guide and provide
30:20 and strengthen. He was on a mission.
30:23 Jesus' mission He said was "To do the will of His Father. "
30:28 That's all it was.
30:29 If it was the Father's will for Him to go to the cross
30:32 He would go to the cross and say: "Not My will...
30:34 Your will be done. "
30:36 His life was not the outworking of His own will.
30:39 His life was the outworking of the will of Almighty God.
30:43 And so He knew that if His Father was leading Him
30:48 to have a nail driven through His wrists
30:51 all He needed to do if that was the will of God
30:54 in that moment was say: "Not My will...
30:57 Your will be done. And if this is Your will
30:59 bring it on. "
31:01 When they came at Him with a hammer and a great big nail
31:04 to drive it through His feet... Nobody wants that!
31:07 But Jesus said: "Not My will... Your will be done. "
31:11 Where was Christ's strength in that moment?
31:15 Strength was in His Father.
31:17 Strength was in the power of His Holy Spirit.
31:19 He hung on by faith to the providence of God
31:23 knowing that His Father loved Him.
31:25 Knowing that His trial did not represent the rejection
31:29 or the neglect of Almighty God.
31:31 He hung on to His Father
31:33 knowing that if the cross was God's will for Him then
31:37 then the will and the grace of God would strengthen Him
31:41 to be able to endure that experience.
31:43 It says in Exodus chapter 14 and verse 14
31:47 "The Lord shall fight for you and you shall... " Do what?
31:52 "hold your peace. "
31:54 GOD will fight for you.
31:56 God will strengthen you.
31:58 If it is God's will that has led you to a place,
32:02 if God's providence has allowed a certain circumstance,
32:06 then you can know that God is with you.
32:08 He will strengthen you and according to His will
32:11 He will deliver you.
32:12 It is God's business what happens to us. Amen!
32:16 Ours is to pray that surrendered prayer that says: "Not my will
32:20 but Your will be done. "
32:22 Gideon was called by God to lead God's people
32:24 to victory and success. He called up an army.
32:27 Thousands! God said: "Too many. "
32:29 "Oh? Really? Too many? "
32:31 "Still too many. " "You can't be serious! "
32:35 And he ended up with how many? Three hundred.
32:38 Humanly speaking: not possible.
32:40 Humanly speaking: not sensible.
32:43 Nobody with 300 men goes to fight an overwhelming army.
32:46 That's folly. Except Gideon didn't argue.
32:51 Gideon didn't say: "Hold on! Not Your will my will be done. "
32:54 Gideon did not say: "I don't see how this can happen! "
33:00 Gideon simply said: "All right, if that's what You want
33:03 let's go! " And Gideon and three hundred
33:07 wrought deliverance for Israel.
33:10 You know the people that I think were people of great faith?
33:14 We read about the battle of Jericho, you know.
33:18 And so there they are walking around Jericho.
33:22 I don't know; I wasn't there but the leaders were leading.
33:26 The people I think were people of real faith
33:29 were the everyday soldiers.
33:31 "Why are we doing this? " "Well...
33:35 because Joshua said it's a good idea. "
33:39 "And what's going to happen? " "Well, evidently God is going to
33:42 bring deliverance... deliverance. "
33:47 "And how's this deliverance going to come about? "
33:49 "Well... we just walk... all right? "
33:56 "How long do we walk for? "
33:57 "Evidently we have to do this every day for seven days. "
34:01 "OK... a lot of walking that will bring us deliverance. "
34:06 "Weapons? " "No, no one said anything about weapons...
34:08 not initially. " "All right... we're just going to walk? "
34:11 "Yes. " Anything else? " "Yeah! "
34:13 "What? " "You're not going to believe me;
34:15 I'm not going to tell you. " "Tell me! "
34:17 "No, no... you sound like a skeptic.
34:20 I'm not telling you. "
34:22 "Evidently you know something I need to know. "
34:23 "What is it? " "Well, we're going to walk
34:26 and then ultimately we're going to shout. "
34:31 "We're going to shout? "
34:33 "What? We're going to shout 'FIRE' and then they'll blast
34:35 the place with cannons? "
34:37 "No, no... We're just going to shout and then
34:39 the walls are going to come down. "
34:42 You know what I imagine? I imagine this long column of
34:45 people walking and these two guys having a conversation
34:48 and the second one stopping
34:50 and they all just kind of walk in and bump into each other.
34:52 Like bump... Just what I imagine.
34:56 Hope you don't mind me imagining that
34:58 but that's what I imagine.
34:59 "Hold on! " "We're going to shout
35:02 and you said... you said what? " "No, no, really. The walls
35:05 are going to fall down. " "You know, I'll be honest:
35:08 I have wondered about Joshua. "
35:11 "I reckon he's lost his marbles! "
35:14 And the first guy says: "No... just trust him.
35:17 Has he ever led us astray yet? "
35:18 "No. " "And Moses reckons he's the man. " "All right. "
35:22 "Blessing of God seems to be upon him. "
35:24 I think those poor fellows walking around Jericho were
35:27 the people of great faith. Joshua got it straight from God.
35:29 He was convinced. They had to believe HIM.
35:34 And somehow they were convinced that if they walked and if they
35:37 shouted the great walls of a great city
35:40 would just go... come falling on down
35:42 and then deliverance would be theirs.
35:44 How could that happen?
35:45 Because the battle was not theirs but it was God's! Amen!
35:50 Come on now... I've got a question for you:
35:52 who's fighting your battles?
35:54 Who? Who's fighting your battles?
35:57 God fought the battle of Jericho! It was GOD!
36:01 The next story: "Here's what I'd like you to do:
36:04 dig ditches. " "Phew! You want us to do what? "
36:08 "No, really... trust Me, " God says.
36:10 "Dig ditches. " So they dug ditches, and when the folks
36:14 came over the hill they saw those things.
36:16 "Oh, blood! Oh my goodness! " How does that happen?
36:19 How about this other time when there's a famine in Samaria
36:23 II Kings 6... bleeds into chapter 7.
36:27 There's a famine. The Syrian army has got them surrounded.
36:31 Remember that? So much so
36:34 that they were spending a king's ransom on food
36:38 that wasn't even food.
36:40 They would buy a donkey's head. A donkey is an unclean animal.
36:43 They were buying that for like 80 pieces of silver.
36:46 They would buy the fourth part of a cab of dove's dung.
36:49 I don't even know how much that is. Not much!
36:52 They were buying bird manure.
36:53 What for? Not to put on their garden, man!
36:56 This was food!
36:58 These people were desperate... desperate!
37:01 The lepers outside came to their senses
37:04 and they said: "What are we doing waiting out here?
37:06 There's no food in there for them to give us anyhow! "
37:08 "Let's go out to the Syrians. They'll probably kill us
37:12 but we're going to die anyway!
37:13 Let's give it a shot. "
37:15 Off they went. Do you know what God did?
37:18 Do you know? God sent a noise!
37:23 The Syrians heard the noise and said: "Oh my goodness!
37:28 Mercenaries... let's go! " And they ran!
37:31 They left the food; they left their valuables;
37:34 they left their gold and silver.
37:36 They left clothing; they left their tents.
37:38 They just "high-tailed it" out of there!
37:41 Another time: heathen were coming against God's people.
37:45 It was over. "What do we do now? "
37:48 That king got word from another part of his kingdom:
37:50 "There's trouble... we've got to get out of here. "
37:52 And suddenly they were delivered.
37:54 Time and time and time and time again
37:56 God's people were delivered without even firing a shot -
37:59 Amen - because GOD fought their battles.
38:03 He was taking care of them.
38:05 I'm not suggesting we live in some kind of a fantasy world
38:07 where hardships don't come and we don't have real battles
38:10 to fight... but when we fight them
38:12 who's fighting your battles?
38:15 If you are fighting your battles you're going to lose.
38:17 If God is fighting your battles, you cannot lose...
38:21 even if it looks like defeat.
38:24 Jesus said to some fellows in a boat:
38:25 "Let's go to the other side of the lake. "
38:27 Halfway across, you know, the wind is blowing,
38:30 the rain is coming down, there's water getting in the boat.
38:32 They're bailing out to save their lives, and Jesus is
38:35 sleeping in the back of the boat.
38:37 They wake Him up. "Don't You care that we're about to die? "
38:40 One gospel writer said that they were "in jeopardy. "
38:43 I just love the language.
38:44 Sure... they were in jeopardy, all right.
38:46 "Jesus! We're in jeopardy... what're You going to do? "
38:49 He said: "Oh ye of... " Little faith!
38:55 Doesn't that seem a little strange to you?
39:00 "Ye of little faith. "
39:02 "Jesus, You'd be drowning right now if it wasn't for us. "
39:09 "Oh ye of little faith. "
39:11 "Where does He get off calling us ye of little faith? "
39:16 "You've been sleeping;
39:19 we've been toiling. "
39:22 But they were forgetting the battle was not theirs,
39:24 it was the Lord's.
39:25 Jesus had said: "Let us go to the... "
39:28 other side. It wouldn't have mattered if Hurricane Irma
39:33 had been bearing down on them
39:35 they were going to make it to the other side of the lake
39:38 because Jesus had said: "We are going to the other side
39:41 of the lake. " Amen! Plain and simple.
39:44 And you are half-way to the other side of the... You know,
39:46 you know, come on, now... come on, now.
39:47 Some of you... some of us, some people look around the church
39:50 and say: "Oh, I'm so discouraged by what I see. "
39:53 "I'm so discouraged because not everybody is as holy
39:55 as I am. "
40:02 "I'm so discouraged because I see some churches doing stuff
40:05 that I don't like. I see some church members doing things
40:08 that I don't like. " I'm not suggesting to you that...
40:10 that everything is well. I'm not suggesting that.
40:13 But I remember reading in the Bible
40:17 where it says: "This gospel of the kingdom
40:19 shall be preached in all the world for a witness
40:22 unto all nations. " And if I'm reading that
40:24 I remember reading that God would have a remnant
40:27 down in the last days of earth's history.
40:29 So while you may weep and cry or sigh and cry for the abomination
40:34 that you see done... all right.
40:36 But what are you forgetting?
40:38 You're forgetting that the battle is not yours'
40:40 it's God's. It's HIS CHURCH not yours'.
40:44 Never will be yours'; it's His!
40:46 He can take care of it. Amen!
40:49 He can use it.
40:51 He can purify it.
40:53 He can work with it.
40:54 Don't spit your pacifier out like a child in a stroller!
41:00 Get pouty because you don't like stuff.
41:04 Not your church!
41:10 It's still the apple of His eye! Amen!
41:15 He says "weak and enfeebled though it is
41:17 and in need of reproof and correction it is still
41:22 the one object upon this earth
41:24 upon which Christ bestows in a special sense
41:27 His supreme regard. " Hallelujah it's HIS church! Amen!
41:32 He'll fight the battles!
41:35 He'll win the battles.
41:37 You don't have to be able to figure it out.
41:39 You don't have to be able to see why.
41:41 You say: "Wow! It's uncomfortable in here. "
41:43 "There's too much water in the boat! "
41:45 He has said: "The church is going through! "
41:49 Hallelujah! It's going through. Amen!
41:51 Seems like a roller coaster for some of God's saints sometimes.
41:54 You know the people that get hurt on roller coasters?
41:58 You know who they are?
41:59 Folks who jump off... they're the ones who get hurt.
42:03 Don't jump... don't jump!
42:08 Man, I don't like those rides... I hate 'em.
42:12 You know what? I was at a... I was so blessed.
42:15 A friend took me for a flight in a private plane
42:18 not long ago in Alaska.
42:21 It was beautiful! And so it took off on a runway.
42:24 And it was like where folks were camping, you know,
42:28 and so there was a bunch of people watching and waving.
42:30 And he took off... and I should have known.
42:35 I didn't anticipate this. He turned to me and said:
42:38 "Do you get airsick? "
42:44 Why is he asking me this?
42:46 But that was very considerate.
42:48 I said: "No... I don't get airsick. "
42:52 You can't hear people on board planes...
42:55 I told him: "No, I don't get airsick.
42:57 I don't have a problem with that. " He said: "Good! "
43:06 He turned the plane around, came back along the runway
43:09 about I don't know 50' off the ground.
43:11 Vroom... Did this little fly past for the boys.
43:14 I thought: "That's nice. " And then you know what he did?
43:16 Boom! Straight up!
43:19 "Aah... " my heart was in my mouth!
43:24 I closed my eyes; I tensed up.
43:27 I hoped... I hoped he wasn't looking at me.
43:34 What option did I have then?
43:36 I could jump out!
43:39 Or I could hang on
43:41 and trust that the pilot knew what he was doing!
43:44 Let me tell you what I did... I hung on!
43:47 And the good news was: pilot knew what he was doing.
43:50 Hallelujah! Made it safely down.
43:54 Amen. Who's fighting your battles? God!
43:58 Come on, I want to look at a passage of scripture with you.
44:00 In fact, I want to look at two, so I need to speed up here.
44:03 II Chronicles chapter 20... let's go there.
44:05 This is a fantastic chapter.
44:07 II Chronicles chapter 20. I'll start in verse 1.
44:12 It came to pass after this.
44:14 II Chronicles 20:1. If you're not there you'll catch up.
44:17 It's OK. Verse 1: "It came to pass after this also
44:19 that the children of Moab and the children of Ammon
44:22 and with them other beside the Ammonites
44:25 came against Jehoshaphat in a battle. " It was not good
44:28 for Jehoshaphat. "Someone came and told them...
44:31 they said: 'They come with a great multitude against you
44:33 from beyond the sea on this side Syria. And behold
44:35 they be on Hazazon Tamar, which is En Gedi. '
44:38 Jehoshaphat feared. "
44:41 And here's what he did.
44:43 "He set himself to seek the Lord and he proclaimed a fast
44:48 throughout all Judah.
44:52 And Judah gathered themselves together. "
44:53 They came together. "Jehoshaphat stood in the congregation. "
44:55 Verse 6... here's what he said. Now you watch:
44:58 Jehoshaphat's going down.
45:01 There's no way he can win this so watch what he prays.
45:05 He says: "O Lord God of our fathers,
45:09 art not Thou God in heaven? "
45:13 Do you like that?
45:15 "Aren't You God? "
45:20 That would just about be enough.
45:23 The inference is: "If You're God we're going to be OK.
45:25 If You're not, then we're not. "
45:27 "Aren't You God? "
45:30 "Don't You rule over all the kingdoms of the heathen? "
45:33 "In Your hand is there not power and might
45:35 so that none is able to withstand Thee? "
45:37 That's what he says.
45:39 Verse 7... listen to this:
45:41 "Art not Thou our God who didst drive out the inhabitants
45:44 of this land before Thy people Israel
45:45 and you gave it to the seed of Abraham, Your friend forever?
45:49 And they dwelt there and they built a sanctuary. " And so on.
45:54 "Aren't You God? "
45:56 "Aren't we Your people? "
45:58 You know what he's doing? He's upping the ante
46:02 in this prayer with God.
46:04 He's leveraging certain truths and he's bringing them to God.
46:09 He's sharing with God what certain realities were.
46:15 In a certain sense he's painting God into a corner.
46:17 Now I know you can't do that but you know what I mean.
46:20 He's putting this all on God.
46:23 "Aren't You God? Aren't we Your people? "
46:26 "Didn't You drive these people out? "
46:28 Now look in verse 10. You've gotta love this.
46:31 "And now behold the children of Ammon and Moab
46:34 and Mount Seir who You would not let Israel invade
46:37 when they came out of the land of Egypt
46:39 but they turned from them and destroyed them not... "
46:41 Now did you get what he said?
46:43 "These are the rascals that we were going to kill
46:45 except You told us not to
46:47 and now they've come to kill us. "
46:49 In other words: "This is Your fault! "
46:53 "If only we'd killed them like we wanted
46:56 we wouldn't be having this problem now. "
46:58 "See what You've done? "
47:00 We keep reading:
47:02 "O our God, will You not judge them
47:04 for we have no might against this great company
47:07 that comes against us... neither do we know what to do. "
47:10 Listen: "But our eyes are upon Thee! "
47:13 Amen! Who's fighting your battles?
47:16 Friday afternoon is coming.
47:18 Who's fighting your battles?
47:20 Jehoshaphat knew who would fight theirs.
47:22 They got together: the mighty men, the children,
47:25 the wives... they all got together.
47:29 And then the prophet said:
47:31 "Don't be afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude"
47:33 Verse 15: "for the battle is not yours but God's! " Amen!
47:39 Who is fighting your battle, Jehoshaphat?
47:42 And you know what happened here?
47:43 You know what happened here?
47:46 In fact, we need to read it... it's just magnificent.
47:50 In verse 22 it says: "And when they began to sing and praise"
47:55 So here's what I'm wanting to see:
47:58 I want to see God's people get disagreed with
48:01 and then sing and pray or sing and praise in response.
48:07 When someone insults you, go ahead: sing and praise.
48:10 These aren't Bible stories, man. These are prescriptions! Amen!
48:16 When the board meeting vote looks like it's going south
48:21 and you're about to lose your experience,
48:24 sing and praise.
48:26 Their existence was on the line.
48:29 And when they began to sing and praise
48:33 THEN "the Lord sent ambushments against the children of Ammon,
48:37 Moab, and Mount Seir
48:39 which were come against Judah
48:42 and they were smitten. " You know why?
48:45 I'm not trying to re-write the Bible here, but I'm imagining
48:47 with you that if they did not sing and praise
48:50 this may not have happened.
48:52 Because God said: "Get the sing- ers out; get the praisers out.
48:55 Come on now... sing and praise. "
48:56 "The children of Ammon and Moab stood up against the inhabitants
48:59 of Mount Seir utterly to slay and destroy them.
49:02 And when they made an end of the inhabits of Seir
49:04 everyone helped to destroy another. "
49:06 Hallelujah! I mean, I'm not rejoicing in the bloodshed.
49:10 I'm rejoicing in the deliverance.
49:11 Amen! They turned on themselves.
49:14 What? How does that happen?
49:17 God moved. Who was fighting their battle?
49:19 God was fighting their battle.
49:22 Who's fighting your battles? God!
49:26 Thursday night: Jesus on His knees crying out to God
49:30 "Not My will... Your will be done. "
49:32 Sins of the world are starting to press down upon Him.
49:36 Starts to sweat blood.
49:38 Diapedesis they call it.
49:41 I don't want that. Jesus said: "I already told You
49:44 if it's possible let it pass from Me.
49:46 But if this is the road I ought to walk
49:48 I'm going to walk it... You will give Me strength. "
49:51 Who's fighting... who's fighting your battles?
49:54 There's another passage. I'm going to leave II Chronicles
49:56 and go to another passage with you.
49:58 This is Martin Luther's book:
50:00 Romans, and Romans chapter 7. Let's look at this.
50:03 Who's fighting your battles?
50:05 We can talk in generalities and we can talk about
50:10 the big picture, but let's "zero" it down now
50:13 and see if we can get ourselves in the frame.
50:16 Each of us. Romans chapter 7.
50:20 And I want to start reading
50:24 in verse 14.
50:26 "For we know that the law is spiritual
50:28 but I am carnal... sold under sin. "
50:32 Paul say: "I am carnal... sold under sin.
50:35 For that which I do I allow not;
50:38 what I would, that I do not.
50:40 What I hate, that I do. "
50:43 He says: "If I do that I would not, I consent to the law
50:46 that it's good. It's no more I that do it
50:48 but sin that dwells in me. "
50:51 "I know that in me in my flesh dwells no good thing;
50:54 to will is present with me but how to perform that which is
50:56 good I find not. "
51:00 "For the good that I would I do not, but the evil which I
51:03 would not that I do. " You know the funniest thing about this
51:05 is there are some people instead of learning from it
51:08 they want to argue about whether this is the converted Paul
51:10 or the unconverted Paul.
51:16 There are some ninnies around.
51:22 You know, Paul said "I. "
51:26 He didn't say: "Let's pass this; put it in reverse and back up
51:29 twenty years. " But you say, you say
51:32 "Well it has to be the unconverted Paul
51:34 because the converted Paul wouldn't say this. "
51:36 OK, I'm going to ask you a question: Are you converted?
51:38 Your answer is "yes... " Your answer is "yes. "
51:40 Are you converted? Your answer is "yes. "
51:43 So: are you converted? "Yes! " All right... yes.
51:46 Have you ever had a battle like this?
51:48 Yes. OK... so you were unconverted all of a sudden?
51:52 Are we saying that only unconverted people struggle?
51:57 Paul is talking. It doesn't matter converted or unconverted.
51:59 He's talking about anybody
52:02 who is letting their grip on God loosen
52:06 and is ceasing to find the strength in Christ
52:10 that He makes available
52:11 and is starting to shift their focus off where it ought to be.
52:15 Because suddenly when you let your grip of Jesus go
52:18 you start to drift and you don't have the power to do
52:20 what you know you should or not do that which you know
52:23 you should not do.
52:25 So let's "zero in" on this here.
52:29 "Now if I do that which I would not... "
52:32 verse 20... "it's no more I that do it but sin that dwells in me.
52:35 I find a law then that when I would do good evil is present
52:38 with me. " How frustrating is this?
52:40 You want to do the right thing but maybe your prayer life
52:43 has slackened the last couple of days
52:45 or your blood sugar is low or there's some real difficult
52:49 situations at work or at home or the children are giving you
52:51 grief or your parents... somebody is giving you grief.
52:56 And then you're not thinking straight and your faith
52:58 slips a little bit. "I delight in the law of God
53:02 after the inward man but I see another law in my members
53:05 warring against the law of my mind
53:07 and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin
53:09 which is in my members. " I go to church; I tithe;
53:12 I pray; I think I eat well.
53:14 I exercise... OK, I lie, too, evidently.
53:22 I do all these things that good Christians are meant to do
53:25 but right now I'm struggling. There's this temptation
53:29 and I want to go right but I can hardly go right.
53:31 I don't want to go that way but I'm getting drawn that way.
53:35 It's really against my will but ultimately it's not
53:39 because it's all a matter of the will.
53:41 What do I do? Have you ever had that experience?
53:43 Yes... oh yes you have.
53:46 Oh yes you have.
53:48 You cry out to God. You say: "God, I've been in church
53:51 forty years... I'm still selfish. "
53:56 "I've still got a dirty mind. "
53:58 "Raised in a Christian home... I still lie. "
54:02 Or whatever it might be. You are capable of
54:05 writing in that gap.
54:08 And then you cry out like Paul cries out
54:10 in verse 24: "O wretched man that I am! "
54:14 "O wretched woman that I am! Who shall deliver me
54:20 from the body of this death? "
54:23 There's a question.
54:26 Paul said: "I mean, I can't do it. "
54:28 "I'm in a battle; it's a war I cannot win. "
54:31 "She says these things. Ah, I just strike back.
54:35 You know I shouldn't... I know I shouldn't. "
54:38 "I'm surfing and I see a link to a website.
54:41 I know, I know I shouldn't. Aah! "
54:43 "Who's gonna deliver me from the body of this death? "
54:48 And then Paul writes... he doesn't leave us hanging:
54:52 he gives us the answer right here in verse 25.
54:55 "I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord!
54:59 With the mind I serve the law of God; with the flesh the law
55:01 of sin. " But he's thankful now. He says it's a body of death.
55:04 "I'm drawn this way. In and of myself
55:07 I cannot win the battle. "
55:09 Who's fighting your battle?
55:10 Paul said: "When I fight my battles
55:13 I cannot win. But when God is fighting my battles
55:19 victory! " And then the next verse is one of the most
55:22 profound phrases in the history of literature.
55:28 Romans 8 verse 1:
55:30 "There is therefore now no condemnation
55:35 to them which are in Christ Jesus
55:37 who walk not after the flesh
55:40 but after the Spirit. "
55:42 How do you walk after the Spirit? By praying the prayer
55:45 that says: "Nevertheless not My will
55:48 but Thy will be done. "
55:49 Amen! "Lead me in the way everlasting. "
55:52 "Not what I want... it's what You want. "
55:55 That's how you walk in the Spirit.
55:58 By saying: "I'd rather not go to the cross. "
56:00 And you know God calls us to go to the cross every day.
56:03 Every day!
56:05 Paul said: "I die daily. "
56:07 Jesus said: "Take up your cross daily and follow Me. "
56:12 We don't want to be crucified! Who wants that?
56:17 But we pray the prayer Jesus prayed:
56:20 "Nevertheless not My will but Your will be done. "
56:25 How do you feel about that?
56:27 "There is therefore now no condemnation. "
56:30 God could have condemned you 10,000 times already.
56:34 But when you yield your life to Jesus
56:36 there's no condemnation. No condemnation!
56:40 Help me find better news. You can't!
56:43 There's no condemnation.
56:45 Who's fighting your battles? Who?
56:47 Let God fight your battle... let God fight your...
56:49 What's your battle now? What's your battle?
56:51 Think of what your battle is and give it to God
56:55 and say: "God fight this battle; God fight this battle. "
56:57 Come on, let's pray now. Father in heaven,
57:00 our hearts are Yours. They are.
57:02 We act a lot of the time as though they're not
57:05 but they are... our hearts are Yours.
57:07 So keep them. If the battle is not ours but Yours,
57:11 then fight our battle.
57:12 Fight that battle. Don't let us lose.
57:15 We lean on You; we trust in You; we love You.
57:17 You MUST do this for us 'cause we can't do it ourselves.
57:20 We thank you tonight and we pray gratefully
57:23 in Jesus' name. Come on, let's say together:
57:25 Amen and amen.


Revised 2018-01-31